Reborn monster

Chapter 33 The Imposing Escape

Jobas didn't wait for Wei Zhe, the fast suspicious seventh-level brave man, but he could clearly hear the panicked and chaotic voices of Kevin Eric Parry and the guards.

That is?

Oops, is it a plan to get away from the tiger?

Was it true that that person was just pretending?That person has no ability at all, damn it!

Jobas changed his defensive posture and quickly walked in the direction of the voice.At some point, Kevin Eric Parry was 50 meters away from him. Even if he tried his best at this moment, when he saw the picture in front of him clearly, everything was a foregone conclusion.

Fighting geese all day long was actually pecked by geese.

hateful! !

"Oh, the reaction is not slow, but it's too late. This person is indeed more interesting than you." "Wei Zhe" was only ten meters away from everyone, holding Kevin Eric Parry's hands behind his back with one hand , holding the bone spur knife in the other hand, and began to draw in detail on Kevin Eric Parry's neck. Every time he drew a bit, a bright wound was clearly visible there, and bright red blood ran along the wound It started to flow out, and when Jobas finished listening to "Wei Zhe", Kevin Eric Parry's neck had already been neatly and neatly cut a line of blood around the neck by "Wei Zhe" with a bone bayonet knife. The blood pouring in from the Didi lottery quickly turned Kevin Eric Parry's neck blood red.

"What do you want?" Jobas asked rather unwillingly. According to his original intention, with the seventh-level blood-eating demon wood, Kevin Eric Parry didn't care, but the twenty-odd guards However, his net worth is closely related to Kevin Eric Parry. Even if he is a fifth-level warrior, he will definitely not be able to match these twenty or so people. He has to ask whether he is unwilling or unwilling.


Qiaobas looked at "Wei Zhe" and heard his question, he licked the blood on the bone bayonet with his tongue with great interest, and looked up at him with a victor's attitude. Qiaobas only felt that his heart was full. It's a rage.

"How? Don't you know?

One, I want you to appreciate the beauty of how you are so delicate and tender, how the young master of Xien will avenge you under my knife, moaning in pain and gradually dying.

Second, you repented in front of me with a gesture of surrender, and obediently sent the seventh-level blood-devouring demon wood to me, so that you would not annoy me if you kept a sufficient distance from me When the time comes, I will let you young nobleman go. "

"Wei Zhe" saw the anger of Jobas, but so what, at the moment his anger is obviously no less than these people.

Although he had to choose to escape due to his physical condition at the moment, it was absolutely impossible for him to shrink back and flee like a bereaved dog!Moreover, there is no way to recover the principal, and the interest always has to be recovered a little.


Seeing Jobas' angry words, the guards behind Jobas seemed to be angered by his words.

"Wei Zhe" looked down at Kevin Eric who was looking at him full of fear, and whispered: "Look, you think you are a genius, but in fact your status is not important at all!" In the low voice, "Wei Zhe" started gesticulating through the clothes on Kevin Eric Parry's chest with a bone spur knife.

"My patience is limited, 3 minutes, if there is no reply, you can watch a beautiful performance. Of course, if you don't give up and want to rescue, then you might as well try, it will make your noble young master's wailing more powerful .”

"Hiss!" The bone spur knife quickly tore through the clothes on Kevin Eric Parry's chest. I don't know if it should be a coincidence or what. The place "Wei Zhe" chose to tear was Kevin Eric Parry. Where K. Parry's red beans were, when the clothes slipped and torn, due to the cold, Kevin Eric Parry's red beans stood up gently, and the bone bayonet knife of "Wei Zhe" gently traced along the red beans.

"Very good, how about cutting this off and giving it to you for the first match? It is also an honor for a fifth-level brave to be able to hold a place of loyalty to the master."

When I felt a sharp pain from mild to severe gradually coming from my chest.Kevin Eric Parry looked at <Wei Zhe> still chuckling, the fear in his eyes was about to solidify.He couldn't figure out why there was such a big difference between the same person.It was obvious that the person who was easily knocked down by using simple stun wood and grass before was able to block all his attacks so simply and neatly, and captured him easily.

