number one supermodel

Chapter 51 Put My Surname For You

Arthur was named after Queen Elizabeth II because his father was also named Arthur.Those old-fashioned old guys always like to inherit the blood of their fathers who are no big deal, as if having the same name as their father or grandfather will get the same glory.Arthur doesn't like this name very much, because the father who has the same name as him doesn't like him. In the final analysis, it has a lot to do with his mother's death in the delivery room (Arthur and his sister are twins).

Arthur lived in Nottingham until he was ten years old, and his grandfather became less likable after his younger son disappeared and was declared dead.The eldest son also passed away before him due to depression and various reasons, and he seemed to have lost hope in the whole world.Even when the old man faced his young grandson, he would not restrain his sad and resentful face.He used to be all-powerful, but when he got old, he had to endure the pain of a white-haired man sending a black-haired man.

Nottingham Castle, which stands quietly for a hundred years, enveloped Arthur's entire childhood with that repression.He seems to have lived in England more than a dozen centuries ago, and was taught an ancient aristocratic education that does not conform to the openness of modern education.The old Duke of Nottingham hoped that his only heir would become the second him and spread the glory all over Great Britain.It's a pity that while the old Duke educated Arthur into a typical British nobleman, he also inspired the dark side of this child who had shown extraordinary intelligence since he was a child.

Arthur Windsor, he originally only wanted to be an ordinary second-generation noble.But in the end, he found that he was still unwilling to be ordinary, and he was destined to be above those stupid guys.It is a contempt for God to waste his powers.

He didn't hate the Duke of Nottingham who gave him little love at all, the old man's character dictated it.He also lived in such a family environment since he was a child, which made it impossible for him to learn how to treat his relatives tenderly.Arthur Windsor knew that they all had cold blood in their veins.That is the cruel desire/desire hidden deep in the bones and blood.And Arthur Windsor came to London with this cold desire/desire.

Arthur likes the cold and dense fog in London, and he also likes the ambiguous intrigues of those noble boys and girls.But he felt that those people were just playing tricks, waving the jewels and diamonds on their necks and wrists, thinking that people all over the world would bow down.Arthur was perfunctory about talking to them, even though some of them were in the Queen's direct line.Arthur really lamented for the queen, because the queen herself has far-reaching political foresight and excellent diplomatic skills.But these children who are still dreaming of the dream of an empire on which the sun never sets do not seem to have inherited these advantages at all.Of course, they're doing pretty well in front of the media.

He walks among these people with a mask of friendliness and light, and has acquired a very good reputation.His grandfather, who had heard of his glory even in Nottingham, sent him a short letter full of implicit praise.Arthur was childishly proud of it for a long time.Because it proved that he had fooled everyone.

Later, Arthur entered Eaton.I met Huo Cheng'an who dismissed everyone.Arthur hates Huo Chengan, because Huo Chengan is one of the few people who can see through him at a glance.The man's golden-brown eyes were like a mirror, reflecting Arthur's ugly face.Arthur avoids Huo Chengan, and Huo Chengan is very sensible not to be with him.Neither of them likes to breathe in each other's scent, it makes both of them sick.

Arthur bored through this long middle school life, and those around him were like ridiculous parrots.His only pleasure was to catch the hawks and pluck their beaks and clip their wings.Just like Adam.It's a bit of a surprise that Adam is one of the more spine-chilling eaglets.Some aspects made him more angry than Huo Chengan.So he decided to teach Adam a lesson.That poison was the recipe Arthur found in his mother's diary.His mother hid the book wonderfully so it survived his father's death instead of being buried with God the hell out of it.It was also because of this book that Arthur inherited the surname of Fibros.By a coincidence, I got involved with a small organization in Italy.

Everything is moving in the most correct direction, including Huo Chengan's discovery.That guy is perpetually sane, and he's also cold-blooded, without those ridiculous sympathies.But Huo Chengan sometimes lives more comfortably than him, he doesn't need to live with a mask.

Many years passed after that, maybe five years or ten years, or even longer, he didn't even remember Huo Cheng'an's face, he could only make a mocking snort when others mentioned the name.The people around him have changed a lot back and forth, and the only ones who have settled down are Adam and Gray.He was suddenly a little tired of the world.No passion no challenge.The sound of gold coins colliding could not arouse his interest at all, and the explicit provocations of the beauties also became an eyesore.The terrible musky smell of so-called ladies and ladies makes people vomit.

Then, Mi Le appeared.Arthur Windsor finally knows what is called, I came to this world to meet you.

At Milan Fashion Week, he sat in a church pew with his bloodied name.The light leaked from the glass window of the Virgin Mary inlaid with mosaic colorful colored glass sparsely sprinkled in his pupils, everything was gorgeous with solemn splendor, the boy was bathed in such a variety of lights that broke into his eyes so abruptly world.He heard God whispering in his ear: Look, it's him, it's him.

They were not supposed to hold a Byzantine banquet in a Catholic church.Orthodox Christians and Catholics are not always so pleasing to each other.But it doesn't matter, because even God is grateful for this grand ceremony.

