Axue nodded in agreement,"Okay."

"Let's go."

Several people walked out of the sect, and Axue took the two of them on a flying sword and flew directly to the market at the foot of Xuantian Sect Mountain.

After arriving at the market, Ye Qiuqian said to the two of them,"The only things that can be used at home are probably gold, silver and jewelry. I know a store that can exchange them for"

"Come with me."

Ye Qiuqian led the two into an alley, where there was a small shop."Let's go, this is it."

Ah Xue nodded and followed.

"Shopkeeper, please exchange some gold and silver."

An old man came forward with a smile and said,"Masters, please come in."

"How much do you want to exchange?"

Ye Qiuqian turned to look at Ada.

Ada thought for a moment and said,"How much do you want to exchange for one thousand taels of silver? How much do you want to exchange for?""

"It's like this, one low-grade spirit stone can be exchanged for 100 spirit beads, and one spirit bead is worth 1,000 taels of silver."

After hearing this, Ah Da finally understood,"How about exchanging it for one low-grade spirit stone?"

After saying this, Ah Da took out a low-grade spirit stone and gave it to the shopkeeper.

Ah Xue also took out five low-grade spirit stones,"��I also want to exchange for five low-grade spirit stones."

After the shopkeeper received the spirit stones, his mouth was almost grinning to his ears, and he said happily,"Okay, immortal masters, please wait a moment."

The shopkeeper quickly took out a thousand silver ingots and put them on two plates,"One hundred taels per ingot, a total of six thousand silver ingots, please count them, immortal masters."

Ah Da pushed his share to Ah Xue,"Ah Xue, thank you for your help."

"It's okay."

The three of them walked out of the store, and Ah Xue looked at Ah Da,"But we still need to prepare some other things."

Ah Da thought about it and decided that the silver would be enough, then he shook his head,"No more"


Axue was speechless

"But is there anything else you want to say?"


Ah Da scratched his head and said casually,"Just tell them that I will work hard to cultivate and let them rest assured that I will come to see them after I build my foundation."



Ah Xue said that she was powerless to deal with this fool, and she could only take care of herself when the time came.

"Then I'll go first."

Ye Qiuqian looked at Axue and said worriedly,"Junior Sister Liu, you must pay attention to safety on this trip."

Axue nodded,"Don't worry, I will."

Then he looked at Ada,"Practice hard."

"Oh, okay, don't worry."

Ah Xue turned and left.

"Take care, Sister Liu"

"Ah Xue, goodbye."

Ah Xue's lips slightly raised, nodded silently, and disappeared into the crowd.

Liu Ada looked at the crowd and sighed,"Oh! Ah Xue can go home now."

"Practice hard."

Ye Qiuqian said and walked forward.

"Where is Brother Ye going?"

"It's a rare opportunity to come to the market, go and have a look at the stalls"

"That's right."

The two walked towards the stall shoulder to shoulder.

Not far from the market, Ye Chenxi and Xuan Zhen had been following in the dark. Xuan Zhen once again looked at the oil pot beside him speechlessly.

"I say, young man Ye, if you are really worried, I will give this mission to you."

Ye Chenxi turned around and saluted Xuan Zhen,"Thank you, Master Xuan Zhen, for protecting my little sister."

"Chen Xi will take his leave now."

After saying this, he left without waiting for Xuan Zhen to speak.

"Tsk, not as interesting as Han kid."

After saying that, he disappeared in a flash. After leaving the market, Ah Xue flew towards Youzhou City on her sword, planning to rest for a few days after arriving in Youzhou City before going to Liujia Village. It took only two days to get here, but she still hasn't reached Youzhou City after flying for three days, but she has already reached the jurisdiction of Youzhou.

Ah Xue remembered that there were different places in the three major cities of Xuantian Sect, Youzhou Market, Black Rock Black Market, and Tianling Auction.

Youzhou Market is one of the most prosperous and lively markets in Xuantian Continent. One of the reasons is that every sect and school has a market, and the largest market is of course in the four major sects and the Loose Cultivator Alliance.

Youzhou Market is Xuantian The biggest bazaar in the sect. When she came to Youzhou again, she had to go to Youzhou market.

And according to the time in the previous life, it should be two years after Li Qian returned to Youzhou City.

In the previous life, Li Qian successfully built the foundation in the secret realm. After returning to the sect, she secluded herself for a year to consolidate her cultivation. One year later, she came out of seclusion and returned to Youzhou City.

Li Qian stayed in Youzhou City for two years to accompany her biological mother. During these two years, Li Qian successfully helped her biological mother to take the position and become the co-wife of the Lord of Youzhou City. After settling her biological mother, Li Qian went out to gain experience and went to Youzhou market, where there were great opportunities.

However, Youzhou Market is in the north of Youzhou City, and Liujia Village is in the south of Youzhou City. This way, it would be a long detour.

It doesn't matter if it's far, it's all about training anyway. Axue decided to go to Youzhou market for a stroll, wait for the opportunity, and grab the chance in advance.

Thinking of this, Axue turned and flew east again. It was the closest place to Youzhou market. One day later, Axue landed outside a prosperous town, Qingyou City.

Looking at the busy city gate, Axue did not enter the city immediately, but walked to the woods next to her, changed out of her own disciple clothes, and found a set of water red wide-sleeved skirt robes given to her by Bai Su.

Wearing a water red skirt robe on her body, Axue, who already had a cold face, had a face full of A hint of childishness.

Ah Xue's aura of keeping strangers away made her exude a domineering aura at such a young age. Even the hint of childishness brought by wearing a skirt could not suppress her own strong temperament, which was contradictory and natural. After changing her clothes, Ah Xue walked out of the woods, looked at the city gate, and stepped forward.

Following the queue at the gate, he slowly walked to the gatekeeper disciple. The gatekeeper foundation-building disciple saw that Ah Xue was already in the late stage of Qi Refining at a young age, and guessed that she might be a direct disciple of a family or sect. He hurriedly said respectfully,"My little fairy friend, you must hand in ten low-grade spirit stones to enter Qingyou City."

Ah Xue nodded and took out ten low-grade spirit stones and handed them to him. The gatekeeper disciple hurriedly let him in,"Please, fairy friend."

Ah Xue walked into the city and sighed in her heart. As expected, it was the location of the largest market of Xuantian Sect. The city was really lively.

Pedestrians came and went on the street, bustling with people, and shops on both sides of the street were neatly lined up.

"Little fairy, do you need a guide?"

"I'm not expensive at all, just two low-grade spirit stones will do, and I'm always available. There is no place or thing in Qingyou City that I don't know about."

An enthusiastic little girl interrupted Ah Xue's thoughts. Ah Xue turned around and looked at the little girl, who was only one year older than herself.

"Let's go."

When the little girl heard Axue's voice, her eyes lit up instantly and she looked at Axue excitedly,"Little fairy, are you willing to hire me?"


"Hee hee hee…………"

The little girl laughed happily, and immediately walked to Axue and said,"Don't worry, fairy, I will make sure your spirit stone flower is worth the money."

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