Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1133: Tianzun Gongya

Allayi squeezed her hand in an instant.

Ruan Xihe smiled softly: "I don't know."

Shao Wen didn't bother with this issue much, but just nodded to Alayi, turned around and walked in.

Wen Ruan and Cheyao lost their qualifications to travel with Shao Wen, but no one asked about their whereabouts today.


Ruan Xihe was sitting in the car and looking at an airplane flying past in the sky. Sometimes life was really wonderful. In a strange country, in an unknown street, you can meet many years ago. People who want to meet.

It's a pity that a lot of things have long been wrong, he is not the little brother who would protect her back then, and she is not the poor little who needs others to protect.

Yan Fufeng was still waiting for her in the Shanghai stock market. Ruan Xihe didn't think about how to face him, which made her a little bit unwilling to go back.

There are thunder everywhere, so mission goals of five stars or more are really hard to get. It is difficult to make money these days, and it is even more difficult to fall in love.

And with Alayi, how she wants to leave is also a problem.

Before Yan Fufeng found her, she always adhered to the principle of equality of all, so that the predecessors were all players on the starting line. There is nothing to say, but now she is obviously eccentric to Yan Fufeng, and the end is nothing but one. The predecessors are reluctant to treat her. Do it, the spearhead will be aimed at Yan Fufeng.

If her ex-boyfriends got together and dealt with someone together, it would be a disaster. She didn't want Yan Fufeng to be targeted like that, and there was no need to endure this kind of unwarranted disaster for her.

If she could really make up her mind to live with someone for the rest of her life, she wouldn't worry so much, but Ruan Xihe never thought about who she would marry.

There are too many people who treat her nicely when they fall in love, but it’s impossible to stop when she gets better.

She enjoys her timely heartbeat state, and is interested in this person, so she can fall in love.

So her threshold for love is very low, but the threshold for marriage is very high.

The reason why she didn't stay was not that men were not good enough to her, it was purely that she didn't want to stop.

Ruan Xihe can maintain 100% enthusiasm for different men for three months, but she can't keep this enthusiasm for the same man all the time.

The same goes for men.

Eighty percent of people are like this. How can one love another person with super enthusiasm for a lifetime?

She can't do it herself, nor does she ask men to do it.

So she loved it for three months, and then left, the most beautiful and most extreme three months in her life, how great.

As for single-mindedness, she is indeed very single-minded, but just like the threshold for love, her single-mindedness standard is also very low.

Ruan Xihe's standard of specificity is limited to not establishing clear relationships with other men in the process of interaction, and trying not to have excessive close contact with other men as far as possible, but only as much as possible.

Now she has too much money to use up. The task is just like playing the game. The bonus is the icing on the cake. It's nothing more than a lottery. She is devoted to love and completes the task reasonably and perfectly during the strategy period. This is the real thing. Something that makes her passionate.

Ruan Xihe’s personality is never static, but the more love he talks about, the more comfortable his attitude towards feelings is. This is inevitable. Of course, if he falls in the eyes of others, he will be criticized, saying she is scumbag or something. , But what about girl scum points?

The more scumbag, the happier!

Is not it?

She is based on her own strength and doesn't care about the rumors at all. The only principle of action is happiness.

What about talking about hundreds of boyfriends? She never gave herself a chastity memorial. She didn't plan to be with any man for a lifetime. My sister is so beautiful, so why don't you sleep with a few more boys?

Taking advantage, the label of suffering loss cannot stand on Ruan Xihe's body. If she only talks with a man and is abandoned in the end, this is called a loss, and this is called a disadvantage.

Sister Ruan also has the idea of ​​greedying this man's body when she is in love. Isn't the happy thing happy for both parties?

She didn't use this as a bargaining chip to marry, she lived arbitrarily and freely.


Things were interrupted that night, Allayi kept thinking about it.

Today he specially furnished the villa in Dubai and gave the servants a holiday.

In the living room is a love bouquet made of 5200 red roses, which is big and beautiful.

There are a lot of small gifts on the sofa, ranging from lipsticks and perfumes that girls like to large bags of houses and cars, and I usually buy these things a lot, but today I want to be a little more grand!

Exquisite food was placed on the table, the light from the candlestick swayed gently, and the two glasses of wine were red and charming in such an environment.

As soon as she sat down, Arayi went and brought her a small cake with two candles in it.

Ruan Xihe is a little puzzled, what are you doing with the cake?

Allayi smiled: "Because you have to remember that today is February 27th, the last second day of February."

Ruan Xihe chuckled, it was a strange sense of ritual.

He ate very fast today, Ruan Xihe wondered if he was full.

Seeing Ruan Xihe put down the tableware, although he tried his best to restraint, his eyes lit up and his Adam's apple rolled unconsciously: "Have you eaten well?"

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