"Hmph! You."

A man's voice suddenly interrupted,"Fairy, if you want a guide, you should hire an experienced one. How much can a child like this know? Don't be fooled by her."

"You!" The little girl's face turned red with anger.

Because she was young, her customers were often snatched away. If she couldn't earn any more spirit stones today, her stepmother would kick her out of the house.

"What are you talking about? Get out of the way." The man said as he pushed the little girl.

The little girl fell to the ground. Axue appeared behind her and supported her with one hand.

"Are you okay?"

The little girl shook her head quickly.

"Not leaving yet?"

"Oh oh oh, okay."

The man behind him was about to start cursing when he suddenly felt a pressure coming, and this pressure was concentrated on his right hand that had just pushed someone.

He was at the eighth level of Qi Refining and had no resistance to this. He heard the sound of bones creaking in his body.

The man was forced to kneel on one leg, and he was so scared that he quickly begged for mercy,"Fairy..., spare... my life."

Ah Xue snorted coldly, retracted the pressure, and left with the little girl.

The man behind him slowly got up after Ah Xue left, looking at the place where Ah Xue left with vicious eyes,"Little bitch, you wait for me, if you dare to mess with me, Qi Yongchang, I will make you pay for it."

After that, he spat on the ground and left cursing.

Ah Xue walked slowly on the streets of Qingyou City, followed by a little sparrow, chirping non-stop

"Little fairy, you were too domineering just now. There are not many people in Youzhou City who can make Qi Yongchang suffer."

After saying that, he said worriedly,"Qi Yongchang is the younger brother of the eighth concubine of the Lord of Qingyou City. If you mess with him, you may be in big trouble."

"No problem"

"Find a place to live first"

"Oh, OK."

Meng Yue quickly introduced the accommodation in Qingyou City to Axue,"There are inns and separate caves in Qingyou City. The inn costs five low-grade spirit stones a day, and the cave costs twenty low-grade spirit stones a day. Which one do you want, fairy?"

Axue thought for a while and said,"Inn, how long will I stay?"

Meng Yue nodded,"I know an inn with a good environment. I'll take you there."

Axue nodded in agreement

"By the way, fairy, you don’t know my name yet. My name is Meng Yue."


"Little fairy, is your name Axue?"

"sounds so good!"

"Fairy Axue is in front of it."

Axue looked at the inn in front of her. It was really good. It was built by the river. The front was quiet and the back had a charming view.

"It's really good."

Meng Yue happily took Axue into the inn,"Uncle Feng, I want a room upstairs."

A man's voice came from behind the counter,"Xiao Yueer brought people here."

"Ah Si, come and entertain us"


Ah Xue gritted her teeth and decided to change her name when she went out.

The shopkeeper in front of her was a middle-aged Jindan Zhenren, and Ah Si who came over was also at the fifth level of Qi Refining.

This small Qingyou City is worthy of being the location of the largest market of Xuantian Sect. It is really extraordinary.

The shopkeeper looked at Ah Xue and said,"How many days will this young friend stay?"

Ah Xue shook her head and said,"I don't know yet."

The shopkeeper nodded,"Five low-grade spirit stones a day."

Ah Xue took out two hundred low-grade spirit stones and put them on the table.


"Ah Si, take this little fairy to the third floor.

Ah Si responded with a smile on his face,"Okay."

"Fairy, please follow me."

Meng Yue looked at Axue,"Fairy Axue, let's go."

A Si…………

‘What a coincidence! '

After going up to the third floor, Ah Si opened a room and said,"Please come in, fairy."

Ah Xue nodded and walked in. The spacious room was divided into two rooms, with a bed and a futon inside.

Outside, there were tables, chairs, screens, and treasure racks.

There was also a set of small tables and chairs in front of the window, which was very convenient for sitting there and enjoying the scenery outside.

Meng Yue looked into the room and asked,"Fairy Ah Xue, how is it?"

"I can guarantee that this is the best inn in the entire Qingyou City."

"Very good."

Ah Xue walked over and sat on the chair next to the table, took out two low-grade spirit stones,"Here, this is your reward."

"Help me find out if there will be any special events in Youzhou Market recently."

Meng Yue took the spirit stone in a daze and couldn't help asking,"Fairy Axue, you, aren't you afraid that I won't return the spirit stone?"

Axue looked up and asked,"Then will you?"

Meng Yue hurriedly shook her head,"How is it possible, am I Meng Yue that kind of person?"

Axue smiled slightly,"Go ahead."

Meng Yue also smiled,"Oh."

Then she said happily,"Okay, Fairy Axue, don't worry, I will definitely help you find out clearly."


Meng Yue nodded to Axue and walked out of the room, then closed the door considerately.

After leaving the room, Meng Yue said happily to A Si,"Fairy Axue is so nice!"

A Si thought about the little girl with a cold face just now, and couldn't think of what was good about her. He shook his head and said,"As long as Xiaoyue likes it."

"Go home quickly, or your stepmother will find an excuse to scold you again."

When she mentioned her stepmother, Meng Yue suddenly became like an eggplant hit by frost, and said weakly,"Okay."

"See you tomorrow, Uncle Si"

"See you tomorrow."

Looking at Meng Yue leaving, Ah Si suddenly felt that it was a bit strange to be called by the same name that he had been for many years. He shook his head and stopped thinking about other things, and went back to work.

After Meng Yue left, Ah Xue got up and sat in front of the window, took out a can of Lingwu tea from the space, picked up the teapot on the table and poured out the water inside, drew out the Lingquan water from the space, and heated it with fire.

Since signing the life contract with the Flamingo King Egg, Ah Xue has been able to mobilize a trace of its life flame.

Then use the boiled Lingquan water to make tea, which was given by the junior sister.

Ah Xue picked up a cup of tea, looked at the river outside, and slowly took a sip.

Her mouth was instantly filled with fragrance, like orchid on the tongue, refreshing, fragrant and sweet, and pleasant.…………

A pure spiritual energy flowed into the body along with the fragrance of tea. Ah Xue silently practiced the Xuanling Jue while looking at the river outside. For a moment, she was able to do two things at once.

The misty waves were vast, the water was sparkling, the sky and the water were the same color, and breezes blew across the river, creating layers of ripples. Under the setting sun in the evening, the river surface was glittering like dragon scales and broken spiritual stones, making the people who looked at it feel relaxed and happy. The small waves were like children chasing and playing, rushing to the shore in rows, and then retreating with laughter.

It goes on and on like this, as if it will never get tired.

The water cycle in nature is like life, generation after generation, life after life.

The avenue is everywhere. There are three thousand avenues, each with its own way.

What is my way?…………

‘My Tao? ? ? '

Axue slowly let go of her thoughts, and her spiritual power fluctuated.

Xuan Zhen in the other room noticed it, smiled slightly, and set up a barrier to prevent her from being disturbed.

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