
Vol 2 Chapter 2209: 2 camps


"Why so?"

"I was asking what is the intention of the old demon worship to show others? What is the purpose?"

"Is your kid pretending to be stupid or really stupid, can't you tell?"


"The purpose of the old bone demon to worship you is no longer obvious. However, he just wants to tell everyone that he is the old bone devil, no! Exactly the blood ancestor behind him is on your side. , It ’s not on your side, but on the side of original sin, I hope your boy will ask God, the original sin, to end this ancient time, start the era of injustice, and completely wipe out fate! "

"It's that simple?"

Gugu Qingfeng frowned slightly and asked, "If it is really that simple, there is no need for Blood River ancestors to do so."

"Crap, of course it won't be that simple."

The Daxing epistemic explained: "The old man said just now that most of the opposition to fate may have died in the ancient times. In addition, since ancient times, the minions of fate have been hunting against the existence of fate. Today, although there are still The next few are against fate, but they are hidden deep and deep. "

"Now Blood River ancestors are the first to stand out, and according to Laoyu's view, one is that he wants to tell other opposition to destiny. The time has come and it is time to stand up. Second, naturally, he also wants to take this opportunity. Tell the destiny's minions to let them know that if they want to kill the original sin, they must first pass their level. The third thing is to tell you the kid and let you understand that you are not fighting alone. "



When the white-bone old demon visited himself, Gu Qingfeng also knew that things were not so simple, there must be a hidden purpose behind it, and it must have something to do with the fate of the original sin.

He is only two camps of original sin and destiny. He hasn't figured it out till now. I don't know what the camp of original sin exists, and what the camp of fate exists.

After questioning, Daxing epilepsy also scratched his head quite a bit, and said, "Guzi, I do n’t understand, I do n’t understand, and the water inside is deep and extremely complicated. It is not a word or two. Make it clear. "

Daxing epilepsy took off the hat on his head, and touched his bare head, and continued, "It's really hard to say who is the destiny's minion, but according to the information received by the old man, Jiutianxiandao's group Most of the cubs are the minions of destiny, such as the group of Emperor Sundial and Emperor Xitian Buddha.

"As for the thirty-six holes and the seventy-two blessings, what do these people say? Say they are the minions of destiny. They secretly cultivate the original sinners, say they are against destiny, and they wear a pair of pants with destiny. Said that the 36 holes and 72 blessings of the 36 holes belong to the kind of two-faced factions that fall with the wind, and they are preparing with both hands. Whether they have been killed or their original sins are wiped out, they all have strategies to deal with. "

With a sigh of sigh, Dahang epilepsy said: "In fact, the old man can understand them. After all, no one wants their destiny to be dominated by others, and they all want to hold their destiny in their own hands. Unfortunately, those behind the destiny are too They are strong, like gods. In order to be passed on, they can only obey fate. "

"Do n’t your kids think they are all busy, they are all watching the situation, and now they are observing the situation. Once they find that fate has the upper hand, they will tend to fate and kill you at all costs."

"And then again, if your kid has the upper hand, or the original sin has the upper hand, they may also help the original sin to kill the fate."

Gu Qingfeng nodded, and then asked, "I can understand these caves with two hands, and I can understand it. However, what are the existences like the Emperor Dairi and the Emperor Xitian Buddha, they are willing to their own destiny. Dominated by others? "


The heads of Lu Daxing's tremors shook like rattles, saying, "If their fate recovers, their fate will not be dominated by others, otherwise they will dominate the fate of others."

"Behind the fate is the ancient people. If the fate really recovers, then it will be the ancient people who dominate all things in this world. It will never be the turn of the Emperor Dairi and Xitian Buddha, unless they are the ancient people themselves."

"Neither the Emperor Dairi nor the Emperor Xitian are ancient people."

"This is not enough, in the end their fate is not in the palm of the ancient people."

"Their fate may be in the palms of the ancient people, but in addition to the ancient people, the Emperor Dairi and Xitian Buddha have the fate of the Three Thousand Avenues, and the old people can tell you for sure that even if the fate really recovered, the ancient people It will only be behind the scenes. By then, the Emperor Dairi and the Emperor Xitian may really become God! "

"These two guys just want to be the master of all things?" Gu Qingfeng laughed. "For this god, would it be better to have his destiny in the hands of the ancient people?"

"Everyone has his own will, and your boy still wants to sip beautiful women and drink fine wine all day, so he is not allowed to be a god? People have to choose something when they are alive ~ ~ Someone is famous, some are good, some people want From generation to generation, there are people who want the world to admire, not to mention the Lord who dominates the fate of all things. If there is a chance, who doesn't want to be an Lord? If you are you, you don't want to be stumped? "

The ancient breeze shrugged and made no comment.

"Furthermore, whether it is the Emperor Tairi, or the Emperor Xitian, neither is a fool. On the other hand, one is more effervescent than the other, and they stand tall and look far away. Maybe it is not without seeing the future. Possibly, and ... To be honest, if I were them, the old man would choose to be on the side of fate. "

"After all, fate has a greater chance of success, and there are more standing on the side of fate. It is not the old man who deliberately poured your cold water, but the current situation is this. No matter how you look at the original sin, the hope of erasing fate is not great, although Your kid is a variable ... but ... "

Speaking, Daxing epilepsy sighed again and again.

"The most important thing is that behind the destiny are those ancient people. Your boy is afraid that he doesn't know how terrible those ancient people are, right?"

"How terrible?"

"The ancestors of the avenues have fallen in the wild and ancient times. If you think about it with your toes, you should know how terrible the ancient people are. If there is a **** in this world, those ancient people are gods, and they are the gods that dominate all things. "

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