Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 372 The collision of life and death, the plague of death

"Is it really Odin? Why doesn't he come in?"

Lu Mingfei was a little surprised, with a look of suspicion on his face, "You couldn't have done this to defraud me of the deal, right?"

Lu Mingfei's doubts were not unreasonable. After all, this Nibelung was built based on Lu Mingze's body, and he could also do all the things happening now.

Moreover, he felt that Lu Mingze was deceiving people by saying that the transaction content was difficult technical work. This is your own Nibelungen, right? Can it be called difficult?

Lu Mingze looked heartbroken, "Brother, it's so sad for you to say that. I really want to trade with my brother, but it's impossible to make a special game to make my brother sad..."

He said with a sinister expression on his face, "Anyone who dares to make my brother sad will die!"

He is obviously a teenager, but when his face becomes fierce, it is really like the rage of an ancient supreme being, who is about to die thousands of miles away!

"Wow, so domineering, I'm so touched."

Lu Mingfei was exhausted even if he complained.

He leaned on the sofa and raised his head to relax, but was startled because he saw Lu Lincheng standing behind him, still in the same posture.

"Why did you bring dad here?"

Lu Mingfei sat up straight like a carp.

Lu Mingze stood up and walked to Lu Lincheng's side, "Actually, my brother has already guessed, but he is still willing to call him daddy."

His words made Lu Mingfei's expression drop, his eyebrows drooped, and no one could see clearly the despair and sadness hidden in his eyes.

Lu Mingze took out an oil-based pen and drew on "Lu Lincheng"'s face, "Cut it, I'll let you cut it!"

His expression was pretending to be fierce, completely different from the vicious one just now, just like a child playing around, "You also want to drive a wedge between my brother and me."

"Hey, don't use this term, as if I'm gay with you."

Lu Mingfei complained.

Lu Mingze threw the oil-based pen aside, looked at "Lulin City", was silent for a while, and finally sighed.

The room fell silent, and neither of them spoke anymore.

After a long time, Lu Mingfei asked in a hoarse voice: "So, are your parents fake?"

In fact, he already has the answer in his mind. His academic performance is not good, but it does not mean that he is really stupid. At least he can still do simple logical analysis.

Both father and mother were behaving so strangely. When they were on the underground floor, there were so many "morgues" there, and they seemed unable to see them.

Both father and mother only talked about other things and did not explain the corpses at all.

Originally, he could still explain to himself in his heart that this was just a fake place distorted by the Nibelungs.

But after "Dad" took him to the hut, he said it was a backup medical room underground, which meant that this place... existed when the safe haven was normal!

Although he was not 100% sure, he felt that it was 90% certain that those morgues did exist.

And even if the Nibelungs were twisted, there was no reason for Odin to let him see a pile of corpses. What was the point of simply scaring him?

His initial suspicion was that he saw the old man in the morgue. Although his face was somewhat rotten, he still recognized him.

It was the old scholar who sat at the head of the long table when he accompanied Senior Brother Lu to the committee that day.

If he was already dead, then who was the old scholar he saw that day...?

If the corpse is real, then wouldn’t the living old scholar be fake?

There are so many morgues, and there may be thousands of people in total. It seems that there are only a few thousand people in this safe haven...

After he realized this, he was so frightened that he ran out of the morgue and ran to the upper floor, where he met "Dad"

"Dad" also kept urging him to perform incision and kill Lu Mingze.

When he returned to the lower level again and pushed open the door, his mother stopped him. Before he opened the last piece of cloth, his father caught him from behind.

But no one mentioned the matter in the morgue.

"Brother, you have already guessed it yourself, haven't you? Why do you still have to leave the last blow to me?"

Lu Mingze sighed, "The corpses you saw in the morgue are all real."

He said it very tactfully, but also very clearly. The corpse was real, but the living person... was fake.

Lu Mingfei covered his face with his hands and buried his head very low. No one saw how distorted the expression on his face was at this moment. It was just that no matter how hard he covered his face, no matter how tight his fingers were, he couldn't wrap it up. The gurgling tears left behind.

He didn't cry out, but he couldn't stop crying.

