Pirate Family

Chapter 417: The Pirate's Gift

The trousers of the man carrying the black knife were a little wet, probably soaked by sea water when he went ashore.

Although it is late at night. But he didn't feel tired at all, and his eyes shone like eagles.

He is a master, this is the idea of ​​the pirates peeping around, they weighed the difference in combat power between the two sides, and disappeared into the night decisively.

Sri Lanka, here comes another big shot.

But little Nana didn't seem to feel the killing intent on this man, she was stunned, and then smiled sweetly.

"Are you a visitor to the Chalong Festival?"

"The Summer Dragon Festival is not over yet. If you rush to the central city now, you should still be able to see the paper dragons flying all over the sky."

"Is that so?" The man with the black knife pondered for a moment, as if he had come a little earlier. But it doesn't matter, the reason why he came here is just to meet that swordsman.

Everything else has nothing to do with me.

The black-knife man took out a beautiful candy figurine from his arms and handed it to little Nana. This is a souvenir he got when he passed through the country of candy, so it should be a gift to thank her.

Little Nana originally wanted to refuse, because her brother told her not to eat food from strangers. But the aroma of candy tugs at her nerves.

She took the candy subconsciously, and before she had time to thank her, she found that the man with the black knife had disappeared.

What a strangely nice man! Little Nana thought to herself, and then hid the candy. She was going to surprise her brother when he came back.

Since his own illness, my brother has worked hard to make money every day, just to buy the special medicine of "Duke Pharmaceutical Company".

Little Nana felt sorry for her brother, but she couldn't help her. She could only obediently wait for her brother to come home.

But why, brother hasn't come back yet?

At this time, in the darkness, a few ragged pirates were slowly approaching the little girl. They were pirates who had lost everything after sailing here.

Because I couldn't move on, I had to settle down here. So they know the environment of this slum in Westport well.

This little girl usually depends on her brother for life, and they can't do anything. But just now, the little girl's brother lost his life because he participated in the "roulette game" beyond his control.

So they planned to capture the little girl and sell her to the slave market in Sri Lanka before the others could react.

You must know that many wealthy people with strange tastes are willing to pay a large sum of money for such a pitiful little girl.

The leading pirate has already begun to imagine himself getting so much money and returning to the casino to make a comeback.

But he suddenly felt a chill, just now the man with the black knife was standing not far away, looking at them coldly.

His eyes are as dazzling as an eagle, making people afraid to look at each other. He looked at these pirates and said with disdain.



In the end, little Nana still couldn't wait for her brother. In the middle of the night, she couldn't bear it anymore, so she went back to sleep, but she carefully hid the candy before going to bed.

On the second day, when the first rays of sunlight shone into the room at dawn, little Nana woke up. She couldn't wait to open the door, but what appeared in front of her was not her brother, but the questioner from yesterday. road man.

"May I ask what you want?" Little Nana asked timidly.

Could it be that he regretted it and wanted to get the candy back? Little Nana was conflicted, but she still decided that as long as the other party asked, she would return the things.

"Sorry, I haven't been to this place, may I hire you as a guide for a while."

The black knife man said slowly.

"Okay, okay." Little Nana smiled sweetly. Although she was seriously ill, as long as she didn't exercise vigorously, she would be fine. Being a guide is nothing more than a little effort.

As a reward for his generosity.

At this time, a little fat man with a runny nose passed by the door, and when he saw little Nana passing by, he shouted excitedly.

"Little Nana, have you heard? The big shots on the island seem to have received a gift from Xialong, and decided to hold a grand ceremony after the Xialong Festival."

"And everyone who participated in this ceremony will get a gift!"

"What gift?" Little Nana opened her eyes wide. But the little fat man smiled slyly.

"I heard it is to fulfill a wish."

a wish? Little Nana thought about it, if she made a wish to get the medicine from "Duke Pharmaceutical Company", wouldn't her brother not have to work so hard.

The man with the black knife said nothing, he dismissed this so-called generosity.

A gift from pirates?


At the gate of the slums in Xigang, a little boy with black hair came out. He moved his fingers and counted.

This place has been advertised and there are two places left.


"Do you need me to send you a secretary?" Lorne sat on the plywood of a small boat basking in the sun, with a phone bug in front of him.

A crisp girlish voice came from the phone bug.

Since Enilo began to hone himself alone, the Golden Proverb has become unmanned, and the ordinary state is too cumbersome to be suitable for long-distance voyages.

So Lorne can only rely on himself for his recent trips.

But it happened to accompany Xiaojia to look around.

"Come on." Lorne refused with a smile. "You don't have many agents under your command. What if you assign me your own mission?"

After the Cake Island incident, Stracey didn't seem to want to hide her cp0 identity in front of Lorne, and she was quite familiar with it. At this time, Lorne finally understood why Miss Crocodile mentioned Stracey, I have a headache.

"Oh hehehe, little brother Lorne actually knows to think about his sister." Lorne heard the sound of her changing her sitting position. This woman is probably lying on the beach of a small island basking in the sun.

For some reason, every time she thought of this woman, she felt an inexplicable intimacy.

"But little Lorne, you asked me to check for you, and I found it."

Stracey breathed a sigh of relief and said seriously.

"Recently, a big event is indeed going to happen. Hawkeye Mihawk, one of the king's seven martial arts, suddenly confronted the super pirate red-haired Shanks. They met to hold a duel after the Xialong Festival."

"The location is in Sri Lanka!"

"If you rush over, you should be able to catch up with this duel just in time."

Sure enough, Lorne took a deep breath, and everything was connected.

First, it attracted the attention of the Navy to the Kingdom of Stone, and then lured Shanks and Mihawk to a duel.

What the hell is this Huo plotting?

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