Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3070 Scouts do not respect martial ethics

Another dense formation of Tu-2S bombers took the lead, carrying a sufficient number of 500-kilogram aerial bombs under the wings and belly.

The Japanese army was not simply bombed. They did not engage in any positional air defense. The ready-made anti-aircraft guns installed on the position fired.

Various 20, 25, and 37 mm anti-aircraft guns fired at once, and the barrage firepower was quite dense. The black smoke that exploded one after another in mid-air was one after another, forming a continuous cloud.

Unfortunately, the firing of the anti-aircraft artillery only lasted for less than a moment. The Japanese anti-aircraft artillerymen, who had taken off their camouflage and exposed the location of their air defense positions, were greeted by a roaring rain of blasting fire that split the sky.

"Artillery fire! Russian artillery fire! Take cover!"

The sergeant at the edge of the gun emplacement, waving his command knife, shouted at the top of his lungs. The Japanese air defense soldiers who were sitting on the anti-aircraft gun seats and firing guns also hurriedly fired their guns to escape.

But the rain of fire that filled the sky finally took the lead and fell straight down.

Boom boom boom——


The Andlyusa rocket artillery battalion, which was specially on standby to guard the exposed position of the Japanese artillery, opened fire.

Although the anti-aircraft artillery position is not a field artillery position in the strict sense, its importance is still not low and cannot be underestimated.

Moreover, clearing away the threat of ground anti-aircraft fire for air support is the job and duty of the Kulbalov division that calls for air support.

The Andlyusa rocket launcher, which is connected to the forward reconnaissance troops in real time to receive coordinate information, can stop and fire at any time without deploying, and has rapid response capabilities, fired only one salvo, and hundreds of 310 mm heavy rockets fell all over the sky. The entire Japanese air defense position was turned into a sea of ​​fire and explosions continued.

The randomly stacked anti-aircraft shells on the Japanese air defense positions became an accelerant for the explosion and catalyzed the chain reaction.

The power of the 310mm rocket barrage coverage is not small, and the continuous explosion of domino-like ammunition is even more incredible.

The movement was so loud that the chain explosions shook the earth, directly shaking the Japanese troops even far away from the killing radius.

"What's going on? Report the situation!"

Holding on to the corner of the table, he was almost knocked over by the strong earthquake. Looking at the Red Army bombers above his head that had not yet entered the bombing range, they did not start bombing. The Lieutenant General's division commander did not know why, but he did not know that this was so strong that it was comparable to Where did the big explosion like an air raid come from? I just had a bad feeling.

The "tragic news" of his combat staff officer with a mournful expression followed him with staggering steps.

"Your Excellency, Division Commander, this is bad! The Russians have used rockets and heavy artillery to cover our air defense positions! Now it is a sea of ​​fire!"

The rocket launcher itself is not a novel thing. The Japanese army has never eaten pork and has seen pigs running away. Of course, they also know that there is such a powerful type of long-range artillery.

Hearing that our own anti-aircraft positions had just opened fire, we planned to drive away the Russian bombers and protect the ground positions as far as possible from the bombing range. As a result, it was blown into a bird-like shape within two seconds, and the division commander was so angry that he almost ran away on the spot.

"Baga! Why are the Russian artillery fire so accurate!? The anti-aircraft position is obviously deep, and even if it fires, it should not be observed so quickly and accurately by the Russians from such a long distance! What is going on!?"


The combat staff who came to announce the funeral stopped talking. The chief of staff, who knew he had to speak, did not refuse to evade, so he took the initiative to step forward and spoke in a deep voice.

"Your Excellency, the division commander, is a Russian scout. The Russian scouts have been wandering around the periphery of our position."

"They occupied various commanding heights, such as slopes and hills, and used the long-range optical sighting equipment in their hands to monitor our positions at all times. They had a panoramic view of our every move, and they must have been able to feed it back in real time using radios. This led to This is the situation now.”

"Nani!? Scout? Didn't I order the scout to drive away the Russians? Why are they still there now? And they didn't tell me until now!"