What "Wei Zhe" said at this moment is true!

Kevin Eric Parry is extremely sure of this, and it is precisely because of his conviction that he is extremely afraid.

3 minutes, as long as 3 minutes, he will die tragically!

This assumption made Kevin Eric Parry tremble and fear uncontrollably.

He doesn't want to die!He can't die either, absolutely can't die!

Facing the unwilling expressions of Jobas and the guards, who seemed to want to challenge the person in front of them again, Kevin Eric Parry screamed without any hesitation.

"You... stop, Jobas and the guards, I order you in the name of the Parry family, you must do what he asks. Otherwise! If I really have to die, Jobas, and you, Facing the wrath of the entire Parry family, you and your family members should know the consequences!"

Kevin Eric Parry's originally handsome face was full of intense emotions that could not be concealed. Coupled with the blood that had finally stopped on his neck at this moment, it looked terrifying.

It's not that Kevin Eric Parry doesn't want to be silent. Once he speaks, it means that all the previously regained confidence will be shattered by him again.But compared with life, those are nothing!

"Huh? Begging for a cymbal so soon? You really have the demeanor of a noble young master. Your noble young master begged for a cymbal. What is your decision? There are still two minutes."

"Wei Zhe" listened to Kevin Eric Parry's words, there was no surprise in his eyes, as if he had expected it long ago, the bone bayonet knife in his hand moved from his chest to Kevin Eric Parry again. The blood on Pali's neck had just solidified, and even a slight touch like "Wei Zhe" still felt distinctly painful.

"You guys, do you want to rebel? You want to go against the Parry family!" Kevin Eric Parry felt the pain, his body couldn't help shaking, and he screamed again.

This time, the position of guard, who was still a little hesitant, made a decision in an instant.

"Young master, you dare not, you are born servants of the Parry family, and you will be the ghosts of the Parry family when you die." Amidst the noisy voice, the twenty or so guards all turned half-bent towards Kai. Vin Eric Parry showed his loyalty, and the guards in full armor made this action, and there was a hiss unique to metal.

Hearing that voice, "Wei Zhe" frowned slightly, with displeasure flashing in his eyes, he looked down at Kevin Eric Parry in front of him, exerted a little force in his hands, and watched the blood flow down Kai Wen Eric Parry's neck gushed out, but the displeasure in "Wei Zhe"'s eyes gradually receded.

"Young Master, your life is more important than anything else." Jobas finally turned away with unwillingness in his eyes, and after expressing his loyalty, he walked quickly to Wei Qizhu without the urging of the guards, using his strength in his hands, With the help of the dark yellow light, he cut a few times on Wei Qi's body that had turned into a plant.Those few knives obviously had their own subtleties. After those few knives, Wei Qi's pace of assimilation finally stopped.

"One day I will get you, blood-devouring demon wood." Jobas panted heavily, and said to Wei Qi with malicious eyes.

Wei Qi stared at Qiaobas with those wooden eyes that were already somewhat wooden, and there was no trace of emotion in his eyes.

"Bah." Wei Qi's expression obviously made Jobas even more annoyed, but because Kevin Eric Parry was still in the hands of "Wei Zhe", Jobas had to stop his anger, and said angrily. With a sound, Qiaobas pulled Wei Qiba out of his original position with his hands like pulling an inanimate thing.

When the rhizome was forced to leave the body, Wei Zhe frowned slightly, obviously in pain, but Wei Qi remained silent.

Even though Wei Qi's body is more than three or four times larger than the human body at this moment, it is still nothing to a warrior like Qiaobas. Pulling Wei Qi, Qiaobas quickly walked to the "Wei Zhe" ", but Qiaobas did not release Wei Qi immediately, but began to discuss and exchange with "Wei Zhe" by holding Wei Qi.

