
Vol 2 Chapter 2210: Ignorance is blessing

Speaking of the ancient people, Gu Qingfeng couldn't help thinking of that avenue seed like a lonely star tear.

I still remember clearly that when ancient times ended and ancient times began, the ancient Qingfeng awakened in the northwestern part of the secular world. By chance, he encountered the legendary avenue.

The road sluice is a natural phenomenon. Only when the avenue falls, can the road sluice appear.

Xun happened to have a boulevard seed falling from the boulder at the time, and it happened to hit Gu Qingfeng's body, and somehow merged with him again.

古 In the impression of the ancient Qingfeng, the avenue fell, and the seeds of the avenue would disappear with it, and it was impossible to fall from the sluice of the avenue. At least, he had never heard of such a rare thing before.

At the time, he also felt that something was wrong, because the avenue seed that fell down merged with him without any discomfort, as if it belonged to him originally.

To be honest, until now he hasn't figured out what kind of boulevard seed is the boulevard seed. Later, he used this boulevard seed, and a seed from nature, plus his own nine ancestor fires. Violent worship of all living floats.

I was most impressed by him, that avenue seed seemed to contain a hint of residual knowledge.

残 The lingering knowledge told him that the ancient people had come and were still looking for him.

He also said that he should not believe in ancient people, and do not believe in anyone.

He also said that he had no previous life and no future life.

He even told Gu Qingfeng to ask him to look for a woman, a woman with him behind.

Gu Qingfeng always remembered these words very clearly, but they were only clear. He couldn't understand the words of that disability.

He can understand the ancient people, and he can understand the ancient people looking for themselves.

He even said that he had no previous life and no future life, and Gu Qingfeng could understand how much.

After all, if, as the Daxing epistemic said, he is the destined son of original sin, then it is impossible for him to have any previous life. This is why the ancient people find themselves.

What really made him incomprehensible was the woman who had been left behind by a consciousness, a woman with her own back, what does it mean?

The ancient breeze wanted to come and go, but he didn't want to understand. Even after going through so many things, he still couldn't understand.

I wanted to ask Daxing epilepsy, think about it or forget it.

Thaksin ca n’t believe in Daxing, and this old bald donkey is definitely not as vulgar and crazy as it may seem. It ’s not clear if Daxing is a good or bad man, but he is very certain that Daxing The old bald donkey's stomach must not be a good bird, the ghost knows what little abacus is secretly playing.

"Guzi, what is the thing that the Blood River ancestors sent you to be black?"

Looking at Gu Qingfeng playing with a black jade statue all the time, the Daxing epic suddenly asked, "It doesn't look like a simple storage thing."

"I don't look very similar."

"Come and ask the old man to look at it."

The ancient breeze hurled it in the past, and the Daxing epic took the black jade statue and studied it for a while, and said, "This thing looks like a seal."

"India?" Gu Qingfeng asked, "What is India?"

Gu Qingfeng has been playing with this black jade statue given to him by the old bone-bone demon. He is convinced that this thing is definitely not a storage thing, but what it is, it is not clear for a while. He sacrificed his knowledge and searched, but found nothing.

"Old man also can't figure out this thing, but it looks pretty evil." Dahang prince looked left, pinched right, shook his head, and said, "And this thing doesn't look like any good thing, Be careful, boy, don't blame the **** ancestor, that guy is not a good bird. "

"Is the Blood River ancestor a good bird? Grandpa doesn't know. Grandpa only knows that your old bald donkey is not a good bird anyway."

"Hey, your kid is changing Fa-Lao, right?"

"Is your old bald donkey still using the grandfather?" Gu Qingfeng smiled and sighed, "What good birds are there this year, the tricks are one that is deeper than the other. The grandfather originally thought that Although he is not extremely clever, but he is definitely not stupid. After dealing with old guys like you, he found that he was almost like a mentally handicapped person. He was turned around by you, and he jumped into your trap without knowing it. I went and was sold by you. I do n’t know what happened. ”

This is Gu Qingfeng's heartfelt words, and also his life perception.

If you think about it, he feels more and more that he has jumped into the trap that others have already laid out since he was born. He walked all the way from this trap to that trap, just one trap after another. He jumped in and jumped in, and even now into this wild ancient black hole, Gu Qingfeng suspected that he was either in a trap set by a monk, or he was in another person's trap.

"Old boy, old man did not dig a hole for your boy."

Faced with the excuses of the Daxing episcopal, Gu Qingfeng had been too lazy to deal with it.

"But then again, everyone is the same, your kid is the chess piece on this board, and the oldest one is no exception. Looking at the avenue Cang Sheng ~ ~ Who is not a chess piece?"

After the Daxing episcopal returned the black jade statue to Gu Qingfeng, he said, "The only difference is that some people have realized that they are a chess piece, and they realize that causality can be grafted, and that fate can be arranged, and some people , I thought that my life was their destiny, and compared to their sadness, we knew we were lucky to be a pawn. "

"How lucky do you think you know you are a pawn?"

怎么 "What's wrong, aren't you lucky than those people who have been confused for a lifetime?"

"What's so bad about being confused for a lifetime? The old saying is that the ignorant is fearless. In the view of the master, ignorance is the greatest blessing. There is nothing wrong with being a mundane ordinary person, and living an ordinary and carefree life. What a leisurely thing, isn't he more comfortable than you? "

Gu Qingfeng looked at Daxing Leng Monk, and laughed, "You know how many **** mothers, but there is a use for hair, and you haven't seen how comfortable you are. You jumped up and down like a fool all day, you know. You're busy working on your own abacus. The unknowing mother thinks you've been squeezed by the door. "

"Fuck! Old me!"

Lu Daxing's epilepsy was dumbed by Gu Qingfeng and said, "Your boy is talking to the old uncle, why didn't he recruit you?"

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