Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 468 This is only once in this life

It was already late when a group of people came back from a walk.

A few people can be squeezed into the three guest rooms of the Yi family, and a few more rooms can be squeezed into, so the accommodation issue has been arranged.

Of course, this kind of thing seems to the Yi family to be a normal issue when guests come and stay.

For this matter, the emperor's guards had already explored the entire Xihe Village before. Some of the guards even talked to nearby villagers, just like strangers communicating politely with locals.

Now that he has come to Yuezhou and Yi Shuyuan's home, of course the emperor cannot just have a meal and then go back. As he himself mentioned, because the opportunity is precious, he cherishes it very much.

Traveling north to Kuonan Mountain, you can see the beautiful scenery in winter, stand on the top of the mountain and look at Cangshan Mountain in the distance, sing folk songs and step on the snow, see ancient pines and green trees, and visit the old temple of the mountain god;

Take a boat ride on the Xihe River and enter the E River, watch the rolling blue waves, listen to the strange stories of picking winter lotus flowers, and fish in the Hanjiang River together;

Perhaps the most important thing for the emperor was to have the opportunity to talk freely with Yi Shuyuan, not just about state affairs, but from legends to astronomy and geography, from folk stories to dynasty changes.

The emperor found that no matter what happened, he and Mr. Yi had a great time chatting with each other. They always had a great time chatting and always found surprises.

Not to mention Yi Shuyuan's excellent storytelling skills, he is also proficient in music and is good at controlling string music.

You can enter the halls of elegance and celebrities, and you can blend in with folk customs at the bottom. You will not be burdened by class or restricted by prejudice.

Before coming to Yuanjiang County, the emperor, Tan Yuanshang and others thought they knew Yi Shuyuan relatively well and knew that he was a great talent.

So after coming to Yuanjiang County, not to mention the emperor and others, even the guards who came with him could only express their admiration that the gentleman was "extraordinary" and not like an ordinary person.

But Yi Shuyuan said that this was the accumulation of decades of life. If he were an official in the government, he would not be so "wonderful".

On the 20th of the twelfth lunar month, the emperor, who had lived in the Yi family for almost ten days, was finally ready to return to Beijing. It was not that he did not want to stay for a while, but that he had many important tasks after the new year, and it was time to leave after calculating the time.

As for celebrating the New Year, it’s the same thing if you’re on the road.

This time, the building boat sailed directly to the Xihekou section of the Ejiang River. The Yi family rowed several small boats, and the emperor and Tan Yuanshang arrived at the shore of the Xihekou.

There is deep water on one side, just right for the building boat to touch the shore, and the springboard has been set up.

As for the carriages and horses they came with, Tan Yuanshang generously gave them directly to the Yi family, which made the Yi family very embarrassed. They refused repeatedly but could not refuse. Finally, Yi Shuyuan persuaded them to accept.

At the mouth of the West River, Yi Shuyuan, the emperor and others first landed from the small boat, and then walked to the big boat there. This is also where Yi Shuyuan likes to come when fishing.

In addition to Yi Shuyuan, Yi Baokang, Yi Yongan and Yi Abao were also accompanied by three generations of their ancestors, but they were traveling a little further.

Beside the boat, everyone stopped and looked at each other without saying anything. It was Yi Shuyuan who spoke first.

"Yi will be sent here!"

The old emperor looked at Yi Shuyuan and finally began to speak in a low voice.

"Mr. Yi, I know you don't want to move anymore, but I still hope that you can follow me back to Beijing. As the Crown Prince and Tutor, I hope that Mr."

"His Majesty."

Yi Shuyuan interrupted the emperor's words. Perhaps Dayong was the only one who could do so without any psychological burden.

"Yi is getting old and doesn't want to get involved in it in his later years. He has been away for decades and now he just wants to stay at home. I hope your majesty will make it happen!"

The emperor looked at Yi Shuyuan and said nothing for a long time. But now Yi Baokang and others had also followed, and it seemed that there was no chance to say anything more.

"Oh, our family didn't entertain us well. It's best to send someone to notify you in advance next time you come, or set a date today. We will treat you well next time!"

Yi Baokang said this, although the Yi family has given the best, the habit of the villagers is to be modest.

The old emperor looked at the old man and couldn't help but smile with relief.

"Then it's settled. If I have a chance to come again, I will notify you in advance!"

"Okay, okay, my brother, the workers, the dignitaries don't dislike our rural place, our Yi family will definitely take notice!"

Yi Abao on the side was really sweating when he heard his grandfather calling the emperor brother, and he didn't dare to say a word.

"Hahahaha good!"

The emperor smiled, Tan Yuanshang on one side was also very happy, and even Zhang Liangxi didn't feel unhappy at all. The rest of the Tan family had weird reactions, mainly because they wanted to laugh but didn't dare.

After laughing for a while, the emperor took the initiative to hand over to Yi Shuyuan and others.

"Mr. Yi, Brother Yi and everyone else, I'm leaving!"

The Yi family returned the gift together.

"Oh, have a nice trip!" "Be careful on the road!"

The emperor nodded, but saw Yi Shuyuan stepping forward at this moment.

Under normal circumstances, the guards on one side would almost become alert reflexively, but then they would relax.

Yi Shuyuan took out a half-foot-long scroll from his sleeve and handed it to the old emperor in front of him with both hands.

"I have nothing to give, so I wrote something randomly. Please accept it, Your Majesty!"

The emperor was slightly surprised before taking it, and laughed belatedly.

"Speaking of which, Mr. Yi's calligraphy is also a treasure. I forgot to ask for it this time. Alas, I am really old!"

