
Hua Ye slightly twitched the corner of his mouth: "Dry woman? Pet? Xiaojia?"

When it comes to dry girls and pets, apart from a girl who keeps hamsters, the second thing that comes to mind is the useless angel next door!

Pit father ah!This book is actually a collection of Gabriel and Lafite, and those who are familiar with it can tell who the attribute is at a glance!

"Art should be derived from reality." Hinata clicked the mouse and said with a smile, "Brother Xiaoye, continue to watch."

The early stage of the plot is very simple.

Next to the apartment rented by the male protagonist, there lived a dry woman. When she came back one night, she saw the poor dry woman clutching her stomach, who didn't even have the strength to go out to look for food. With good intentions, she rescued her back home. I found a dry woman who came over from time to time to eat and drink.

Compared with comics, the plot of this book has always been simple and rough, without so many twists and turns and weirdness... If it is made into an episode/fan, the previous plots will either be fast-forwarded and skipped, or the progress bar will be dragged directly!

After getting along for a while, they quickly entered the plot of the book.

"Ahhh! So poor! This month's living expenses have been spent again!" The girl named Xiaoying put her hands together and said with tears in her eyes, "Please, please let me pay off the debt with my body this month!"

If it was an ordinary manga, the male protagonist would refuse such unreasonable requests with correct words, but unfortunately in this book, everything is for the service of H, and it is impossible to refuse... The male protagonist struggled in his heart and complained for a whole page. He remained calm, as if he was just being asked to take an orange, and nodded in agreement.


Hua Ye was expressionless, and turned to look at Lolita, now he has become the hero of your special book, every time you draw a book, it is facial paralysis, you are actually doing it to be lazy!

"Brother Xiaoye, don't worry." Hinata raised her chin and gave a thumbs up, "In Lafite and Xiaojia's book, the hero must be Brother Xiaoye, and definitely not someone else."

Even if you say that, you won't feel any relief at all, okay?The male protagonist of this book is not a title to be happy about at all!

The plot continues.

Soon developed to the first collision.

After dinner, the heroine, Xiao Ying, was lying on the bed in an unbuttoned white shirt, playing games with great interest.

After that, the plot began to drive officially.

"I can't help it!"

"Hey, the dungeon just went in..." the heroine Xiaoying complained softly, her pretty face flushed slightly, "I really can't do anything about Ueno-kun."

When I saw this, I was about to turn the page.

Hua Ye thought that the following plot would be to put down the game, or urge the hero to solve it as soon as possible, but Hua Ye underestimated the value of Hinata's remaining integrity!

It's so dirty that people can't look directly at it!

Click the mouse to move to the next page.

What caught Hua Ye's eyes was a silver-haired girl lying on the bed with her butt raised slightly.

Slender waist, upturned buttocks, looming fatness, and the general whiteness and bulge exposed under the shirt... I have to admit that Hinata, as a book artist, has made progress in the past six months, and the color quality of the picture is rapid rise!

Human beings have the mentality of "whatever they want", and this kind of looming picture is actually more attractive than the temptation to take off naked!

"Ueno-kun..." the heroine Xiaoying played the game, and responded to the hero with actions, "I'll play mine, you can play yours."


Pit father ah!Playing a dungeon with teammates while letting the owner play with him in the back, it's really a game of life! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

As soon as the picture turned, a piece of holy light appeared on the screen.

"Because I haven't seen a boy's body before, so I don't know how to draw it." Hinata clenched his small fist, tapped his head lightly, tilted his head and said cutely, "It's troublesome to draw mosaics, so I use Holy Light to protect it." body."

As a book artist, if you say you don't understand boys' bodies, no one will believe it!

Hua Ye said with disgust in his eyes: "When you took a shower last time, you had already seen it all."

"Eh?" Hinata blinked, a faint blush quickly appeared on his little face, he raised his hand to cover his face, and said falteringly, "Brother Xiaoye is too scary, I have forgotten all the terrible memories."

Hua Ye said, "Continue to read your notebook."

Ordinary people really can't fall in love with Gabriel and Wei Nai, because if they take off their clothes, they will be protected by the holy light, and if they touch them forcibly, they will be directly bounced away by the holy light!

The next screen uses dual perspectives, one is the perspective of the male protagonist playing behind, and the other is the perspective of the game.

"Teammate A: What's wrong with you as a support? Why didn't you keep up just now?"

"Teammate B: Is it a network card? Don't misuse skills, you added blood to the wrong target!"

"Teammate C: Why do you reply with a bunch of garbled characters? Your head is rolling over the keyboard?"

"Slow, slow down." The girl Xiaoying, with a flushed face and disheveled hair, said in a trembling voice, "I'm about to fight the boss, I can't hold the mouse anymore."

your sister!Don't forget to assist your teammates at this time, the country owes you a certificate of 'National Good Teammate'!

It has to be said that this kind of third-line operation that is played by the heroine behind the back while facing the inquiries and concerns of the teammates while playing the game is quite rare. The blush, shyness, nervousness, and patience on the heroine's cheeks are vividly displayed!

Hua Ye clicked the mouse, but failed to turn the page, only to realize that it was the last page.

"No more, that's all I've drawn so far." Hyuga stuck out the tip of her tongue and said with her fingers, "I have to go to school every day, and after I come back, I have to practice swordsmanship and spiritual power under the supervision of my sister, and I only take time to draw at night... ..."

"Hey, Brother Xiaoye." Hinata raised her face and asked expectantly, "Do you feel impulsive?"

Hua Ye said with a poker face, "No impulsiveness."

"Eh?" Hinata's eyes moved down and landed on Hua Ye, and soon puffed up her cheeks, unhappy, "Could it be that the drawing in this book is so bad?"

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