Gritting her silver teeth, Yaodao Ji walked up to Hua Ye and sniffed her nose in front of Hua Ye's fingers.

No weird smell.

Nails are clean without any dirt.

The fingers are slender and fair, and they are even more beautiful than girls' hands.

Yaodao Ji took a look, and suddenly felt a subtle appetite, as if she was very attractive.

Shaking her head vigorously, Yao Dao Ji opened her small mouth and bit Hua Ye's finger.

If you dare to tease yourself, you will have to bite off this guy's fingers even if you try to reincarnate!

Hua Ye said, "Ready?"



Loli's uncontrollable tenderness and tenderness resounded throughout the living room.

Chapter 1359 The Broken Lolita

Yaodao Ji thinks that she is a well-informed person... Well, she is a monster. Although she is reincarnated in a special form now, and there is no memory of her previous life, but there happens to be someone who has absorbed the aura of an onmyoji in her memory. experience.

That kind of feeling is like human smoking. For those who smoke for the first time, the smoking experience will certainly not be good, so Yaodao Ji also regards this time of replenishing magic as another routine smoking in her heart, and she has no doubts at all. any expectations.



The delicate and tender loli vibrato resounded throughout the living room in an instant, and even Yao Dao Ji herself couldn't believe that she could make such a shameful vibrato.

"Hey, what's going on?!"

An indescribable hot flow is pouring into the mouth, and as the hot flow melts in the mouth, every cell in the body seems to let out a pleasant cry and groan, and an unparalleled intense pleasure floods into the mind, Let Yao Dao Ji reach the peak of happiness that she has never had before in an instant.

"No, no!"

The intense pleasure in her body vented a lot with the coquettish vibrato, Yao Dao Ji quickly regained her clarity, and her eyes almost overflowed with shame and indignation.

"Spit out this guy's fingers!"

"You must never make such an embarrassing sound again..."

This Demon Sword Girl wanted to grit her teeth and use the pain to restore her strength, but when her teeth touched Hua Ye's fingers, she instantly became weak, as if the object contained in her mouth was not the enemy's fingers, but some kind of Great tasting lollipops.

"But, damn it, I can't bite it down..."

Yaodao Ji became more and more ashamed and angry, and soon found out in horror that not only did her teeth not obey her commands, but even her tongue began to betray her will.

"Hundan! Stop it for me!!"

The brain kept giving instructions, but the soft and slender tongue wrapped around Hua Ye's fingers in its own way, sucking and licking gently like a cat, and even made a watery sound.

Under the shocked gaze of Miss Miko and all the radish heads, Yao Dao Ji slowly closed her eyes, a tear fell from the corner of her eyes, and she continued to lick it in despair.

"So be it……"

The body has completely abandoned the soul, and it is impossible to break free, and it is even urgently expressing the desire for more infusion.

Yaodao Ji's tense body slowly relaxed, and she gave up unnecessary resistance. Her only hope was to quickly end this infusion, and then hide back in the room, never to show her face again.

But this witch knows nothing about fear.

She didn't even know what level of aura Hua Ye instilled in her.

As she gave up resisting, the indescribable pleasure instantly spread from the body to the whole soul, and even the ability to think had been lost, her head was dizzy, and she only felt that she was flying up to the clouds and fell into the bottom of the valley.

Demon Sword Fairy expressed the beauty of this feeling in the simplest way.

"Hmm... ah ah ah ah..."

The soft and tender loli vibrato, which was much stronger than before, sounded again, instantly dyeing the whole living room a bright pink.


A red apple rolled to the ground.

The two rabbit maids hugged each other, the color on their little faces was redder than the apples that fell to the ground.

Although they are young girls, they are ignorant about men and women, but after hearing this strange vibrato, their bodies began to feel hot involuntarily.

"Brother Xiaoye!" Hinata blushed and covered her face with her hands, "What are you doing!"

Hua Ye said, "Help her recover from her demons."

"Why do you make... such a sound?" Miss Miko's face was also crimson, more beautiful than the colorful clouds in the sky.

Unlike Hinata's little radish heads, she really understands what this vibrato is all about. At this moment, she only feels a numbness in her body, her heart beats faster, and her legs and feet start to feel weak involuntarily.

Out of the corner of her eye, she looked at the Demon Sword Princess. Miss Miko actually admired this reincarnated ghost picked up as a commission, but her personality was a little cold. She often sat there with a bamboo sword and played with a tablet on weekdays, and Hinata and the others Can't play a piece at all.

But at this moment, the body of this indifferent Demon Sword Fairy is trembling slightly, and a large patch of rose red is floating on her fair little face, no, not only her face, neck, ears, arms, hands, legs... Everything that can be seen directly with the eyes has turned into a delicate pink.

How intense a stimulus, what a terrifying pleasure, can turn a powerful monster into pink?

The uncontrollable vibrato never stopped.

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