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Chapter 1063: 7 love fairies, do another experiment

This world really has "the way of the devil".

The mixed doomsday golden doom and the devil's way are integrated on both sides. The "avenue of evil" of Taishi Demon ancestors also includes "heart demon".

"You‘ heart monsters ’are just half a step away from the golden immortals. There is n’t even a heart magic door that is the right way to acquire the acquired.”

Play together, Li Yu is going to mess up again!

"Yu Yutian also has a guy named" Seven Love Fairies ". Although it is only a sublime Jindan Sanxiu, it is also sufficient as an experimental object."

With a wave of his hand, he passed the "Devil of the Demon" just released to the clone who stayed in Penglai.

"Fuck a Jindan to repair, just use the avatar. There are still many good things here."

Inside the chaotic floods is a place called "Missed Road".

This kind of "lost lane" is because the Three Thousand Avenue has not yet evolved and there is only one and a few incomplete highways.

"Anyway, it's idle, so it's better to study the incomplete laws of heaven and earth from these‘ lost and mixed paths ’.”

Li Yu smiled, stepped into the chaotic floods, and went to find the "lost-way mixed hole" to study the principles of the avenue, without disturbing the chaotic hidden mysterious vine.

Penglai Island.

Li Yu's avatar received the "Heaven Demon Avenue" from the body, and shook his head with a smile.

The spirit and soul are one, and there is no difference in thought between the body and the clone.

"Okay! It's exactly what I like to do best."

His body flickered, breaking through the void, Li Yu's avatar rushed into the air, and hurried toward the West Wasteland.

On the periphery of Xihuang, the area of ​​Tianji City is the site of the casual repair alliance, which brings together most of Yu Yutian's casual repairs.

"Seven Love Fairies" naturally appeared in this area.

Soon, Li Yu found the "Seven Love Fairies" in a ... green building.

"Open the Qinglou, open the gambling house, collect the miscellaneous desires on earth, is this the way of the" Qingqing Fairy "practice? Really interesting."

After finding the lord, Li Yu was not in a hurry.

I found a restaurant in Tianji City and called for a wine dish. Li Yu was drinking and waiting for the time, and he planned to create an opportunity.

"Hetu was born with the innate Lingbao, and was born with the‘ too easy ’way to control destiny. After I tested my luck, I was just still idle, so I used this opportunity to study destiny!”

Hetu "Tai Yi Fairy" is a good friend of Yu Shenxiao and Qing Yunzi. Numerous years have been trying to find ways to revenge Qing Yunzi, and he can be regarded as an elder of Shi Xuan.

Li Yu didn't mean to wrest his wrist with He Tu, just researched it, not to grab the way of destiny, naturally there was no need for conflict.

"The process of order is fate. So fate is here!"

Although Li Yu's avatar is only in the realm of Yuanshen, in the practice of this world, he still follows the origin of "order" and "material".

It is not difficult to change the "order" of some things slightly.

One hit, one's "gambling luck" fell sharply in the gambling hall.

"Grass! Can a pair of 'Sky Cards' also lose?"

A man in a brocade, staring dumbfounded at his pair of "Sky Cards", was eaten by the dealer's "three o'clock and six o'clock".

Ten thousand down the spirit stone, and lost an instant.

"I won't believe it! Come again!"

One touch of the storage bag found that there was no spirit stone inside. The prince of Jinpao gritted his teeth and took out a simple sign. "This is the entrance sign of a cave house in Xihuang. It is worth millions of spirits!"

"Zhangzi, this thing ..."

The dealer at the casino saw the token and shook his head silently, "Zhanggongzi, this thing ... we are not good at value. Otherwise, you go to Jumbo Pavilion?"

A broken brand, also said that it is worth a million spirit stones? What Dongfu gate, who knows the truth?

"What? Don't accept it? What is my identity as Zhang Fugui? What's the difference? If not for a short time, how can these treasures bet on you?"

As if being greatly insulted, the Zhang Gong suddenly became furious, yelling at the dealer.

"Huh? Someone is making trouble?"

Hu Shan, a "sentimental fairy" practicing in the quiet room upstairs, frowned slightly when she heard the movement below, "I'd like to see who dares to make trouble here."

With a cold hum, Qiqing Fairy stepped out of the door and came to the gambling hall.

"what happened?"

The Qiqing Fairy Anyway, is also the master of Jindan, and he asked with a whisper, the looming Jindan prestige made the crowd in the gambling hall suddenly lag.

"Dong Jia, this Zhang Gongzi wants to use this thing to mortgage a million spirit stones. I ..."

The dealer pointed at the quaint token on the gambling table and looked helpless.

"Qiqing Fairy, who is Zhang Fugui? How can I falsify? This thing is the gate of a cave house in Xihuang. The harvest of a cave house is definitely worth millions."

Zhang Gongzi pointed at the order sign and said to Qiqing Fairy. There was a sneer in my heart. You are Jin Dan, my father is also Jin Dan, and he is still a top quality Jin Dan. The boy said it was worth millions. Do you admit it?

"Zhangzi, I'm afraid you made a mistake."

The Qiqing Fairy formed Jindan by the way of emotion. How could she not feel the thoughts of Zhang Gongzi? With a sneer, Hu Shan reached out and grabbed Zhang Gongzi.

"Your father is Jin Dan, and you are Jin Dan. These are two different things! When you become Jin Dan, play this set with me!"

He waved and smashed Zhang Gong directly out of the casino.

"Seven love fairies, you wait!"

Putting a rude remark, Zhang Gongzi fled away.

"Junk stuff, how dare you extort money from your mother?"

With a cold hum, Hu Shan was so angry that he grabbed the sign left by Zhang Gongzi on the gaming table and was about to throw it out.


Just grabbing this piece of charm, the Qiqing in his body turned into a violent shock.

"Is this really a treasure?"

Qiqing Fairy's heart tightened, but the expression on her face remained unchanged. Understatedly put away the order sign ~ ~ Qiqing Fairy turned and returned to the room upstairs.

"What is this? Why is it that I am so angry?"

The Seven Love Fairy's "Seven Love and Six Desires to Refine God True Method" is an incomplete piece of work on a broken jade book that she accidentally obtained.

For many years, Qiqing Fairy has been searching for news of this practice and sees if it can find the next practice.

Jin Dan was formed, and his life increased by six hundred.

But ... the lower grade Jindan is hopeless.

Shouyuan decreases every day, but there is no way forward. This torture has made the Qiqing Fairy impatient.

"Is this token related to my exercises?"

My heart was shocked and happy, and the Qiqing Fairy quickly ran "Qiqing Zhenqi" into the order.


With a trembling sound, Fu Run turned into a colorful brilliance, integrated into the knowledge of the Seven Love Fairies.

"The human heart is immortal, and the heart demon is immortal! The heart demon avenue, the seven emotions and six desires to refining the gold body.

A mysterious and unpredictable exercise method manifested in the mind of the Seven Love Fairies.

Seeing the Gongfa information, Qiqing Fairy is already scared!

"Coinciding the Golden Immortal? The true story of the demon avenue, seven emotions, six desires, and thirteen directing to the true story of the golden immortal?

Seeing the information in his head, Qiqing Fairy ... turned and ran!

I got this kind of thing from Zhang Fugui. If you do n’t run, would n’t it be dead if someone came to seek revenge?

"Fate ... wonderful!"

Li Yu saw that the line of destiny on the Seven Love Fairies had undergone tremendous changes.

She would have fallen into a treasure hunt after decades. But now, her destiny has changed.

"If fate changes, luck and cause are changing! It really is the way of fate."

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