While the four elves were playing,

Shi Yu glanced at the data panel.

Kokodora was the fifth elf Shi Yu had captured.

A mission completed.

【Complete the task: Conquer more different ranch partners (5/5)】

【Rewards: Special skills: Iron Hoof Ray, ten luxury balls】

【New side quest: Conquer more different ranch partners (5/10)】

【Mission description: The development of the ranch is inseparable from various elves. In order to make the ranch more comprehensive, please collect more different elves.】

【Mission Reward: Metal Film*3, 10 Luxury Balls]

(Special note again: Different ranch partners refer to elves of different races. The mission of the Braided Sheep is to capture 10 Braided Sheep. In this mission, the Braided Sheep can only be counted as one. The same applies to other elves in the future.)...

""Iron Hoof Beam!"

This skill is considered the ultimate move of steel-type elves.

Apart from the giant hammer, the exclusive move of the giant forger, the most powerful moves are Iron Hoof Beam and Wish of Destruction.


Wish of Destruction���It is Jirachi's exclusive move, and other Pokémon cannot learn it.

In other words

, among the steel skills, in addition to the two exclusive moves mentioned above, the most powerful skill that can be learned is the Iron Hoof Beam.

But this skill also has a disadvantage, that is, after using the steel energy gathered in the whole body to transform it into a beam and violently launch it, it will also suffer high damage.

The damage value is about half of its maximum health!

It can be said that this is a high-risk, high-damage, and high-recoil skill.

Use it with caution.

However, it is also a rare big move, which may be very useful at a critical moment.

"Let Iron Dumbbell learn the Iron Hoof Light."

Shi Yu did not hesitate and directly let the system give Iron Dumbbell the skill of Iron Hoof Light.


A white light flashed.

The iron dumbbell floating in the air seemed to have suddenly realized something.

Shi Yu walked forward and said to the iron dumbbell:"Iron Dumbbell, how about trying the new skill you just realized?"


Iron Dumbbell was a little confused.

But in his mind, he could see how the Iron Hoof Light would be used.


Iron Dumbbell concentrated and began to condense the steel energy in his body.

After about a few seconds,

Iron Dumbbell suddenly opened his eyes and looked straight ahead.

The steel energy that had just condensed turned into a blazing white beam and shot forward.


The energy poured out like a nuclear bomb until it hit a boulder in the direction of the forest.


When the white steel energy bombarded the boulder, the boulder collapsed instantly, and the rubble splashed everywhere. The raised dust fluttered into the forest.

Seeing this scene,

Shi Yu was shocked.

"So strong! Is this the power of the Iron Hoof Beam?"

Shi Yu was shocked.

You know, his Iron Dumbbell is only level 13 at the moment.

Is this the power of a skill that a level 13 elf can exert?

If Iron Dumbbell evolves into a Metagross......If the level is higher, then what?

Suddenly, in Shi Yu's mind, a scene emerged of the giant golden monster standing on a large battlefield, casting the iron hoof beam, and defeating the opponent's elves with unstoppable force.


However, although the Iron Hoof Ray is powerful, the recoil damage is also great.

After using the Iron Hoof Ray, Iron Dumbbell lost half of his HP and looked a little tired.

Shi Yu quickly stroked Iron Dumbbell's head with his hand, and a healing force flowed into Iron Dumbbell's body.

The healing effect of the Evergreen Power can also restore the health and physical strength of the elves.

After a while,

Iron Dumbbell seemed to have recovered his vitality.


"Very strong, iron dumbbell, this move...Don't use it unless necessary"


The iron dumbbell shook its head, it meant the same thing.

The damage caused by the recoil just now made it feel unbearable.

It was simply torture!...

In the wooden house.

Shi Yu began to prepare dinner.

The sky gradually darkened.

The braided sheep had not returned yet.

The four elves were playing on the haystack, connecting with each other. What

Shi Yu was going to make tonight was fried tomato and egg with rice.

Fried tomato and egg was a dish that Shi Yu was very good at, and it was also very good with rice.

Put the tomatoes in a pot and blanch them with hot water for fifteen seconds, then take them out.

Then use a knife to make a cross on the tomatoes, and then put them in boiling water and boil for ten seconds, then take them out.

In this way, the skin of the tomatoes can be easily peeled off.

After peeling the tomatoes, Shi Yu used a knife to cut the tomatoes into small pieces.

Heat the oil in the pot again.

This time, vegetable oil was used, not the shabby instant noodle seasoning oil from last night.

After pouring in the appropriate proportion of vegetable oil, Shi Yu beat the eggs into a bowl, added a few grains of fine salt, and quickly stirred them with chopsticks.

When the egg liquid in the bowl turned golden yellow, pour it into the boiling oil pan.

The egg liquid quickly coagulated. Shi Yu picked up the egg and poured the chopped tomatoes into the oil pan and stir-fried quickly.

Half a minute later, he returned the egg to the pan and beat it.

After repeatedly stir-frying, he poured in salt, MSG, pepper, and soy sauce.

Finally, he collected the sauce and sprinkled some chopped green onions for decoration.

Turn off the heat.

Serve the rice and cover the tomato scrambled eggs on the rice.

The aroma that came to his nose aroused Shi Yu's appetite.

Looking at the tomato rice in front of him with all its color, aroma and taste.

A set of cooking information appeared on the data panel.

【Scrambled eggs with tomatoes (C): A low-medium-level dish, belonging to the home cooking series. The ingredients are common, and the color, aroma and taste of the stir-fry are delicious. It can be seen that the cook has a certain skill. It can simply satisfy hunger and improve happiness index】

【Cooking effect: Satisfaction value lv1, happiness value lv1, satisfies the taste buds while filling the stomach】

【Effect of eating elves: satiety value lv1, intimacy increased by 1%】

【Comments: It is not easy to make a dish with good color, aroma and taste using the most common ingredients. The taste of the dish will increase the happiness index of the eater. It is a rare good dish. When you become a cooking master in the future, you will definitely find it unforgettable when you recall this past.】...

"I didn't expect that the tomato scrambled eggs I made would receive such high praise?"

Before eating, Shi Yu already felt happy.





At this time, Shi Yu's four elves all ran into the wooden house from the haystack outside.

I think they were attracted by the smell of scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

"Do you want to eat too?"

Looking at the four greedy elves,

Shi Yu smiled and gave each of them a bowl of rice, topped with scrambled eggs and tomatoes.

Fortunately, he had anticipated this and fried more.

Otherwise, I'm afraid they wouldn't have enough to eat.

After eating the food made by Shi Yu, the four elves felt full of happiness.

Intimacy with Shi Yu +1 +1 +1


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