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Chapter 1062: The way of dreams opens the brain

"Jin Dan and Yuan Shen are much more stable in the end. M."

The battle for the rankings in the practice world, only the "genius list" during the air induction period, is very fierce. Almost no one challenged the Grand Masters and Fairies.

Let's not talk about the Supreme Master. Even if it is the master list of Jindan. Formed a top-quality Jindan, Daoxin has long been pure and immaculate, and it is impossible to fight for vanity.

As for Jindan Jindan and Jindan Jindan, although they want to challenge, they are not even qualified for the list.

Dan Gao Yipin, Tianyuan's farewell.

There is no Chinese and inferior Jindan, dare to challenge the superior Jindan.

"However, my experiments are basically complete! All the verifications have been verified."

After experimenting with "The Way of Qi Yun" in this world, and deepened the understanding of "Qi Yun", Li Yu was too lazy to pay attention to those lists.

"In addition to luck and fame, this list is also a test of the heart. The loser can test the heart. The winner can also test his heart. See if he can maintain his own heart before glory."

So, boss Li is getting tired again!

"There is a guy named Silent Daozu who wants to enter the third step of Hedao. He needs to join the yin and yang ways. He must have a dispute with Shi Xuan."

Li Yu looked up at the sky, shook her head with a smile, "Don't be nervous. You are just a boss in Shi Xuan's promotion. I'm definitely not going to shoot."

The ancestral Taoist ancestor killed Qing Yunzi, and calculated that, no one in this world can practice the yin and yang path, and he no longer pays attention to Yu Yutian.

Then ... he was crippled!

"A Jinxian Taoist ancestor can't count a little monk related to his enlightenment. Who would believe it if there were no Yuyu Taoists in it?"

Li Yu shook her head for a while.

"I don't need to pay attention to these broken things. Next, the clone still has to practice quickly. Ontology, you can go to a chaotic flood."

There is a special place in this void universe.

This place is an area in the void universe that has not yet completed its final evolution.

The laws of heaven and earth are chaotic. There are raging earth, water and wind, tumbling energy storms, and large and small black holes. Of course, there are all kinds of semi-finished products.

There are countless earths and stars in the chaotic floods, and there are also various floods and wild beasts.

For example, Jiufeng, Candle Dragon, Yingzhao, Six-eared Macaque, Dijiang, Fei Yi, and so on. In essence, these wild animals are also the first creatures after the birth of the Void Universe.

Compared with the long-distorted guys in the outer demons, the chaotic floods and wild beasts have no long-distortion. They ... just are not complete.

They have supernatural powers, mana, and natural avenue power, but ... they have no brains.

The wild beast has no intelligence, just like an ordinary beast. Although Tianxian, even half-step Jinxian-level floods and wild beasts are everywhere, those with wisdom are extremely rare.

"There is a chaotic hidden mysterious vine, which is this kind of flood-waste creature. It gave birth to spiritual wisdom, and was promoted to a half-step golden fairy. Based on the ontological chaotic hidden mysterious vine, it turned into a great Southern hidden world and opened a too vague view. No. Dive. "

The ancestors who do not become the golden immortal are the pawns of the avenue dispute. This sneak channel is also a **** character.

Of course, chess pieces are not chess pieces, and Li Yu has no interest.

However ... Li Yu is still very interested in the "dream way" of Qiandaozi.

"I've seen the illusion of Dalou Tianzun, and I'm also interested in the way of dreams in this world. Maine, if you look at you poorly, you should appreciate flowers."

Li Yu's body stood up and stepped out, ignoring the distance in the space, and instantly came into the chaos and famine.

"It really is chaotic floods, really chaotic!"

Ground water, fire and wind gush, energy storms are raging, and various incomplete roads are stirred between heaven and earth. One by one, black holes are emerging, and void voids are born and destroyed.

"Besides the Celestial Being, unless you find a peaceful place, you can't survive at all."

Li Yu looked up and looked forward, and there was a calm place over there.

It was a land floating in a storm of energy, like a flat boat floating in the raging sea.

"Sneak down, are you hiding here?"

On the ground, Li Yu saw an unremarkable vine wrapped around a giant tree.

"Turn yourself into an ordinary vine, without revealing any aura, and showing no strangeness at all, this is a disaster shelter!"

The dreamy way of chaotic Hidden Vine is the key to Zulong's daughter, half step Jinxian Aoli. Therefore, the subconscious can only hide the body and show people with dreams.

"You dare to show people in dreams, also because there are five elements of Zu Kongji to help you cover up the secret, otherwise it is not so bold."

Li Yu smiled and walked silently to the vine.

Chaos is invisible and without traces, the submarine doesn't even feel that someone is peeping.

"You're just a vine, and naturally you can't be voyeuristic."

Looking at the vine with a smile, in Li Yu's eyes, the chaotic hidden Xuan vine has already shown the true face.

A dark green immortal vine is dazzling. The vines are entwined and twisted into a large world. A dream world "Southern Great World".

In this "dream world", there are no sun, moon, and stars, but only glowing green leaves.

Green leaves are the earth.

Some are like that little island ~ ~ only a few miles away. Some are like a continent, a million miles away. Some are lonely, some are full of vitality, some are tumultuous, and some are rippling.

There are also some living things on these leaves, including humans, flowers and trees, and various beasts.

There are more than 2,700 leaves, each with a trace of avenue.

"Want to evolve the Three Thousand Avenues, complete the world of dreams, and combine the way of dreams, to achieve the ancestor of the Golden Immortal? Unfortunately, there is still a lot to go."

Li Yu looked at the vine and looked carefully at the dreamy way.

"Beginning with the dreams of beings, I realize the power of dreams, so that I can understand the truth of truth, illusion, and the way of dreams.

This path is very interesting.

The way of dreams, the power of beings' dreams, this thing is somewhat similar to the shinto method of incense becoming god.

It is also the power to gather the minds of all sentient beings, but the way of dreams does not require faith, or the worship of incense, as long as it can dream.

"Sure enough, we need to learn from many parties in order to touch the class bypass."

Li Yu smiled and nodded, watching the "dream path" opened his mind.

The power of dreams can come together, so ... what about fear? What about greed? What about jealousy? What about hatred?

In this way, the power of seven emotions and six desires can be brought together in the same way.

"The so-called Seven Deadly Sins, the so-called devil, or the devil, can be practiced this way!"

Can create a series of magic roads again!

Of course, integrity, compassion, courage, honesty, protection, etc., these positive emotions can also be brought out.

"This is the Demon Avenue? Haha, what a fun!"

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