All-round learning machine

Chapter 23 Wang You's Thoughts

"Why are you interested in this?"

"It's human beings who always have the idea of ​​being a good teacher. It's like watching a piece of rough jade being carved into a gemstone, and fruit trees being carefully cultivated to bear fruit. A piece of white paper is filled with words of their own unique style. This sense of accomplishment is almost everyone. Everyone likes to enjoy, according to modern words... everyone has the training attribute of s."

Bullying the cute little apprentice or something, it feels good to think about it.Especially influenced by the thought of respecting teachers for thousands of years, all students face teachers.That unique sense of tension, fear, admiration...

"It's interesting."

"But he's your classmate. He's just a little bit younger than you."

"A master is a teacher. And I don't have to ask him to call me a master. Let him learn something from me. Then when I am busy, he can do some things. But when I am studying Judging from his state, on the surface it is that I sleep and he studies. Then I wake up and check his study progress leisurely."

This idea is quite good. It is conceivable that the little depression about being idle, busy, sleeping, and playing will be a different person.

"Little Q... Look, you are my golden finger. If I hand over what I have learned and used to others, then I will become someone else's golden finger. It feels very special."

That status is the various legendary masters that the protagonist encounters on the road, the cheats that the protagonist finds by jumping off a cliff, the owner of the fairyland that the protagonist breaks into after being hunted down, and the protagonist who wants to cultivate immortality, suddenly someone takes over the mountain and becomes king for merit. Talk for free.

Little Q is a huge gold mine to him.And if you teach what you have learned in your own way, it will be a golden varnish for everyone's life.

All of a sudden, the point of view changed from a person who overcomes obstacles and struggles hard to finally usher in the fruits of victory, to a person who laughs at the situation and distributes golden fingers.An existence to be looked up to in someone else's life.

This feeling of sublimation made Wang You forget the original reason for thinking this way just now.This idea is getting better and better.

Because of Xiaoq's appearance, he was confused about the infinite possibilities of Weilai.Because he chooses that path as his career in the future, success and fame are certain.But he can't fully express himself.Build yourself into a shiny, multicolored diamond that looks more like artificial plastic than a soft, shimmering pearl on the surface, surrounded by a bunch of brilliant gemstones that are dazzling and dazzling. A sense of accomplishment.

It's better to be alone than to be happy with others. Isn't it better to use him as a medium?Although it is not as convenient and effective as Xiaoq's consciousness space, Xiaoq's summary and information are the most comprehensive.

Although it was only a vague idea, the heartbeat accelerated and the endless repetitions made the concept perfect. Even though the more I conceived, the more problems appeared, I still thought about it repeatedly with warmth in my heart.

"Then what are you going to teach him?" Little Q didn't know that Wang You's thoughts had turned so many times.Faithfully provide services to the host.

"What have I learned so far?" Suppressing the excitement in my heart, I have to walk step by step, and I have to eat every bite.

Just a preliminary idea on the table is called a stupid plan.He always walks on the road and says to people, I am omnipotent and omnipotent, pay some tuition fees and you will become a talent...

Looking at my current study list, I thought there was a lot of content, but now it seems that there is not much.Several languages, physical training, calligraphy, styling, etiquette, tea ceremony, military boxing, driving.

Among other things, as far as his first date - Yu Bai, there seems to be nothing that can impress him, or tempt him to learn.

Although it is also possible that he doesn't know Yu Bai well enough.The current information is that...

Yu Bai hoped that his grandpa would be happy, calligraphy and painting is obviously a good choice, but Yu Bai's family has worked so hard for it for so many years, Yu Bai has no talent in this area.With his own cooking skills as a comparison, Wang You deeply understands how helpless it is to have no talent.

It's my first time teaching someone, so I can't rely on the strength of nine oxen and two tigers, the effect is not obvious...

An option that interested Yu Bai and would throw himself into the trap, and an option that Yu Bai had some talent and was convenient for teaching.

"Huh? Why don't you have any cooking skills." After scanning around, I found that I missed one.

"How was the sweet and sour duck and vegetarian three delicacies last night?"

"not bad."

"now it's right."

"..." Wang You's expression was distorted.

There is nothing that you can do harder than others with your golden finger.Although it's unreasonable for a young master like Yu Bai to be able to cook, but he does, what can be done about it.