"Your Excellency, Division Commander, the situation is much more complicated than we expected."

The chief of staff felt really aggrieved and couldn't express his pain.

Of course he did things like expel and annihilate the scouts who came forward against the Russians, but whether he did it or not had no direct bearing on the final result.

Just because you've done it doesn't mean it will be done well.

The Japanese infantrymen who rode sidecars and troop trucks to drive away the leader's scouts were really unexpected. Those daring Russian scouts not only didn't run away when they saw them coming, but actually drove up the chariots that accompanied them.

The machine gun, whose caliber was unknown, crackled and roared. Not only were the sidecars, motorcycles, and their vehicles beaten into parts on the spot, but even the Japanese troops in the troop transport trucks that followed were wrapped in iron and stuffed with meat. Freshly heated Japanese Teppanyaki.

Not to mention that the Russian scouts form a squad as soon as they are dispatched, and even the scouts are equipped with cannons that can fire cannons on their shoulders, plus a squad of fully/semi-automatic rifles and a light machine gun.

All kinds of light and heavy weapons burst out with full firepower. The Japanese troops who went to deal with the Russian scouts not only failed to complete the task, but also committed themselves to the task and never came back.

After learning of this situation, the Japanese chief of staff jumped in anger on the spot, and wanted to order the artillery to open fire to blast the Russians who were arrogant enough to conduct reconnaissance.

But then I thought about it, I couldn't bear the responsibility for the artillery position being exposed casually.

Losing the entire artillery position in order to expel a group of Russian scouts is really not worth the loss. Who knows what kind of terrifying counter-artillery firepower the Russians will unleash.

If you can't control artillery, how about using mortars?

No, although the Russian scouts were close, they happened to be stuck outside the range of their own mortars and wandered around the edge. This was obviously done deliberately.

If we send too few troops, we can't attack them, and we can't fire artillery.

The chief of staff, who was so angry that his scalp was numb, gritted his teeth and stamped his feet. He raised his hand and sent a squadron out in cars and armored vehicles with wheeled machine guns. They went straight to the Russian scouts in an attempt to win with numbers. I didn't believe they could still fight this time. but.

I never thought that this time the Russian scouts would just run away. A whole squad of scouts saw a large group of Japanese troops approaching from a long way away. Without saying a word, they got into the chariot that could pull people and drove away. Leaving a pile of dust and diesel exhaust for the Japanese troops to enjoy.

The horsepower is not as high as that of the Russian cars, and the wheeled off-road mobility is even more limited by the tracks.

The Japanese squadron, which could not even catch up, had no choice but to watch the Russians pretend to be cool and run away.

The squadron leader was so angry that he couldn't catch the enemy and couldn't catch up with him. He drew his command knife in a rage and screamed into the air. He yelled that the Russian coward could do nothing but run away and didn't dare to fight.

Scolding is not a solution and cannot solve the problem.

With no peripheral positions to speak of, it was even more impossible for the Japanese army to let such a lone army stay outside the position for a long time. If the Russian army were to attack us or if artillery shells fell, we would not be able to escape, let alone be saved.

No way, if we can't catch the enemy, let's go back. At least the Russian scouts were driven away, barely completing the mission.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the Japanese squadron took off and returned to their position, the Russian scouts who had just disappeared suddenly came back in a chariot that could pull people.

He returned to the small slope intact, continued to set up the long-range optical sighting instrument, turned on the vehicle radio, and reported every move and all details of the Japanese position in real time.

If you send too few troops, you can't defeat them. If you send too many, they will just run away. You can't catch up even if you hurry or slow, and you don't dare to use artillery to bombard them.

After listening to the description of such a "wonderful process", Your Excellency, the division commander, his vision went dark and he fainted. He never expected that the inconspicuous Russian reconnaissance tank was so ungrateful.

At the same time, something more exciting has quietly arrived.

The 500-kilogram aerial bomb heading straight for the ground target has been separated from its pylon and is roaring ear-piercingly.

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