number one supermodel

Chapter 50 Salome Salome

Mi Le walked slowly in the dark corridor of the castle.Walking on the soft and thick carpet will not make a little sound.Thick white candles are burning on the upside-down candlesticks embedded on the walls on both sides, and the orange flames are beating, poetically emitting warm light to illuminate the age-old murals on the walls.

Mi Le didn't know whether the murals were painted by the painters freehand, or if they moved the entire wall from other places.But just looking at the smooth lines, rich and brilliant colors and the sense of coordination of the overall frame can show that this is the work of a master.

The peerless seven-layer veil dance, the daughter of Babylon flying barefoot.Her white hands are like white doves flying in the sky.They are like white butterflies.They are like white butterflies.She is like a lost dove...she is like a narcissus swaying in the wind...she is like a silvery white flower.The bright red seven-layer veil is like the red clouds rolling in the sky, it covers the princess's body, sometimes dancing and sometimes tender.

Mi Le's eyes lingered on this gorgeous and colorful mural.He knew it was depicting a scene from the Bible.Like a Babylonian princess descended from heaven, the Jewish daughter dances the most beautiful dance in the world in front of her stepfather.The price paid by the king for this was to offer the head of the Prophet Zu Denan.

He continued to look, stopping at the end of the mural.The young and beautiful Salome held the prophet's head on a silver platter and kissed it madly and obsessively.

Mi Le seemed to hear a perverse and sweet female voice echoing in Mi Le's ears.She said foolishly: Zu Denan, I told you, I want to kiss you, I said so.I will bite your lips with my teeth like a piece of fruit.

Severe pain suddenly hit the brain at this moment.Mi Le groaned/groaned and slammed down on the wall, and slowly slid down from above.

The watcher Bass, who was following Mi Le, stepped forward to check quickly, but he didn't expect Mi Le to jump up from the ground suddenly and knock him away, stumbled and ran deep into the corridor.Looks like a moment of deliriousness.Bass hurried to catch up, and saw Mi Le accidentally fell into a room with the door not closed tightly.Bass only glanced at the room and immediately backed out, leaving only Mi Le leaning on the wall of the room to pant.

Mi Le endured the severe pain in his head and raised his eyes to look around, only to find that the shabby room was a bit scary.Except for a brown sofa chair and a small bronze round table in the corner, the only decoration in the whole room is the lacquered gold-patterned wallpaper pasted on the four walls, sprinkled with a touch of gold powder, as if those flower garlands came from the bottom of the wall naturally. It grows from the bottom and slowly climbs up the white wall.What's more, there is no window in this room, and Pu feels a sense of suffocation as soon as he enters the door.Mi Le fumbled for the wall light switch on the wall next to the door, but after touching for a long time, he could only touch the frosted bumps on the wallpaper.

Annoyed, Mi Le walked to the sofa chair, and Mi Le saw the Roman pattern three-headed candlestick standing on the small round table.Three slender white wax stood quietly.Mi Le saw the flint and steel beside him again.After sighing for a while, he shivered and lit the candle.

Holding up the candlestick, Mi Le sat on the sofa chair in a strange way.Then a small clicking sound suddenly jumped out, and then the ceiling reassembled like a split, and a spherical thousand-faced diamond-shaped glazed body protruded from the zenith.He slowly stretched down and stopped two inches from the flame at the highest point of the white wax.Then the glazed ball cracked from the bottom, bloomed like a flower, and slowly swallowed all the flames on the white wax into the ball.In the next second, the originally eclipsed glazed ball erupted with dazzling light.Beam after beam of white light projected from his thousand diamond-shaped facets, illuminating the things slowly taking shape on the four walls.Those rays of light are like the hands of the goddess Silver Moon, caressing the wall gently and intently.

Mi Le stared dumbfounded at the photos all over the wall, and stood there in a daze as if he had seen a ghost.He froze for a moment, then moved his feet with difficulty to the nearest wall.He stretched out his hand suspiciously to block the light from the glazed ball, and then the photo on the wall disappeared.He put his hand down, and the photo reappeared in the light.He felt the blood vessels in his body tremble, and he looked closely at the photos on the wall, a fear and anger that he was being peeped at all the time swept over his mind particularly strongly.

Those who are at school, those who bicker with their friends, those who lie on the table and write hard, those who hold a baby on the road, and those who drag their suitcases into the castle...

Mi Le couldn't believe it...