"You don't have any room to bargain. If you want him to die or let him go, there is still one minute." "Wei Zhe" looked at Qiaobas's words threatening Wei Qi, without any emotion in his eyes He glanced at Wei Qi with an extremely arrogant expression.

Faced with "Wei Zhe"'s expression, Wei Qi's eyes quickly flashed a look of sadness, but Wei Qi didn't say anything, just letting himself in and waiting for his unknown fate.

When Qiaobas listened to "Wei Zhe" and wanted to say something, he saw that "Wei Zhe" had already started to hold Kevin Eric Parry's right wrist, and described it carefully with a bone bayonet knife. That appearance, coupled with the blood flowing from Kevin Eric Parry's wrist every time "Wei Zhe" is portrayed, it seems that "Wei Zhe" is choosing the best angle to cut off Kevin Eric Parry. Rick Parry's wrist.

As a plant manipulator, the demands placed on him by his hands are extremely important. Knowing that he is like an obedient puppet at this moment, Kevin Eric Parry still couldn't help but speak.

"Jobs, I order you in the name of the Parry family, let him go immediately! Immediately!"

"Yes." Qiao Bas's lips quivered for a while, and finally he gave a low answer. With his hands, he threw Wei Qi hard towards "Wei Zhe". Facing Wei Qi who was coming, "Wei Zhe" frowned At the end of the move, his footsteps moved slightly, avoiding Wei Qi's frontal contact with him, and Wei Qi fell heavily to the ground with a loud noise.

"Very well, it seems that you have chosen the first one, then, regret in front of me with a surrender attitude, and take out the antidote to assimilate this blood-devouring demonized wood, like this Blood-devouring Demonic Wood will make me feel particularly bad."

This time, even without Kevin Eric Parry opening his mouth, when all the guards began to regret the half-grown child in front of him with the same frequency, Jobas also gave the antidote.

It doesn't matter, he was careless today, but one day, one day!

He would let the Blood-devouring Demonic Wood return to his hand, and let the lawless man in front of him kneel in front of him, with an appearance ten thousand times more humiliating than today.

Wei Zhe sniffed the medicine bottle that Qiaobas reluctantly handed over, sniffed it lightly, and after confirming that it was what he wanted, he kicked Wei Qi in front of him. Regardless of whether Wei Qi understood what he meant, "Wei Zhe" used Appreciating for a while the forbearance and humiliation of the guards and Jobas in front of him with a purely superior attitude, he tiptoed and quickly left in the opposite direction.

The figure of "Wei Zhe" quickly disappeared in front of everyone. When everyone was about to move, the words of "Wei Zhe" came faintly.

"Very good, that's right. Next, it's time to wait patiently for me to release your noble young master in a happy mood. Don't worry, I won't repay my kindness like your noble young master. I will do what I say."

At the same time, Wei Qi gradually retreated from his assimilated appearance and began to recover his adult body. He silently glanced at the people in front of him, pursed his lips, and disappeared in front of them equally neatly.

"Wei Zhe" obviously did not leave the slightest trace, but Wei Qi seemed to feel it, and found the breath of "Wei Zhe" very easily.

"Chase? Chief guard, is it really okay to let the young master disappear like this?"

"I don't believe that man's words."


The guards seemed to have finally realized how stupid their thinking was before, looking at the empty environment except them and Jobas, they spoke one after another.

It would be great if these guards had this reaction.

Seeing the reactions of these guards, Jobas thought of this sentence in an instant.

But he had already achieved this step, he had no choice but to give up the blood-devouring demon wood that was at his fingertips, so he must rescue Kevin Eric Parry.


"Wait, half an hour later, we immediately followed the man's direction to chase."

The author has something to say: I suddenly feel that Jingfenjun is so loving, and suddenly I want Jingfenjun and Xiaoshou to attack and swell by themselves?

This week's list is [-], so An'an will work hard to update it, girls, let's hit An'an with favorites and comments!

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