Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3069 If you have no choice, you have to be bombed

Crushing three Japanese divisions in one day seems a bit like an anti-Japanese drama at first glance.

But the fact is that Kulbalov is really close to doing it.

In the half day since the start of the battle, the three deep defense lines built by the Japanese army have been almost completely penetrated by Kurbalov's division. Only the last, third line of defense is still crumbling and in danger.

In terms of strength, the Kurbalov division is basically an enhanced version of the previous leader division.

While retaining the mature force structure and organization system that the Leader Division has developed and continuously improved through various types of actual combat experience, it has further enhanced its firepower, especially its medium and long-range firepower projection capabilities.

A larger number of TOS-1A rocket assault tanks, as well as the ISU-203 self-propelled artillery whose command was delegated from Malashenko, plus strength comparable to that of the leader's division during the Battle of Berlin.

Relying on the above, Kulbalov managed to fight one against three without falling behind. He held down the three Japanese divisions on the position and launched a fierce attack.

Now, there are still five full hours before dark and sunset.

The summer sunshine in the Northeast is very long. Even at 20 o'clock, when it is already dark in many places, the sky in the Northeast is still bright.

This is good news for Kulbalov, but it is definitely bad news for the Japanese army.

After holding on for half a day, they had lost two positions in a row. Not to mention whether the Russians had any attack plans after nightfall, just how to hold on to the last five hours before dark was already worse than hell for the Japanese army. It's a hellish level of difficulty.

"Your Excellency, the division commander, Captain Fujino sent a farewell telegram, saying that he will lead the last 500 or so imperial samurai of the regiment to stand firm and fight until the moment of death. I hope that your Excellency, the division commander, can be prepared to deal with the Russians. What a black card. On board, the Empire of Japan is on board.”

"I got it, there's no need to call back. Come on down."


The results of the second position were already obvious. Three entire regiments, which together were equivalent to the strength of a division, were unable to withstand the Russians' indiscriminate bombing and bulldozer-style push for three hours. live.

What concept? There were more than 10,000 Japanese troops stationed in the second position. Even if the number was rounded up, it would only be 10,000.

It took 3 hours and 180 minutes to kill 10,000 Japanese soldiers down to only 500. On average, 7 Japanese soldiers died every minute. Japanese soldiers were mercilessly killed close to every second.

Not to mention seeing this terrifying killing efficiency, the entire Kwantung Army had never heard of it from top to bottom, and was just shocked.

The unreasonable Russians did not even bother to use traditional infantry warfare to end the battle. According to rough statistics, more than 70% and nearly 80% of the Japanese troops were killed and smashed to pieces by the Russians' various indirect and direct artillery fire.

As long as it is a moving target on the battlefield, even the most ordinary Japanese rifleman has a considerable probability of being hit by a 122 heirloom gun. He also has a chance to win the supreme prize of 130 Red Navy naval guns.

But this is still not the worst news. The worse news is that even the retreating troops who were covered by the rear troops and planned to withdraw to the third position to reorganize their troops and strengthen their defenses are now being used like crazy by the Russians. The artillery fire was firmly pressed into the bombing zone, unable to move at all.

This is directly equivalent to saying that the death of the rear troops was purely in vain and had no tactical significance or effect.

Knowing that the Russians must be targeting the buffer zone of the position with heavy artillery, the unwilling Japanese Lieutenant General division commander still believed that instead of being annihilated by the Russians on the position, it would be better to seize the opportunity to retreat as much as possible. I tried my best to find a better idea than putting all my troops on the second line of defense.

The final result of the trial came out, and the Russians opened fire as expected.

Under this devastating bombardment, it was no longer a question of whether the remaining Japanese troops could withdraw.

Even if there are still survivors after being covered by artillery fire, the large-scale main battle on the second line of position has ended, and the final work of clearing out the remaining enemy forces is being carried out. The Russian offensive force, which has almost freed up its hands, will let these remaining soldiers go back. To the third position?

Instead of crushing the flesh and blood of the surviving soldiers and knocking away all kinds of burning equipment debris, stepping on the accelerator and rushing through the buffer zone full of craters to kill directly, would be more in line with the Russian combat style.


The more he thought about it, the more he felt that there was no solution. The Japanese lieutenant general couldn't help but shook his head and sighed.

This is the first time in this life that I have seen my own troops trapped in a bombing zone and being bombarded indiscriminately, but I can't do anything about it.

But will this be the last time we meet in this life? This is what the division commander did not expect and did not want to think of.

"Your Excellency, Division Commander, are we just going to do nothing? Are we just going to watch? Is that it?"

The chief of staff on the side had a cry in his voice. The super-speed casualties were so terrifying that they subverted his cognition and almost completely shattered his will.

After hearing this and tasting the emotion behind his words, the division commander sighed again, pointing to the hellish serial explosion scene that was still full of artillery fire and spoke quietly.

"How do you think we can rescue people? Continue to send troops into the Russian bombing zone? Our artillery range is far less than that of the Russians, let alone their strength. I even dare to bet you that the Russians will fire on us now. It’s a dream come true!”

"Counter-artillery fire will come as soon as possible. Our artillery with insufficient range is not even qualified to hurt the Russian artillery! You still can't understand? Don't be emotional! Only save the artillery fire until it is needed most. The greatest use! And that time is definitely not now!”

Yes, even in the current situation, the Japanese army is still holding on to the artillery trump card that is in a defensive deployment state and has not used it.

Of course, Kurbalov did not forget this.

From the opening to the present, the Japanese direct-fire field artillery has not fired even once. The attacking troops have encountered either grenade launchers or mortars, such as the 92 Infantry Artillery of the regiment, which are so rotten that they cannot be seen. thing.

Of course, Kulbalov would not be stupid enough to think that the solid field defense line defended by three Japanese divisions would not even be equipped with a direct-fire field heavy artillery with a diameter of hundreds of millimeters.

There is always a battalion of Andryusha rocket launchers on standby and not firing, so that they can "serve" those short-sighted Japanese artillery at any time.

Of course, if the Japanese artillery that has been hidden until now and is still acting like a coward can be blown up before it takes the initiative to show up, it will of course be the best result for Kulbalov.

The key to achieving this goal does not lie in the ground troops, but in the Red Army war eagles that are roaring in the sky and overhead.

"They are finally here, let's see if the Japanese can withstand this round of bombing."

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