Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 371 Lu Mingze appears

From an angle that Mai Shutoku couldn't see, Fingel looked particularly calm, with a bit of boring helplessness in his eyes.

He took out a Cuban cigar from his breast pocket and lit it skillfully. The thick smoke covered his extremely bright golden eyes.

Mai Shutoku was about to complain that Fengel was still in the mood to smoke. Was this a smoke before she died? ?

But the next moment she felt the heat coming from behind her, it was so violent and surging.

Obviously she should be staring closely at Deadpool in the semicircle in front of her, but she still couldn't help but look sideways.

Fingel was seen throwing aside his oil-stained scabbard. Blackness spread across the originally dark blade. The black light of the blade continued to extend, and the blade also became longer.

Finally, it turned into a long knife with a twisted blade and a strange shape. The dark flame suddenly rose. The wind and snow could not dissipate its heat. The snow melted as soon as it entered, turning into a misty mist.

Fingel had an indifferent expression on his face, as if he had done nothing surprising, while the Deadpools surrounding them trembled and retreated unconsciously, with a low and permeating roar coming from their throats.

Mai Shutoku was shocked. As far as she knew, wasn't this man's voice a bronze throne?

Fingel held the cigar in his mouth, took a puff skillfully, stepped, leaned down, and swept!

In the dark night, the dark fire flashed through, bringing with it the shrill sound of the wind.

The severed limbs flew around, and were instantly turned into charcoal by the high temperature. With just one knife, all the dead soldiers on the top of the water tower were cleared.

Fingel still didn't stop, he took a vertical step and fell straight down.

Mai Shutoku felt the burning sensation pass by her, and a black crack penetrated the water tower. Along with the sound of explosive thunder, a large amount of water mist rose.

Fingel actually cut off the water tower with one knife!

And those Deadpools who climbed the water tower were killed or injured.

After the initial shock, Mai Shutoku took out the rope from her collar and lowered it from the top of the water tower to the ground. Looking at the knife in Fingel's hand, she couldn't help but ask: "What kind of knife is this?"

Fingel held the knife in one hand. After taking a puff of the cigar, he took it off with the other hand and said calmly, "Junior sister, haven't you heard of the Flame Dragon Slayer's Dark Killing Flame Demon Knife? Then you are really a little ignorant. , everyone praised the book I wrote."


Lu Mingfei finally put on his mask and jumped from the top of a Khrushchev building to the opposite side. By sprinting, he jumped more than 20 meters and reached the top of another building.

But before he could stand still, a flying Deadpool with membrane wings passed by, and he quickly raised his knife and slashed.

The sharp claws and the Kodachi met, and sparks flew, but the next moment Lu Mingfei felt that his swing was empty.

Not only that, his body was weightless.

It was similar to the feeling when the Nibelung was twisted in the first place. When he stood firm again, the surrounding environment changed again.

This time he was not in a building or on the street. He was in a long corridor, but there were no windows on both sides. There was a stuffy smell in the air, as if he was somewhere underground.


Lu Mingfei tried to speak, and the voice-activated light on the top was turned on. With the light, he felt slightly relaxed. Compared to the enemy, he now felt that the unknown darkness was more terrifying.

He walked down the corridor and stopped when he passed a door.

Senior Brother Chu once told him that there are always traces of changes in the Nibelungs. When he came to a new place, he should investigate and look for clues.

Use a Kodachi to cut into the crack of the door, and use your strength while wearing a mask to easily open the door.

When the door was opened, a putrid smell hit his nostrils, as if the putrid smell had been soaked in water for several months and then left to ferment in the room for a few more days.

Holding his breath, he fumbled with his hand to find the light switch on the wall and pressed it.

The lights came on, and the scene in front of him made Lu Mingfei's heart stop.

There were slightly raised white cloths everywhere, and some of the white cloths were stained with black mold spots. Looking at the shapes wrapped in white cloths, Lu Mingfei suddenly felt nauseous.

He walked to a white cloth and opened it with trembling hands. As expected, the white cloth covered a dead person.

This was a young man whose face was so rotten that it was hard to see clearly. He had been dead for an unknown period of time, and his body gave off a pungent stench.

Lu Mingfei suddenly felt extremely frightened. It would be better if he didn't see anyone at all.