Before the House of Models he was sure he had never met Arthur Fibros.What's so good about him is that the man wants to record and watch him 24 hours a day like a perverted stalker.He's just a damn little model, and the world of these rich and powerful has nothing to do with him.And he would never be happy to have such an admirer.What a joke, he was imprisoned simply because of that man's damn selfishness.It's not fair to him!

Mi Le was irritable and angry, and his head hurt more and more.

Arthur Fibros was a lunatic, like Salome was a lunatic.

He couldn't go on doing nothing.At least, at least he should figure out a way to tell people where he is.Anyone is fine.If he can't escape by himself.

"Master? Are you okay, Bass is at your command."

Panting carefully, Mi Le turned off the weird projection device slowly.This also crippled his strength.Then he called weakly to Buzz at the door.He had to let Bass know that he was in a very bad state of mind.

Bass came in quickly, and saw Mi Le lying on the floor dying.His heart skipped a beat, and the words the boss warned when he left made him tremble with fear.The boss attaches great importance to the young master, so Bass can't let the young master have an accident no matter what.

"Master, how do you feel?"

"I... have a headache, Buzz."

Bass hesitated a few times and finally picked up Mi Le and ran all the way to the bedroom. When passing by the living room, he didn't forget to call the maids who were wiping the furniture floor to come up together.

Mi Le fell asleep, and he heard Bass talking in a low voice with the butler who hurried over.The butler is a middle-aged lady.Then it was Bass who was asking why he suddenly fell ill, and his tone was a little impolite.The anxious butler was obviously not angry at Bass' rudeness.Her tone also sounded quite puzzled.She responded to Bass in a low voice, saying that it is reasonable that the drug factors in the young master's body have been emptied, and there should be no more illnesses.

For a while, everyone was a little helpless.

"I have to contact my boss," Bass said tangled up.

Oh, that's great, that's what Mi Le wants.So far, he has not found any radio devices in the castle, which means that he cannot contact the outside world and also declined all electronic entertainment.He knew Buzz must have a phone or something, and he definitely had it with him.Mi Le must find a chance to get this phone, even for a minute.

Mi Le was placed on the bed in the bedroom, and the rustling of the skirts of the maids could be heard in his ears.Trembling, he slightly raised his eyelids, and vaguely saw Bass take out his trouser pocket, and then put his hand into his chest.

Well, stupid myself.He should have guessed that men always have a habit of keeping their mobile phones in the lining pocket of their suits.Regardless of the impact on physical health, this is the easiest way and the easiest place to feel the vibration of the mobile phone.Of course, the method of taking it is much cooler than any one place.

Five minutes later Bath returned with the maid carrying the concoction.Mi Le thought to himself that he might have already spoken to Arthur Fibros.So the next step...

Mi Le woke up faintly from the maid's soft call. He suddenly lay on the bedside and retched violently, which startled the maids.

"You, you all go out..."

"But, young master..."

"Go out, master needs to rest." Bass said silently.Then he had to go out with the maid who was persuaded.

"Bass, you stay."

Bass nodded and walked back, bringing the bedside medicine to serve Mi Le to drink.

"I don't want to drink that stuff." Mi Le frowned in disgust, her tone weak.

"Master, this will relieve your headache. You should know that good medicine is bitter."

"This looks like water mixed with toad droppings, Buzz. I don't want to drink it." Mi Le began to be uncharacteristically coquettish.

Bass wasn't surprised, it was a side effect of the drug, he knew it.It's just that the young master needs to drink medicine, at least before the boss rushes over: "Master, Martha should have put sugar in it, it's not bitter."

"Don't, don't!" Mi Le screamed angrily, and knocked over the medicine bowl with a wave of his hand.The scalding concoction drank all of Buzz's suit jacket very happily.

Bass was a little helpless, but not angry: "I'll ask Martha to make another bowl, young master, you'd better have a drink."

"I'm sorry, Buzz." Mi Le apologized aggrievedly, tears flickering as if she was about to cry in the next second.

"It's all right, it's all right, young master. Look, there's nothing wrong with it. You can rest in peace."

Well, Buzz is an absolutely normal man, but Buzz said that he has no resistance to Mi Le's expression of aggrieved and frightened children who have done something wrong.He felt that Mi Le was like an enlarged version of his son.

"Bass, if you ask me to make it up to you, I don't think you blame me." Mi Le suddenly said proudly.

"Uh, yes, master. What do you want?"

Mi Le was suddenly overjoyed, and struggled to get up from the bed and led Bass to the huge wardrobe.

"You see your clothes are dirty by me, Bass." Mi Le gently opened the closet, buried his whole head in the soft fabric, then he suddenly turned his head and asked: "Bass , which one do you like? Gray, black? Or dark blue?"


