The next morning,

Shi Yu stretched his neck and woke up from the balcony on the second floor.

The sky was gray and the weather today did not look very good.

Standing on the balcony,

Shi Yu stretched and looked at the pasture.

The screw mole got up early to work as usual.

This made Shi Yu feel relieved.

"You are indeed the leader of the digging team! You are full of energy when working."

Shi Yu praised. Then he went downstairs.

Iron Dumbbell and Cocodora were sleeping on the haystack. They both seemed to like the haystack very much.

The little princess of the ranch, Serpentine Bear, also liked the haystack very much.

However, early in the morning...Shi Yu didn't see the snake bear.

He didn't know where he ran to.

""Where are the braided sheep?"

Shi Yu was puzzled.

Last night, all seven braided sheep did not return home.

"Is it possible?..."Did they encounter any danger?"

Shi Yu made a judgment subconsciously.

However, it shouldn't be.

Although the technology in Hualang Town is backward, there is no problem with public security.

The main reason is that the majority of people living in Hualang Town are women, children and the elderly.

Where did the bandits come from?

Just when Shi Yu was full of doubts, he saw a braided sheep rolling over in the distance.

Looking at this braided sheep covered with wet mud and made of dust,

Shi Yu hurriedly went to meet it.

""A braided sheep?"

This braided sheep should be one of the six female braided sheep that Shi Yu had subdued....Or you have seen its information on the data panel.


The sheep with braids seemed to be telling Shi Yu something.

Shi Yu reached out and stroked the sheep's head.

"Don't worry, Braided Sheep, use your heart to feel and let me know what happened to you."

Shi Yu calmed Braided Sheep's emotions and used Chang Pan's power to sense what Braided Sheep was thinking.

"oh...So that's how it is?"

After a brief pause, Shi Yu understood why the woolly-braided sheep did not return all night last night.

It turned out that when they were rolling in the plant forest near Hualang Town, they accidentally destroyed the bed where the pseudo-mantis grass took a nap.

The pseudo-mantis grass was very angry and would not let them go.

This turned into a conflict.

The level of the pseudo-mantis grass was higher than that of the blue-ribbon woolly-braided sheep and the six female woolly-braided sheep.

They could not beat the pseudo-mantis grass.

After being trapped by the pseudo-mantis grass with roots, they could not come back.

This morning, the female woolly-braided sheep took advantage of the pseudo-mantis grass's sleepiness and wanted to sleep.

So she sneaked back to ask for help.

The other six woolly-braided sheep are still tied up by roots.

"Fortunately, it was just a false mantis."

Shi Yu touched his chin and breathed a sigh of relief.

If the braided sheep offended humans or were captured by elf hunters, it would be troublesome. If the false mantis...Shi Yu knew something about this kind of elf.

The Pseudo-Mantis was a nocturnal elf. It liked to bask in the sun during the day, and while sleeping, it would stretch out the four leaves on its head in four directions to perform photosynthesis.

It particularly hated being disturbed during its nap, and hated even more when someone destroyed its carefully crafted bed.

So...The best way to solve this problem is to give the pseudo mantis a better bed.

Shi Yu searched the ranch mall and found three types of beds for elves: low-level beds, high-level beds, and high-quality beds.

Shi Yu was ready to spend some money to exchange a high-level bed for the pseudo mantis, thinking that he should be able to get its forgiveness.

"Braided Sheep, Lead the Way"


When the braided sheep was about to leave,

Shi Yu shouted to the iron dumbbell again.

"Get up, iron dumbbells……"

Hearing Shi Yu's call, Tie Dumbbell opened his sleepy eyes and quickly floated to Shi Yu's side.

""Let's go."

Following the braided sheep, Shi Yu and Tie Yaling walked to the botanical garden in the east of Hualang Town. There are many plants planted here, and there are also many wild grasses and insects.

Including...Mengma is a fairy-type elf that loves to collect pollen.

After walking forward for a while,

Shi Yu saw six pieces of fluffy wool tied up by the roots.

Obviously, it should be the rooting of the pseudo-mantis.

However, how can the rooting last for so long?...This pseudo mantis is very skilled in using its skills?

Walking a little closer, Shi

Yu saw a green seed wrapped in something that looked like leaves....It has a pink body and green and white leafy palms.

A set of data is displayed on Shi Yu's data panel.

【Elf: Pseudo Mantis (♀)】

【Level: lv13】

【Attribute: Grass】

【Features: Leaf Defense (In clear weather, it will not become abnormal)】

【Individual stats: HP (21), Attack (29), Defense (25), Special Attack (29), Special Defense (21), Speed (20)】

【Skills: Slash, Leaves, Growth, Rooting】

【Carrying items: Miracle seeds】

【Potential: Gym Level】


"Level 13 Pseudo Mantis...In terms of level, it is the same as the iron dumbbell."

Shi Yu stroked his chin with his hand.

If possible, Shi Yu wanted to use his mouth to persuade the pseudo mantis to release the sheep.

But if he had to,

Shi Yu was not afraid to fight with it.

"Pseudo Mantis, you should not be asleep yet, right?"

Shi Yu approached the Pseudo Mantis and asked


The pseudo-mantis opened its half-closed eyes and stared at the human in front of it, as well as the iron dumbbell floating in the air.

""Mast! Mast~Mast~"

The pseudo mantis was a little angry. Even though it hadn't fallen asleep yet, it hated being disturbed in its rest.

Shi Yu squatted down and said,"I heard that those braided sheep destroyed your bed?"


"It is like this, these braided sheep are my elves, I apologize to you on their behalf."

"in addition...I will compensate you with a more comfortable bed. Do you think you can let them go?"

Shi Yu was negotiating with the fake mantis.

The fake mantis was slightly stunned. It thought that this human was here to fight it.

After all, he brought a very powerful elf with him.

But unexpectedly, he came to apologize?

While it was stunned.

Shi Yu spent 300 ranch coins in the ranch mall and exchanged for a high-end bed.

It was taken out.

Between Shi Yu and the fake mantis, a round bed appeared out of thin air. It was covered with soft cloth, and it looked like it would be very comfortable to lie on it.

Seeing this scene,

Iron Dumbbell and the fake mantis were stunned at the same time.

They had different thoughts in their hearts.

Iron Dumbbell thought to himself...Is Shi Yu really a magician? This is so cool! Adoration value +1+1+

1Pseudo-mantis grass stroked its cheek with its leaf-like hands.

It had never seen such a bed.

In the past, the beds for taking naps, no matter how exquisite, were all made of plants.

Where could an elf like it have seen a bed made of such high-grade fabric?

With a flutter, the pseudo-mantis grass jumped onto the high-grade bed. After lying down slightly, the pseudo-mantis grass felt very comfortable and soft.

For a moment.

The pseudo-mantis grass started rolling directly on the high-grade bed.

It liked this high-grade bed so much.


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