So for the remaining few items, Wang You can quickly upgrade one of them to proficiency, and then choose a bait that Yu Bai will definitely be interested in.

However, as a plan that I just came up with to make my heart beat, I couldn't implement it immediately, and I always felt that something was missing in my heart.

Best off the shelf.

Remove cooking.Language classes are also excluded.It is impossible for Yu Bai to stay at his house all his life, and he will go to school in a few days.There is also a top student in the English department in the dormitory.

To judge others by oneself, if you are from the English department, there is someone around you who is good at English from other departments, and you are still showing off all day long...

Avoid it if you can, there are other options, there is no need to deliberately make people unhappy, isn't it?Moreover, you can see why Yu Bai chose the English department.Language skills don't impress him.

calligraphy?Yu Bai's talent is not good.etiquette?People have already met.Design?As a young master, he was born to wait for the stylist to serve him.Military boxing?Yu Bai knew he would, but he didn't take the initiative to follow suit, so he was already not interested.He remembered that Yu Bai himself knew karate, but he was easily knocked down by the instructor because he was not good in actual combat.

Finally... drive...

Not to mention that City S does not have mountain roads like "Initial D" to show off various elegant skills.Young people yearn for it with cool technology and the thrill of being close to death.

In the first-tier cities, among other things, there are so many cameras, you can deduct a lot of points for your super fast speed, and then confiscate your driver's license and tow your car away.

Even if Yu Bai wanted to learn and he agreed, his family would not agree.What's more, Wang You himself has just learned it.

With such deletions and deletions, only tea art remains.

This also secretly formed a huge problem, how could he fool Yu Bai to learn this, could it be said that your grandpa would definitely like it?Shall we learn tea art?

"So, you can only postpone the plan, finish the current one first, and then learn the one Yu Bai is interested in. What do you about this?"

"Computer mean programming?"

"That's right, remember when you met me, what was the first thing you wanted?"

"Smart pets, robot dogs." But later, because the learning load was too large, he was suppressed.

"For boys, this kind of sci-fi stuff is as indescribably alluring as guns. If you think smart pets are too slow to learn, you can learn how to write smart programs first. And in the learning of computer programming , I also synthesized a side branch." Xiao Q opened the list while talking.Among a large number of learning branches related to computer software, there is a vocabulary that is particularly conspicuously stuck in it.


"Hacking technology, simply put, is the discovery of flaws and loopholes in computer systems and networks, as well as techniques for attacking these flaws. The flaws mentioned here include software flaws, hardware flaws, network protocol flaws, management flaws and artificial mistake."

"This is a legitimate profession, but in the eyes of ordinary people, hackers are those who steal your account password, tamper with your information, sneak into your computer to steal business secrets, and then find a virus to crash your computer... High-tech criminals of the new age."

Of course, some of these "criminals" are fighting for "justice".But it's like Robin Hood, Zorro, Swallow Li San, etc., but... Grand Thief is also a thief.

In the eyes of ordinary people, these are all bad people.You should curse it ten thousand times, especially when your computer hurts Chiyu.

But it's good to use it as bait to catch Yu Bai, he has already thought up the words: kill a "person" in ten steps, and never stop for a thousand miles.Hello.

Don't do bad things, learn such a skill, it's also good for defense.In Yu Bai's family, having someone who is proficient in this area is absolutely beneficial and harmless.

"I have an idea, the best of both worlds."

"Both?" Xiao Q turned 85 degrees in doubt.How did he not see that there were two options.

"Appropriate bait, and immediate teaching. But you need to cooperate..."


"This, this, this..." Yu Bai stared at Wang You's computer dumbfounded, he even forgot the watermelon in his hand, and almost dyed Wang You's T-shirt because of his excitement.

"If I hadn't been seen by you, I wouldn't have shown this hand." Wang You pretended to be helpless.

Now Wang You's computer is displaying the archive of a popular online novel....

That's what Yu Bai mentioned a few days ago, the one who chased after him scratching his head and scratching his head, and was extremely anxious.

Seeing that Yu Bai was completely attracted by the plot, he quickly finished watching the content, and then continued to go crazy.

"What's behind, what's behind, what's behind!!!"

"The author hasn't written it yet." No matter how skilled this hacker is, it is impossible to dig out the plot from the author's mind.

While Wang You threw a few thunders at the author, he listened to Yu Bai and Xiao Q's double complaints.

