Well, we're talking about sweat here.

"Understood." Hua Ye turned his head and said, "Lingna, come in."

The cat-eared lady who was hiding outside the door eavesdropped, her ears quivered, and she stepped in, her amber eyes rolled round, "Dad, what are you doing meow?"

Shut up, I told you not to call me dad, you are addicted to calling me, how can there be a daughter like you who is pouting her ass and waiting for her father to punish her!

Hua Ye looked at Yaodao Ji: "Hold her out of the bathtub, dry her body and carry her back to the room."

After a pause, Hua Ye added: "Feed her more water."


"Understood meow." Mao Er Niang walked in, "Yao Jiang looks so comfortable, like we smoked too much catnip?"

The common people thought that the emperor used a golden pole to pick things up. Don't think that catnip is the most comfortable thing in the world. If you use the "God's Finger" skill on you, your performance will definitely be worse than this Demon Sword Girl. Right now Probably dehydrated and passed out!

Lingna walked to the side of the bathtub, stretched out her snow-white slender wrist, and lifted Yaodao Ji up. As a monster, strength cannot be judged by body size alone. It is naturally easy to lift a schoolboy.


Water splashes everywhere.

"Woo meow!" Mao Erniang's exclamation sounded, her eyes widened and she said in amazement, "Yaojiang is like a boiled crab meow!"

Hua Ye said disgustedly: "That's the newborn pink."

Before speaking, let's distinguish between pink and red!Dogs are color blind, only gray and white are seen in their vision, but cats are not color blind, okay?

Hua Ye glanced at it casually, and this Demon Sword Girl has turned into a dewy pink from head to toe, and even her hair is dyed a touch of crimson, and her body will tremble subconsciously from time to time, obviously just now The residual aftertaste of pleasure is still dominating the body.

The cat-eared lady took a dry towel and roughly wiped Yaodao Ji's body.


The soft towel brushed over the body, and the contact with the skin produced a large amount of shocking electric shock, which made Yao Dao Ji couldn't help but hum, as if the seductive hum of the siren siren filled the bathroom again.

"No, you don't need to wipe it." Yaodao Ji bit her lower lip, using the pain to keep herself awake, but she could still hear the trembling in her voice, "Just put me on the stool and sit for a while."

"No, meow." Lingna shook her head, never being lazy when taking care of her companions, "The weather is so cold, if you don't dry your body, you will catch a cold, meow."

"Don't worry." The cat-eared lady bent her eyes, showing a bright smile, and the little canine teeth at the corners of her mouth were extremely cute, "It's on us, meow."


Yaodao Ji wants to cry but has no tears.

Even though the mana has been replenished, why, why does the body still have such a shameful reaction!

"It's really unnecessary..."

Yao Dao Ji struggled and shouted, but unfortunately her arms were so weak that she couldn't push Mao Er Niang away at all.

"We are a family." Maoer Niang said seriously, "Your business is my business, and I promise to wipe it clean for you."


With a blank expression on his face, Hua Ye turned around and walked out of the bathroom. Wiping his body is very troublesome. It is foreseeable that it will take a long time to dry his body.

"Brother Xiaoye." Hinata sat on the sofa watching TV, "You came out?"


"My sister is in the kitchen." Hinata jumped off the sofa and ran over to hold Hua Ye's arm, "Brother Xiao Ye, go to my bedroom and take a look at the notebook I drew recently, I'll make sure you're satisfied."

Lolita pulled Hua Ye into the bedroom. In the girly room, there were many dolls, fluorescent stars on the roof, and posters of anime characters on the walls.

Hua Ye swept his gaze and saw two more posters on the wall, one of which was actually a rather curious humanoid creature, with curly black hair, a thick beard, and dull and lifeless eyes, no matter how you looked at it, it was somewhat curious.

"That's Beard Taro." Hinata explained, "There is a girl named Hana in our class who always wears a T-shirt with Beard Beard pattern on it, that's the one on the poster..."

Hinata tilted her head, "I thought it was strange when I saw it for the first time, but some people like this kind of thing. After watching it for a long time, I found that it looks quite cute."

It has nothing to do with being cute and half a dime. You obviously accepted this setting over time. It’s like a person with a lot of integrity. If you ask her to call her daddy when you come up, she will definitely not agree. Slowly adjust/teach her step by step , use up the other party's integrity value, calling dad is a piece of cake!

"Brother Xiaoye." Hinata turned on the laptop and patted the bed, "Come here quickly, look at my drawing book Lafite... um."


Hua Ye's face was expressionless.

It's too late to cover your mouth now, you just revealed the identity of the heroine of this book!Sure enough, it was exactly the same as guessed, it must be Lafite!

"Brother Xiaoye won't be angry, will he?"

Hinata stuck out the tip of her tongue and asked cautiously.

Hua Ye shook his head and said, "No."

There is absolutely no such emotion as anger, and as for being the heroine of this book... Tell that black-bellied girl, Lafite's reaction is definitely not anger, but reading his own book with relish!

"That's good." Hinata grinned, "I knew Brother Xiaoye liked me the most."

Hua Ye sat by the bed and looked at the computer.

What came into view was a girl lying on the sofa. Her hair was silver-white and her eyes were red. At first glance, her face was six points similar to Lafite. Potato chips, cola and comic books were scattered around her. Still holding the handle.

The title of the book is - "The Pet Life of the Dry Woman"

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