"Oh, just think about it. How can a guy like this deserve to be my brother's father? Lu Lincheng is a tough guy. He loves you so much, so how can he be willing to make his son sad?"

Lu Mingze said, and kicked "Lu Lincheng", and the other party disappeared like a bubble.

Lu Mingfei didn't answer. For a long time, he took the paper towel thoughtfully handed over by the little devil and wiped his face, "Am I the biological child of my parents?"

He didn't ask his mother this question, but he asked Lu Mingze at this time.

He doesn't understand anything now.

"Brother is suspecting that he is not a human being, but a monster?"

Lu Mingze sat next to his brother.

"You are not a human being, then who am I? Is there something the devil can use?"

Lu Mingfei is not a fool. He knows that he is abnormal and a monster, but he used to think there was nothing wrong with being a monster.

"We are monsters..."

Lu Mingze admitted frankly, then changed his tone and said, "But Lu Lincheng and Qiao Weini are indeed my brother's biological parents."

Lu Mingfei laughed miserably, "Isn't it yours?"

Lu Mingze shook his head, "Of course not. Judging from that body, I was born much earlier than my brother."

"What are we?"

Lu Mingfei turned his head and stared directly into Lu Mingze's pupils.

Lu Mingze spread his hands, "This is paid content. If my brother wants to know, I can tell you a quarter of my life."

"Is it worth so much? Didn't you say before that one transaction could even help me become the king of the world?"

Lu Mingfei's face was calm. He changed the topic, as if he wanted to divert the pain in his heart, but under his calm expression, there was sadness that could not be hidden.

"Oh, brother, if you want to cry, just keep going. I can lend you my shoulders."

Lu Mingze sighed.

He also felt a little self-blame in his heart. He had done something wrong, that is, he should not have modified his brother's memory. Originally, his brother would not have been in such pain.

After all, in his memory... he had never met his parents.

"Don't change the subject. You just want to trick me. If you don't want to say it, don't say it."

Lu Mingfei turned his head and held back the tears provoked by his "brother".

"This truth is worth so much, and I even lost a quarter of it."

Lu Mingze said with a smile.

Lu Mingfei grabbed the chicken wings on the table and ate them. He gnawed them and wiped them with paper. Finally, he put down the chicken wings, wiped his hands, and wiped his face with a wet wipe.

There was no mirror at this time, otherwise he would definitely see his brightest golden eyes. He said in a low voice, "How did mom and dad die?"

If anyone else were here, they would be surprised by the aura Lu Mingfei had on him at this moment, as if he was a king suppressing his anger.

When a king's relatives are killed, he will be sad, sad and shed tears, but he will not feel powerless or desperate, because he will put to death all those who hurt him...!

"Actually, I really want to say it's Odin..."

Lu Mingze had a wicked smile on his face, "That way I can trick my brother into making a deal with me, and we can kill Him together."

But he shook his head again, "But the truth is very simple. Your parents' death had nothing to do with Odin. It was just a plague, and everyone in the haven died."


Lu Mingfei couldn't accept that he couldn't take revenge on the natural disaster.

"A special plague, otherwise it would be impossible for your parents to die with their physical constitution."

As for the details, Lu Mingze no longer explained to Lu Mingfei.

The plague in Haven stems from human greed.

I am not satisfied with getting the body of Zero, I am not satisfied with building the Nibelungen, I still have to keep experimenting.

Little did he know that when Gangnir's power of death intertwined with the power of life in his body, an unknown power had already been produced.

In that experiment, the experimenter accidentally inspired that power, and everyone who participated in the experiment was infected. It spread from one to ten, and when the signs appeared, everyone was infected.

It is irresistible and incurable. People with S-class bloodline are infected and have a 100% mortality rate!

The Lulincheng couple originally had a chance to escape from the safe haven, but they wanted to save the people here, but they were infected after a long delay.

Once infected, they cannot leave. Once this plague is introduced into the real world, it will be a world-destroying disaster.

So Lulincheng and Giovanni not only did not flee, but sealed the Nibelungen and strictly prohibited anyone from leaving.

"Well, don't say I lied to you."

