It turns out that not only music can cross borders and touch the hearts of others, but also Lolita's vibrato.

That faint trembling sound, sandwiched in shortness of breath, with a trace of distress and endless joy, couldn't help plucking at the heartstrings of Miss Miko, making her blush, and she couldn't help but reach out and hold the corners of her clothes tightly, resisting the surge deep in her body. A strange feeling came out.

"Because the aura in the air is not clean." Hua Ye replied casually, "After the industrial revolution, the aura became less and less, and the cleanness seen by the naked eye does not mean it is really clean... Her current state is like a thirsty pedestrian in the desert. , suddenly took a sip of water, and it was iced fruit juice, the reaction was naturally stronger."

"Not stronger, but super strong, okay?" Miss Miko seldom complained, "The aura is getting less and less, so will it be more and more difficult to practice in the future?"

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

This world is evolving from a low-magic world to a non-magic world. The performance is that the level of power is constantly decreasing, and the number of human beings with extraordinary power is constantly decreasing, until there are no onmyojis born at all. This is the evolution direction chosen by the world. It is the fault of the world That's right.

"Okay, it's filled."

Hua Ye pulled out his finger, because Yaodao Ji's mouth was too small and his mouth was too tight, and when he pulled out his finger, there was a soft 'pop' sound, as if picking the cork of a wooden bottle of red wine.

Miss Miko stared and saw that Hua Ye's fingers were covered with wet saliva, and there was even a glistening silk thread stretched out, which looked extraordinarily sexy under the setting sun.

"Brother Xiaoye is too much!" Hinata puffed up her cheeks, showing two eyes from between her fingers, "Don't move around in your mouth, the little demon's tongue is sticking out, showing Ah Hei's face!"

Hua Ye said blankly, "It's none of my business, she's the one licking her fingers."


Without the support of Hua Ye's fingers, Yaodao Ji sat on the ground in the posture of a duck like a snake whose bones had been pulled out, her small body trembling uncontrollably, the indifference and arrogance in her eyes dissipated, only Endless springs are flooding, eyes are no longer sharp as before, but blank, there is no focal length at all... No matter how you look at it, it looks like a loli who has been tortured and finally ruined by playing!

Chapter 1360 Dehydrated Lolita

"Little demon?" Hinata stepped forward, waved his hand in front of Yaodao Ji, and asked with concern, "Are you alright?"


Yaodao Ji didn't respond, as if her soul had disappeared, leaving only an empty shell.

"do not scare me."

Hinata stretched out his hand and pushed it lightly, Yao Dao Ji shook slightly like a doll, her eyes were still out of focus.

"It's not good!" the filthy loli yelled, "Brother Xiao Ye played the loli to death!"

Hua Ye's face darkened slightly: "I didn't."

From the beginning to the end, she just let her suck her fingers, and didn't play with her, how could it be broken!


A low moan/groan full of disappointment sounded.

Yaodao Ji finally came back to her senses, the confusion in her eyes gradually dissipated, she raised her head and looked at Hinata in front of her in a daze, with three philosophical questions of "Who am I, where am I, and where am I going" floated on his face.

"Little demon, what's the matter?"

Following Hinata's questioning, the confusion in Yaodao Ji's pupils quickly faded away, her eyes moved, and finally fell on the finger that Hua Ye was wiping, her body's conditioned reflex suddenly tightened, and the fragmented memory just now came to the fore.

The shameful voice in front of everyone...

Bite and lick each other's fingers with teeth and tongue...

And the thread of saliva sticking out from the corner of the mouth...

With the recovery of memory, the shame and anger that had been suppressed in the deepest part of the soul finally surfaced.

"Bastard bastard bastard bastard!!"

"I am going to kill you!!"

It's a pity that whether it's the soft and delicate voice, the eyes full of soft water waves, or the tears in the corners of the eyes because of joy, there is no deterrence at all.

"You dare to play with me like this..." Yaodao Ji's body trembled, "Just wait!"

As the pleasure receded like a tide, and the brain regained control of the body, Yao Dao Ji knew that she was not Hua Ye's opponent, and she didn't want to be stared at by others with strange eyes, so she gritted her silver teeth, stood up with difficulty, and walked He staggered and ran to the backyard.

She is very wet and uncomfortable now, and she has to take a shower before hiding in the room.

"My lord!" Maoer Niang's exclamation sounded, "There are a lot of water meows on the ground!"


Yaodao Ji trembled all over and almost fell to the ground.

Miss Miko looked at the glistening liquid on the ground, gently pulled the corner of her mouth, and said with a blushing face, "That's...sweat."

The cat-eared girl is innocent and innocent. Although she is often the heroine of Hinata's books, she obviously has little contact with this aspect.

"I'm sweating a lot, meow."

"Wait." The cat-eared girl shrugged her nose, then shook her head suddenly, "It's not sweat, it smells so weird meow."

As Lingna said, she was about to reach out her hand, but was grabbed by Hinata, "What are you doing?"

The cat-eared lady said: "I want to taste what it tastes like meow."


The Yaodao Ji who staggered out of the living room fell directly to the ground, and shouted in embarrassment without looking back: "No! Sure! Touch!?"

"You go take a bath." Miss Miko's face darkened, and she directly ordered the two rabbit maids, "Xiao Ai Xiaoxia, you go get the mop and clean the floor."

"Understood, my elder sister."

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