Arthur could feel his fingers trembling more violently as the little prince approached slowly.Although he knew that the person was not looking at him.No, it's completely irrelevant.That boy was so beautiful, and God had delicately drawn these futures with his fingers before he was born.He endows the boy with flowers, morning dew, sunshine and holiness.And fate has already predestined Arthur to follow his own desire/desire in this radiant day, and all the madness can be determined with just one glance.

If anyone could wash away all the gloom and darkness that Arthur Windsor has experienced in the past 29 years with a smile, he knew it must be Mi Le, he knew...

Mi Le is the true son of the sun.

But the damn Huo Cheng'an came out again to disrupt the situation.Like a curse.Huo Chengan is always against him!And that bold Cesar obviously challenged his bottom line even more.This despicable little mouse, he may show mercy and leave his whole body after this, for the sake of not being stupid to disrupt the plan.

He will take his princes to a safe place where no one can disturb them.But he can't be too aggressive, Mi Le is not the kind of person who gives in easily.

But he knew that one day, he would give Mi Le his surname.It was the most honorable surname in all of Great Britain.

He'll take him back to Nottingham.There is the brightest sunshine, the most simple people, and the warmest future.

He'll take him back to Nottingham...

Although he knew it wasn't now, he never wanted Huo Chengan to snatch him away, never!

Huo Chengan came down from the elevator of the helicopter, the wind from the propeller messed up his forehead hair and covered the expression on his face.His voice was very indistinct over the noisy roar, but Wallenstein, who was beside him, heard it.

"My dear Huo, believe me, you will need me. The child Arthur will not give up Mi Le so easily, I think you have felt it too."

Huo Cheng'an tugged on his sleeves in agreement.

Wallenstein continued: "I'm his uncle, and I'll try to convince him. You don't want Mire to get hurt, do you. Maybe that kid Arthur will do something stupid."

Huo Chengan nodded irritably, since Arthur Windsor dared to do such things as poisoning, why not dare.

"I hope there will be no accidents, Mr. Wallenstein." Huo Chengan said coldly.

"Everything will be fine, Huo. I promise."

Huo Chengan was a little surprised that Wallenstein was so confident. He noticed that Wallenstein was looking at the distant horizon with feeling, as if he was looking at something.

Charlie quickly came down with a black handbag.After landing, Charlie opened the bag to reveal the black barrel of the gun.He quickly assembled a miniature gun and handed it to Huo Chengan, and then equipped himself with a Bronte.No Wallenstein's.

"Sorry, Mr. Wallenstein, please understand."

"It's okay, it's completely fine. I'll make none of this work." Wallenstein smiled calmly.

Huo Chengan didn't say anything, and the three of them walked slowly along the path in the jungle.The entire island is not very large, so it is not difficult to find buildings.The difficulty lies in how to approach the building without anyone noticing.Huo Chengan could tell with his fingers that Arthur Windsor must have set a cordon.

Of course, that's Charlie Tinker Bell's job.Huo Cheng'an thought that Charlie would definitely be able to handle this, but unfortunately the castle's security bell rang.With a weeping face, Charlie firmly stated that it was not his fault, and that there was absolutely no problem with his technique.

In fact, it wasn't Charlie's fault, because it was Miro who made the alarm bell ring.He was plotting to escape again, even though he hadn't completely broken the anklets on his feet.Someone was after him, faster and more decisive than ever.Obviously, because Arthur Fibros is here too.They have smart brains.Mi Le didn't even know if he could last 10 minutes.

Mi Le's foot hurts, and every time he takes a step, his right ankle screams for pain and wants to strike.He had to use a long branch at random as a walking stick.He hadn't run far enough, the pain in his ankle told him.And he could already hear the sound of pursuers behind him.

After another run, Mi Le had to stop and lean against a big tree to rest.He panted cautiously, even the slightest tug on his gastrocnemius muscle hurt like hell.He covered his mouth and breathed in a little horror. He had noticed that Arthur Fibros was looking at him more and more strangely.It's just too bad.


A shout from not far away made Mi Le tremble violently.He rubbed his palms that were peeled off and red due to the intense friction with the rough bark, gritted his teeth and continued walking outside.Well, let him faint in the sea even if he wants to faint.He doesn't want to be caught back!

The pain in his ankle stimulated Mi Le's brain nerves again and again, so his whole body was in a state of muscle tension, and soon he felt exhausted.But he persevered with overload, before he lost his mind.And he heard some noises that startled him as he felt the exchange pouring something into him.Arthur was coming, the noises told him.

A drop of sweat fell on his eyelashes, and he tripped over a root extending from a nearby tree.But at this time, he had no extra strength to support his body to stand up.He was panting heavily, and his vision was getting blurry.Frustrated and discouraged, he rolled over on his back and watched the thick leaves shade the sun.Then he saw a face and he thought he was dreaming.Because this person is unlikely to appear here now.


No one responded to him, it seems that he is really dreaming.Damn it, even dreaming about Huo Cheng'an, it's really hopeless.

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