Why are there dead people in this Nibelung? Being piled underground?

He remembered that he had just passed through many such doors, and the corridor smelled rancid.

There were about a hundred or ten people in a house, so if all the rooms he just passed were added up, wouldn't it be possible that there were thousands of people! ?

And the corridor was so long that he didn't see the end.

There are many people in this safe haven?

He backed away tremblingly, and then ran around the room like crazy, lifting the white cloth one by one, and he was frightened every time he lifted the white cloth.

Until he saw an old man under the white cloth and felt that the other person's appearance was somewhat familiar. He suddenly turned around and rushed out of the room, gasping for air in the corridor.

"No, no..."

Lu Mingfei murmured to himself. He composed himself and ran wildly in the corridor, trying to find the exit.

He didn't find the way up, but found the entrance to the next level.

Just as he walked down the stairs, he heard the scraping of claws around the corner.

He stepped lightly, turned around, sprinted suddenly, and cut off the dead waiter's head with a knife.

This level is complex like a maze, with paths all around.

Suddenly Lu Mingfei stopped. He heard a lot of scratching sounds of sharp claws coming from in front and to the left of him, as well as cries like ghost babies.

About to be surrounded?

Lu Mingfei thought quickly, which way should he rush? Or go back the same way?

While he was thinking, a pair of hands suddenly covered his mouth. Lu Mingfei's hair stood on end. He immediately squatted down, used all his strength to get rid of the restraints, rolled forward, put one hand on the ground, and turned back to prepare to slash with a knife.

But he managed to hold the knife back at the last moment so narrowly that his wrist was slightly twisted.


Lu Mingfei said in surprise.

"Shh, Feifei come with me."

Lu Lincheng raised a finger in front of his mouth, signaling Lu Mingfei to keep his voice down.

He led Lu Mingfei through the maze, turning left and right, and came to a safe house.

"Dad, why are you here?"

Lu Mingfei said doubtfully.

"The haven was attacked, the Nibelungs were twisted by some power, and there were deadpools everywhere. Have you seen your mother?"

Lu Lincheng had worry on his face.

"My mother and I had just finished eating, and suddenly the space was distorted. When we regained consciousness, we were already separated."

Lu Mingfei replied.

"Oh, I can only hope that your mother is safe..."

Lu Lincheng sighed, "You must come with me now. Maybe you are the only one who can solve this Nibelungen problem."

Lu Mingfei pointed at himself blankly, "Me? How to solve it?"

He thought to himself that despite his virtues and abilities, he had to wait for Senior Brother Lu to solve the problem. He had already worked very hard to save his own life.

"The cutting must be done now. I didn't go into details before. This Nibelung is actually built by the spirit of that boy, Lu Mingze. As long as you can kill him, everything will naturally be resolved, and everyone will Be at peace."

Lu Lincheng explained.

Lu Mingfei was silent and did not answer Lu Lincheng. He seemed very troubled.

"Fei Fei, I know you may think he is not a bad person. He has attached himself to you and grown up with you, and you will always feel friendly. But now is not the time to worry about this. The entire safe haven is in danger, including your mother. And your friends.”

Seeing Lu Mingfei's hesitation, Lu Lincheng continued.

"Senior Brother Lu is in danger?"

Lu Mingfei shook his head, a little disbelieving.

"When the Nibelungs go berserk, spiritually embodied enemies will appear. Their strength has no upper limit. Even Lu Chen will have a hard time dealing with them. After all, he is also from here now."

Lu Lincheng seemed anxious, "Son!"

"Cut...if I can succeed, everyone will be fine, right?"

Lu Mingfei said tangledly.

"The premise is that you can succeed. Deep down in your consciousness, you must be determined."

Lu Lincheng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Lu Mingfei agreed.

But Lu Mingfei pondered for a long time, and finally put on the mask silently, with a pair of dazzling golden eyes lighting up, "How did dad get here?"

Lu Lincheng was stunned for a moment, "You doubt me? We drank whiskey together the night before yesterday, and last night we ate the guinea fowl made by your mother. I thought it was too salty. When you were a child..."

Lu Lincheng began to talk non-stop.

After talking for a while, Lu Mingfei raised his hand and said, "Okay dad, I just remembered the hallucination I saw before."