"Bass..." Mi Le looked at him with tears in his eyes.

"Yes, I see, sir, the gray one. I think the gray one is very nice."

"Ah, I think so too." Mi Le smiled and took out the gray suit and handed it to Bass, and then took the dirty clothes that Bass had replaced very naturally.He stepped back slightly to allow Buzz to look into the full-length mirror on the closet door.Then he grabbed the collar of the suit with one hand, and with the other hand he slightly reached into the inner pocket.He touched the phone case with piano paint!

God, he really swears he touched it!

"Master, how is it?" Bass suddenly turned around and asked with a cheerful expression.

Mi Le jumped all over in fright, he said a few words of praise, and succeeded in getting Bass' puzzled eyes.

"I just can't stand anymore, Bass." Mi Le said distressedly, "Arthur made me like this, I don't like him."

"Master, the boss loves you more than anyone else, you shouldn't question this." Bass looked at Mi Le kindly, although his face in his 30s looked awkward.

Mi Le burst into tears again, this time he really wanted to cry.Is there anything that makes him want to cry more than the current situation?The phone is an inch away from his fingertips.There was nothing he could do.Bass will get his clothes back soon, his plan failed this time, and it won't be long before Arthur Fibros comes back, he can't imagine what will happen.

damnit!Think of a way, think of a way!

A voice screamed in his head, and Mi Le's face was as pale as paint.

"Bass! Bass!" The butler's voice suddenly came from the door, and she seldom spoke so loudly.She is very well educated and an absolute classy lady.

Bass suddenly turned his head and saw the butler opened the door a little, beckoning to him.Bass glanced at Mi Le, then strode out and closed the door.

Before Mi Le's head could react, his fingers had already grabbed the phone.He took it out tremblingly, so excited that he couldn't even turn on the screen of the phone.Then a frame popped up on the screen like a bucket of cold water and watered him down completely.

Power-on password!damn it!

Mi Le took a deep breath, and he told himself to be calm and calm.He can guess it.Bass was a family man, and he might use his wife's or son's name as a password.Mi Le racked his brains to recall all the information Bass had revealed about his family.A Catholic family, yes.Mi Le tremblingly entered a name, but failed.He bit his lip and typed another name, which was Buzz's only son, but still failed.Oh, come to think of it, is there any crucial information he left out.Catholicism, damn it.He should have used Latin instead of English.Mi Le gritted his teeth and entered the Latin name of Bath's son again, and the door opened with a beep on the phone.

Mi Le switched to the dial screen, his fingers were hesitating.After struggling for a second, he quickly dialed a number.Mi Le shouted anxiously when the busy tone came.Please, please answer the phone, Huo Chengan.

Mi Le could feel his heart beating fast, and he kept his eyes on the door, fearing that he would lose all trust of Bass if he was discovered by Bass just like that holding up the phone.

The beeping continued, and Mi Le was so nervous that his fingertips were turning white.

"Hello, the number you dialed is in the middle of a call. After the beep, it will be forwarded to the voice mail box for you." The beautiful female voice made Mi Le's heart skip a beat.

For God's sake, enduring frustration and despair, he tapped on the phone screen again and again.

After Mi Le finished, he quickly deleted the communication records.At this time, Bass just opened the door.Mi Le hurriedly stuffed the phone back, and stood there in fear, waiting for Bass to approach.Mi Le was dripping with sweat.


"Bass, I think I should go back to bed." Mi Le returned the clothes to Buzz, and walked back to the bed unsteadily.He hid his trembling hands under the covers and forced himself to close his eyes not to look at Bass.

No matter what happens now, he has done his best, so he can only resign himself to fate.

"Master, Martha will bring the medicine soon, please don't be childish."

"Okay, Bass." Mi Le replied obediently, but in fact he really wanted to curse.At the same time, I also lamented that if I quit modeling, I might be able to switch to a small actor.

"Charlie, have you found out where the signal for this phone is?"

Huo Chengan's words were tinged with anxiety, which surprised Charlie very much.Huo Chengan rarely does this, at least in his opinion.

"It's tricky, boss."

"Don't talk nonsense."

"I was wrong, boss. I mean, I've found it."




"In the Bahamas, I'm sure where even the most powerful technicians in the world can't be sure." Charlie crossed his legs especially proudly.

Huo Chengan pressed his eye sockets silently, and said quickly: "That's enough, get ready for the plane, let's go to the Bahamas."

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