Lu Mingze said, taking out a letter, which was Lu Lincheng's suicide note.

Lu Mingfei took it with trembling hands and opened the envelope.

"Write a suicide note... It feels very strange. I didn't expect that I would write a suicide note one day. I thought that one day I would suddenly die on the battlefield of the Dragon Clan. Why would I need such a thing as a suicide note? Anyway, the Secret Party will Let my body be flown back to China, alas, it probably won’t be able to go to the ancestral grave now.”

The man seemed to take life and death very lightly, and his words were still humorous before he died.

Rather than saying this is a suicide note explaining the aftermath, it is better to say it is a man's soliloquy before his death.

Lu Mingfei finally understood why he loved talking to himself so much. It turned out that he had inherited his father's genes.

"Although I don't hope and think it's unlikely that anyone will see this suicide note, I still want to say this just in case: If it's a brother of the secret party, then don't be afraid. It will be inactivated within a few months. It’s a bit scary to look underground, but don’t worry, you won’t be infected.”

"However, for the sake of safety, please do not take our remains out for research. Even if they are cremated, they are not as safe as the isolation from the Nibelungen. Don't let me die in vain. In order to block this plague from the outside world, Thanks to the contact, I killed several S-levels."

After reading this, Lu Mingfei said to himself, Dad, your wording is starting to get weird. I didn’t even know who would read the letter, so I started calling this person "I".

"Oh, I just gave birth to my son this year. I thought it was a year of good luck. Who knew that I would encounter something like this just before I went back for the Spring Festival. But it's good luck. Just say you can't listen to women. If this comes with Fei Fei If we come out, won’t my old Lu family be completely cut off?”

"What a blessing in misfortune. I hope Principal Ange can be more reliable. Why do you have to help me raise my son? Why did you trick me into sneaking into the doomsday sect to find out information? Our husband and wife died unjustly... I miss my grandpa. He died in the hands of the Dragon King, but he was still a glorious warrior in the genealogy. Hmm... Brothers who read this letter, if you go back and help me write the genealogy, please don't write that I died of illness, let alone that I am a doomsday sect!"

At this point, it seems that the man's logic is no longer clear. He writes intermittently, writing whatever comes to mind. He may have been in a trance at the time.

"Just write...well, just write that Winnie and I fought with the Dragon King for more than a hundred moves and were defeated. Yes, that's good. If you can see my son, you can tell him the same thing...Forget it, let's not say it. Let my son live an happy life. Several generations of my old Lu family have died. If he comes here to pass on his life alone, let my family take it easy first, before giving birth to more sons."

"Please be sure to tell the principal! Don't worry about my son! He will die before giving birth to a child. My father and grandfather and I will come to talk to you tonight! Dragon slaying is a great cause, but the people of my old Lu family are not fate, right?"

"In addition, although I think it is unlikely, well... it must be impossible. If Angers dares to let Feifei enroll in school, the child and I will not let him go no matter what the hell! Alas, although I really want to say it myself, I have no chance. , I can only express my thoughts before I die..."

"If anyone who sees this letter is interested, please help me convey it to my son, and on behalf of his mother, tell him that we love him..."

"Hmm...what else is there? Oh, I didn't expect death to be such a lonely thing. Being the last to die is the loneliest!"

Lu Mingfei looked at this letter with no logic, and sometimes a smile appeared on his face, sometimes a little sad. This way and style of speaking was the father he remembered.

When he saw the words "We love him", his lips tightened.

At this point, Lu Mingze didn't need to explain, he could tell from the letter that he had never lived with his parents at all.

The parents died the year the body was captured.

He feels that his uncle and aunt's house is his home because he really only has that one home.

The memory is false. He should have never seen his parents since he can remember, but why is he so heartbroken now?

It turns out that he once had the opportunity to have a perfect home, a domineering and reliable father, and a heroic and strong mother.

It's just that my father and mother chose to protect the world in the face of danger.

"How stupid..."

Lu Mingfei murmured, but then added: "It's so great..."

Lu Lincheng and Qiao Weini's physiques are estimated to be able to survive for a long time after leaving. If they return to the academy, there may not be a cure.