He was talking about the anxious-looking blond girl. With the Nibelungs in such a mess now, it was possible to see things that were unreal.

He was just curious. He came from the underground floor and saw no one. Considering the state he was wearing when he was wearing a mask, how could his father quietly touch behind him?

"Time is running out. Every minute and every second, someone may be killed by Deadpool. Son, follow me."

Lu Lincheng opened the door and looked out cautiously.

Lu Mingfei followed behind his father and asked in a low voice: "By the way, dad, what is your word spirit? If we encounter a battle, we can cooperate. I am also very good at fighting now."

Lu Lincheng turned around and smiled, "My son has really grown up. You don't have to worry about dad. Just take care of yourself."

The two of them walked around and came to a house with various instruments and injections, as if they had been prepared a long time ago.

"Did Dad prepare to cut it for me at this place before?"

Lu Mingfei said doubtfully.

Lu Lincheng shook his head, "This is just an underground medical room with hypnotic drugs. The place originally prepared for you is naturally a luxurious and comfortable ward."

He looked for the potion on the table, turned around and said, "Son, lie down on the chair over there. I'll be fine soon."

There was an inexplicable resistance in Lu Mingfei's heart, as if there was a voice that kept reminding him that cutting was not allowed when he went there. That was something more terrifying than a transaction.

"Dad...can I go to one more place before doing the cutting?"

Lu Mingfei said.

"Where to go?"

Lu Lincheng looked puzzled.

"I just want to take a walk again. Dad, prepare here. I'll be back later."

Lu Mingfei smiled reluctantly, "Don't worry, I have a mask and I'm pretty strong now. Just be careful and you'll be fine."

Lu Lincheng pondered for a few seconds without asking any further questions, and finally nodded, "Hurry up, son, time is running out."

"Okay, dad prepares first."

Lu Mingfei said, gently opened the door, looked outside, and walked out.

After leaving the hut, he ran all the way. When he came, he carefully drew a small map on his mobile phone. He didn't draw it when his father led the way, but the road was not far, and he remembered it clearly.

In less than two minutes, he was back on the underground floor, in a corridor full of rancid smell.

He opened a door and lifted up the white cloths in the same manner.

Open another door, and another door...

It wasn't until he reached the ninth door and was about to go in that someone called him from behind, "Fei Fei, why are you here?"

He looked back and saw it was his mother.

"Dad said he was going to take me to do the cutting. I walked around outside until he was ready."

Lu Mingfei explained.

With concern on her face, Giovanni asked, "Son, do you not want to undergo incision?"

Lu Mingfei lowered his head and said: "I don't want to, but my father said that if we don't cut it, everyone will die. Only I can destroy this Nibelung."

"If you don't want to, then don't do it. Don't you always say that your senior brother Lu is very strong? Just believe him. Go with your mother and ignore your father."

Qiao Weini stepped forward and took Lu Mingfei's hand.


"Don't worry, mother knows how to get out of this Nibelung."

"Now that the chaos is like this, can we still find a way out?"

Lu Mingfei didn't believe it.

"Don't underestimate your mother. This was my major back then. I switched to studying dragon history because of your father. Don't worry, I can find a way."

Giovanni looked confident.

"Oh well."

Lu Mingfei hesitated and nodded.

"That's right, as long as you get out, Fei Fei can find a way to crack it from the outside. In this type of Nibelung, only those who come in will be restricted."

In order to make Lu Mingfei relax, Qiao Weini explained that this was to tell her son that he could find a way to save people after he got out, which was also a solution.

"Mom, please go to the exit and wait for me. I'll be back later."

Lu Mingfei smiled and said, "I ran so fast just now and I'm a little tired. Let me rest for a few minutes and I'll catch up soon."

Giovanni looked at her son and was silent for a few seconds, "Then mom will wait for you at the exit."

After that, she walked in the opposite direction.

Lu Mingfei stayed silent for a long time. Finally, he took a deep breath and opened the door.

He lifted the white cloth much more slowly this time, as if he wanted to slow down time and make it longer.

Until he leaned over again and there was a hand on his shoulder from behind. Lu Mingfei turned his head stiffly and looked at the person behind him.