"We all forgot about this matter. Mr. Yi is so knowledgeable that he forgot about it just by chatting with him about other things!"

"Mr. Tan is right!"

Tan Yuanshang said this with a smile, and Zhang Liangxi also agreed, but in fact, he had mentioned this matter to Yi Shuyuan privately a few nights ago.

"Brother Yi, your brother's calligraphy is worth a lot of money. Those chariots and horses can't even match it. Now we make a profit!"

Yi Baokang smiled happily and said that his brother's handwriting was good, but it was not so valuable. While he was being humble and polite, the emperor also opened the unframed scroll in front of Yi Shuyuan.

Yi Shuyuan had no intention of showing off his literary skills. This time he borrowed the literary spirit of the poet Li Bai.

It was a poem called "The Road Is Difficult". I just replaced the words Yellow River and Taihang with Ejiang and Taicang, but the artistic conception of the poem remained unchanged at all.

In other words, when it comes to Li Bai, he is somewhat complaining about his lack of talent, but when it comes to Emperor Dayong, it is the most appropriate motivational struggle!

The emperor looked at the natural calligraphy of the iron painting and silver hook, and also read the words displayed in the calligraphy.

The emperor naturally didn't know who Li Bai was. In his eyes, this was Mr. Yi's poem to describe people.

It was Yi Shuyuan, a rare man in the world, who recognized the emperor's hardships and achievements in governing the country and the country, and also highlighted the emperor's wishes. At the same time, it was also a blessing!

“There will be times when strong winds and waves break, so you can hang your sails and sail across the sea.”

The emperor murmured, looked at Yi Shuyuan with a glint in his eyes, and bowed again with the scroll in hand.

"Thank you sir! Thank you so much!"

Yi Shuyuan also returned the gift solemnly and said softly.

"Your Majesty, take care!"

"Take care, sir!"

After several salutes and send-offs, the Yi family finally stood on the bank of the mouth of the Xihe River and watched the building ship gradually go away.

Until this moment, Yi Baokang and his son were still laughing and talking about how extraordinary these guests were, while Yi Abao was filled with emotion but also breathed a sigh of relief.

When we went back, Yi Yong An Lai wanted to fish here. Yi Baokang didn't tell him anything today and just let him go. He left a small boat here and told him to go home in the afternoon.

The others boarded the boats and went home.

Yi Abao deliberately went on a boat with Yi Shuyuan. When Yi Shuyuan was rowing, he sat near the stern of the boat.

The boat moved forward slowly, and the water waves caused by the oars and the boat melted at the ice on the bank of the West River. It was not until this moment that Yi Abao considered asking.

"Uncle, is Mr. Gong the current Saint?"

Yi Shuyuan, who was rowing the boat, looked at his grandnephew with a smile on his face.

"I thought you would come and ask on the first night, but I didn't expect you to be quite calm. You didn't ask until he was gone!"

Yi Abao scratched his head.

"To be honest, aren't you afraid of violating taboos? Then you won't dare to ask."

"Hahahaha. Do you think His Majesty doesn't know? If he didn't have this kind of mind, he wouldn't be who he is."

Yi Abao's eyes lit up. So Grandpa Uncle's opinion of the Holy One is really very high?

"Does your kid want to be an official?"

Hearing Grandpa Uncle say this with a smile, Yi Abao hesitated and shook his head.

“I know very well how much I weigh, so I’d better save my time and calculate it.”

Saying this, Yi Abao asked curiously.

"By the way, uncle, what is written on the scroll you gave to the Holy One?"

Hearing Yi Abao's words, Yi Shuyuan still smiled.

"I won't tell you!"


On the Tan family building boat sailing in E River, looking towards the west mouth of the river, the Yi family had disappeared from sight.

The wind and snow started to pick up, and patches of white catkins fell down, making it a lot colder on the boat.

The emperor was still a little disappointed, fearing that he would never have the chance to meet Mr. Yi again, and it would only be this once in his life!

"Your Majesty, come into the cabin, it's snowing!"

Zhang Liangxi persuaded, while Tan Yuanchang on the side kept staring at the scroll in the emperor's hand.

"Your Majesty, let us take a look at what Mr. Yi wrote. I have tools and craftsmen on board, just in time to help you frame it!"

"Oh, that's just right!"

The emperor looked at Tan Yuanshang, replied with a smile, and then entered the cabin with everyone.

The cabin was as warm as spring, and the papers given by Yi Shuyuan were spread out on the table. Tan Yuanshang, Zhang Liangxi and others gathered around, and some of the guards nearby subconsciously craned their necks to look.

The very clever and magnificent calligraphy was also displayed in front of everyone.

Gold bottles of wine are worth ten thousand dollars, and jade plates of delicacies are worth ten thousand dollars.

Stopping the cup and throwing chopsticks, I can't eat. I draw my sword and look around at a loss.

If you want to cross the E River, which is blocked by ice, you will climb up to the snow-covered mountain in Tai Cang.

When I was free to fish on the Bixi River, I suddenly took a boat and dreamed of the sun.

Traveling is difficult! Traveling is difficult! There are many different roads, where are you now?

There will be times when the wind blows and the waves break, so hang up your sails and sail across the sea!

Traveling is difficult - at the end of the 29th year of Chengxing, it was given to Emperor Dayong!

At the end, a seal is pressed. Although the seal script is ancient, it is not difficult to identify. It should be "Yi Daozi".

Seeing this letter, everyone present had emotions in their hearts. People who were close to him, such as Zhang Liangxi and Tan Yuanshang, could more or less feel the same way as the emperor.

It was also after everyone had appreciated the calligraphy that Emperor Dayong wrote the edict on the canonization of the crown prince on the ship returning to the capital.

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