Ordinary people can't do it, but the couple are S-level and have very strong physiques.

But they didn't gamble and didn't dare to return to the human world with the plague.

Lu Mingfei put the letter away close to his body and wiped the corners of his eyes with his sleeve. Today was the day he shed the most tears in his life, but he won't do it again in the future.

He raised his head and looked at Lu Mingze, "Senior Brother Lu also went to see your body. He won't be infected, right?"

Although he didn't think Senior Brother Lu would get sick due to his outrageous physique, it would be troublesome if he could carry it.

Lu Mingze waved his hand, "Don't treat it like the source of the virus. That disaster was just an accident. Whoever allowed them to trigger that power, the plague would have disappeared long ago."

Lu Mingfei didn't blame the little devil. This was caused by human greed. Lu Mingze was already crucified, what else could he do?

"By the way, you mentioned to me once before that your power is similar to a dream, so this is also the Nibelungen like a dream? Shouldn't the plague contracted here disappear after leaving?"

Lu Mingfei asked, fearing that his parents would die unjustly...

Lu Mingze explained: "The essence of the Nibelung is that illusion shines into reality. It is more mysterious here, but the entry and exit of living people is a kind of transformation. It is no different from the normal Nibelung. Lu Lincheng's judgment is Correct, if he had let anyone go or ran away, there would be dead silence outside now."

Lu Mingfei couldn't help but shudder when he heard this. He felt more and more that he and Lu Mingze might be monsters.

Even if the Dragon King wants to destroy the world, it will take some time, and humans can still fight and resist.

But when the bodies of Gangnir and Lu Mingze merged, the inexplicable and ominous power produced could kill people silently, and even S-class hybrids could not resist it.

That can only be a paradox that arises from the collision of myths and myths, the intersection of ultimate life and ultimate death, the so-called unknown.

He felt that if he could go back safely with everyone this time, he would have to study some mythology knowledge, and maybe he could figure out what he and Lu Mingze were.

"One more question, what happened to the parents I saw here?"

Lu Mingfei was puzzled.

"A dream spirit, a special alchemy creature, can turn into a familiar person. However, the dream spirits who usually live here have been given hints. They themselves do not know that they are not living people. After Odin interfered here, some people Many Dream Spirits have woken up, and 'Lulincheng' and 'Qiao Weini' are a bit special. They may not have 'awakened' yet, so they are so deeply involved in the drama."

Although Lu Mingze said this, he felt that the performance of Lulin City here was extremely poor.

"Senior Brother Lu, do they know the situation here?"

Lu Mingfei was surprisingly calm at the moment, just like some people who lose their loved ones and turn their grief into work, forcing themselves to work crazily and forget about the sadness. Now he wants to crack this Nibelungen, too Worrying about everyone's situation.

"Your senior brother Lu should have seen through the truth here a few days ago, but he was just lucky and didn't have the heart to tell you."

As Lu Mingze spoke, he snapped his fingers, and the scene where Lu Chen and others were meeting in the house that day actually appeared like a 3D projection, restoring to Lu Mingfei what happened in another place at that time.

Lu Mingfei was speechless after reading it. He remembered that Senior Brother Lu was surprisingly gentle and asked him to go back to accompany his parents, but he sighed inexplicably. It turned out that Senior Brother Lu had guessed it at that time.

"Hopes without results are poisonous..."

Lu Mingfei smiled silently, "Senior Brother Chu said...that's right."

In fact, among the several speculations based on the original work, Xiang chose the least likely one. He originally wanted to write the most reasonable and most likely truth, but he felt it was too cruel, so he wrote half of it and revised the script.

This chapter is about Lu Lincheng in my mind, the domineering man who dared to fight against the secret party in order to have a son. But in daily life, he is just an ordinary man who talks nonsense. He Mingfei loves to complain and is reliable at critical moments. A domineering father and a heroic mother.

Although they are all dead and seem a bit sadistic, Xiang feels that this is also a kind of redemption for Mingfei in his heart. At least from now on, he no longer doubts his identity. He has parents and is not a bastard.

I hope Mingfei can get over the sadness and become truly strong from now on, carrying the glory of his parents!

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