"I'm ready. Come back with me quickly."

It's Lulin City.

Lu Mingfei's hand that grabbed the white cloth was trembling, and he didn't dare to lift it.

He sat on the ground dejectedly, not listening to his father's call behind him.


In the confined space, a snap of fingers brought everything to a halt.

The originally gloomy lights became gentle and the air became fresher. When Lu Mingfei was most frightened, a familiar and kind figure appeared in front of him.

"Brother, don't be so afraid."

Lu Mingze was holding a cup of hot cocoa in his hand and handed it to Lu Mingfei, "Brother, warm yourself up. Caffeine will help you concentrate."

Lu Mingfei took the hot cocoa blankly and took a sip. Warmth flowed from top to bottom, as if all the tension in his body had disappeared.

He looked back at Lu Lincheng. Sure enough, just like every time Lu Mingze appeared, everyone was frozen.

At this time, the expression on Lu Lincheng's face was frozen, looking a bit strange, standing there like a wax figure in a wax museum.

"You can figure it out..."

Lu Mingfei said leisurely.

"Hey, brother, where are you? It's not like I haven't had any performance some time ago. I was transferred to the Antarctic by the superiors. There are no people there, only cute penguins."

Lu Mingze looked resentful, "I tried hard to persuade the superiors to be accommodating and give me another chance before transferring me back. Not only did I just come back, I immediately thought of coming to serve my brother."

Lu Mingfei was filled with anxiety and panic before, but after a few bad words from his younger brother, he suddenly felt calm.

"Tch, stop pretending to be mysterious, I already know, your body is nailed right here."

Lu Mingfei curled his lips.

"Brother, it's not a bonus for a man to be arrogant. You are obviously very happy to see me."

Lu Mingze had a smile on his face and said in a different tone, "But I was not crucified."

Lu Mingfei was confused, "What do you mean? The boy in the underground that Senior Brother Lu mentioned is not you?"

Lu Mingze stretched out a finger and shook it. The scene changed. Lu Mingfei felt something appear behind his legs. It turned out to be a sofa. They came to an old house with a fire burning in the fireplace.

"This is the place for chatting. As for my brother's's just a body. Devils are very free."

Lu Mingze snapped his fingers, and a KFC family meal appeared on the coffee table between the two of them.

Lu Mingfei was not polite, he ran around in fright, everything in his stomach was consumed, he grabbed a piece of plain chicken and stuffed it into his mouth, "Soy, the spicy blue sea is so spicy..."

"That's right. This is not the point of the problem. The question is, brother, what do you think?"

Lu Mingze held an egg tart in his hand, but didn't eat it.

"What do you think?"

Lu Mingfei swallowed the chicken nuggets in his mouth.

Lu Mingze looked resentful, "I'm talking about cutting. Brother, you don't really want to kill me, do you?"

Lu Mingfei was a little embarrassed when the person involved asked him this, especially since he had relied on Lu Mingze to save him just now and was currently eating a big meal given by him.

"I don't want to, but the Nibelungs are so dangerous. What if everyone burps?"

Lu Mingfei asked rhetorically. He felt that Lu Mingze was quite good in some aspects. In terms of brute strength, he was definitely not as good as Senior Brother Lu, but when it came to mysterious matters, Lu Mingze might be reliable!

"I can't restore this place to its original state, but I can forcefully erase this Nibelung root, so that you and your Senior Brother Lu will be standing on the ice sheet again as soon as you open your eyes."

Lu Mingze smiled like a salesman, "How about brother? This is a difficult technical job. It is no exaggeration to say that this time, you, Senior Brother Lu, can't do it with recklessness. Do you want to trade? It only requires a quarter of your life." Oh~"

Lu Mingfei held the fried chicken leg in his hand and was silent for a while. He still didn't dare to ask the answer to the question he was most concerned about at this time. He also didn't answer the little devil's invitation about the transaction. Instead, he asked: "Interfering with this Nibelung" Who is it and where is it?"

Lu Mingze pointed to the sky, "Who else can there be? Odin, he's outside."

The copy should be finished in the past few days. Although it is an original part, I still want to write it clearly. It is mainly to fill in the pitfalls of Shaizai, and it can also be regarded as foreshadowing the final outcome of this world (ω)

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