One is to complain that I saw the article in advance, but I was still stuck and itchy, and I couldn't see more "new" for several days in the future.One is to complain. He has a smart computer, Tangtang's most advanced learning machine, and Tangtang's high-tech technology that is much smarter than you humans... he has been reduced to stealing novels for his host.

Although it is said that the laws of the earth are useless to him, but... how cheap it is! ! !

Being quarreled by two people at the same time, and still able to calmly pull back Yu Bai's wandering thoughts, Wang You's level is not bad.

"A few days ago, I heard that you were writing the last article. I also read it, and I found it really good. So I couldn't help but want to read the archived manuscript. I wanted to come to you to prophesy after reading it. .It is very unfortunate saw it."

The truth of the matter is that Xiao Q invincibly invaded the author's backstage and arrived at the author's computer early, ignoring the simple firewall, and returned to the computer with the saved manuscript.

Wang You calculated Yu Bai's course of action accurately, and then went to the toilet before Yu Bai came back. Of course, this was a fake.

The scanning range of Xiao Q is not large, but this home can still be handled.

Walking into a room where no one is there, and only one computer is turned on, people will subconsciously look at the computer.This has nothing to do with invasion of privacy or anything.It is an instinct in the human subconscious to look for answers and chase after unusual objects.

And Wang You asked Xiao Q to get the novel.The title was made a conspicuous blue with ulterior motives and enlarged.It is guaranteed that Yu Bai will not miss this line even if he glances at it.

Even if you miss it.Little Q will also make the computer make a sound to attract Yu Bai's attention.

Sure enough, after Yu Bai saw the name of his favorite novel... the whole set was complete.

"That's amazing, why don't you study computer science?"

Wang You gave a domineering smile, and said something that all the students had dreamed about. "School? There's nothing to teach me there, why should I go?"

Give yourself a thumbs up.This moderate publicity really makes people feel comfortable.

Seeing Yu Bai's slightly envious expression, Wang You immediately displayed a superior demeanor.Slowly seduce a certain second generation into the urn.

"Actually, all of this is quite simple. You are from the English department. It is more helpful to learn this." The computer program encodes wooden Chinese characters.Only those who are good at English can become the top hackers.

First, he gave Yu Bai a small compliment, and then he said cryptically that in the current business wars, some of them are hackers invading and stealing information.

He is going to write a universal firewall software, but it is naturally more difficult to be a universal firewall software.But I have this confidence.

When Xiao Q heard him playing, he couldn't help but snorted coldly in Wang You's mind.I despise this person who is still pretending to be a master who obviously doesn't know a single code.

However, he has a good grasp of Yu Baizong's family psychology.Yu Bai, who had always been fascinated by hacking technology, felt more and more reasonable after hearing Wang You's bluff.

He knows how many such talents his father's company has raised.No matter how tight the contract is, how can one's own family be reliable.

Hold your thighs immediately and study.

"My ultimate goal is not to make a name for myself in the hacker world. I want to write a program. An intelligent program. It's like the brain in a novel."

Xiao Q was humming again, which was comforting, and he quickly said a lot of good things in his mind.Of course, what we have tossed out cannot be compared with yours.

"This is good." ¥-¥ flashed in Yu Bai's eyes.He expressed his great expectations for this promising career.

"So... have you really thought about it?"

"Is there even a need to think about it?!"

"If you enter our gate, you are absolutely not allowed to back down before you have completed your studies. You can back down if you want. The price of betraying the master is very painful."

"Don't underestimate me, since I was a child, as long as I make up my mind... most of the things can be done well." I dare not speak too full.

"Very good." Wang You continued to agree with the mastery. "But there is an entrance exam."

"What exam?"

"Tea art."

"Brother, the difference between the two is too much..."

"The Internet is like a battlefield. Before you go to the battlefield, you need to be calm. And this is also a test of your determination and learning ability. Be content... You still have me to teach. When I started, I watched videos to learn by myself. .It took a lot of effort to let the master feel that he passed the test."

"Which great god is the master?"

Xiao Q has officially been promoted to a higher level, feeling secretly refreshed.

"Eh... he didn't tell me his name in the circle, his usual ID... there is no end to learning."

"Goddess!!!" Yu Bai looked at Wang You in horror. "Then you are the little boy who was kept by the goddess?"


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