Pirate Family

Chapter 416 Sri Lanka

"What's your name?" Huo smiled and looked at the black-haired boy in front of him. It has to be said that Huo's appearance is very handsome, and he is as handsome and handsome as the big brother next door when he smiles.

"Nick." The black-haired boy replied respectfully. As a person who has been in the underground world for many years, he knows what level of pirate is sitting in front of him.

"Very good, Nick." Huo smiled slightly. "I have a task for you. If you complete it satisfactorily, then I guarantee that you will be able to make money without putting your life on the gambling table in the future."

He waved his hand, and the pirate next to him brought out a box, opened it and saw that it was full of Bailey.

Nick's eyes lit up and he gasped. The most money he had ever seen was the millions of Baileys he had previously won from a game of roulette. But there's even more money in this box than that!

Seeing this scene, Huo knew that this Nick had fallen into a trap. A few million Baileys could buy a person's life, which is really... cheap, this is this ridiculous sea.

Huo Gang finished his order and asked Nick to leave. At this time, as if sensing something, Huo frowned, and then showed a hypocritical smile, while Sanchuanlu lowered his head slightly, and then covered his face with a robe.

A group of pirates pushed open the gate of the casino. The leader was a man with red hair as dazzling as blood. As soon as he walked in, he saw Huo sitting on the side. Excitedly waved.

"Hey, hey, brother Huo, so you are here!"

After speaking, he walked over directly. Sitting next to Huo, she hugged his shoulder affectionately.

"Are you here to cheer me on?"

"Our idiot captains are like this. Please don't mind." A man with brown curly hair, wearing a leather jacket, and carrying an extended flintlock musket on his back said. Although he apologized, his tone was very cold.

He looked at Huo with suspicion in his eyes.

This Huo is a notorious newcomer, his invitation is tricky no matter how you think about it, and only a one-sided man like Shanks will believe what the other party says.

"No, no."

Huo completely ignored the questioning eyes of the brown curly-haired man, and hugged Shanks' shoulders affectionately. Like an old friend you haven't seen for many years. At the same time, I feel a little regretful.

The strength of this Shanks can definitely be called a monster. Compared with him, that "demon" Vennhill Lorne is simply a joke!

If I can control him, who else in this sea can stop me?

"Eagle-eyed Mihawk should be here for a while. Before that, we can enjoy the scenery of the Chalong Festival."

Huo helped Shanks up, and said with a smile as if receiving guests from afar.

He Yiran has regarded himself as the master of Sri Lanka.

At this time, the door of "Death Poker" was suddenly kicked open, and a man with his hair combed into a whip and lipstick came in.

He is the number one killer "Tormentor" Sun Kert under the command of Sea Knight Seiya.

Bailey's big pirate with a bounty of 550,000,000 (550 million).

Once imprisoned in the promotion city, after "that incident", he successfully escaped from prison, and followed Shiji to conquer the new world. Later, after Shiji's defeat, he defended Sri Lanka alone, and after being defeated by Seiya, he was naturally included in the Seiya's subordinates.

But no one would doubt Ket's strength just because of a defeat, and there was no weak person who could escape from the city.

Sri Lanka is a big fat piece of meat, but it is watched by many people. For example, Huo and Seya sent Kete over, and it was not without warning.

Shanks glanced at Huo with deep meaning, the meaning was very clear, and he should solve his own affairs by himself.

He's a pirate, not a nanny.

Su En Kerter licked the knife with his bright red lips. Although Seiya's order to himself was just a warning to this kid, but the bloodthirsty desire in his heart, after seeing this arrogant brat, he couldn't bear it. Can't help rising up.

He wanted to cut open the brat's skin and let him watch his blood flow out little by little.

Watch him bow his proud head and beg for mercy.

Huo frowned, and behind him a tall, nearly six-meter-old man stepped forward and stood between Huo and Kert. He took off his cloak, revealing his face.

There were stitches all over his body, his skin was an extremely unhealthy dark blue, and his eyes were bloodshot. His expression was a little downcast.

If someone who knew him saw this scene, he would never dare to think that the decadent man in front of him was the once famous Moonlight Moriah!

When Kurt saw Moria, he felt bad in his heart. Although Moria had been killed many times, his name still echoed in the new world.

Anyone who has experienced that era knows how high-spirited Moonlight Moria was when he was able to compete with the Kaido Chamber.

Even now that he has fallen into a trough, Kurt is not sure of winning.

He snorted coldly, turned around and left. Although I don't know why Shanks standing next to him came, but his actions have shown that he will not participate in the battle between himself and Huo.

This Huo just subdued Moria with his own despicable means, and his own strength is not strong. As long as Lord Seiya's reinforcements arrive, he can easily get rid of this Huo.

Seeing Kurt leave, Huo's face did not show any emotional fluctuations. He waved his hand, and Moriah retreated into the crowd again.

The two forces have never said a word from the beginning to the end, but both sides know it.

This Sri Lanka can only have one voice!

The people in the casino didn't know that a bloody fight had almost broken out here, and they didn't care.

All they care about is alcohol!

Huo turned his head, with a smile on his face again.

"What did we just talk about? By the way, this Xialong Festival must be attended!"


On the west side of the island, a dilapidated building complex. It is next to the West Wharf, but because of the ocean current and sea breeze, it is cold in winter and warm in summer, which is not popular. Gradually reduced to a slum.

At this time, in a dilapidated house, a little girl in ragged clothes was sitting at the door, as if waiting for someone.

She has very beautiful blond hair, but because she is not full, she looks a little sallow and thin, and her face has an unhealthy blue color, and she coughs a few times from time to time.

People around advised her to take a good rest, but the little girl still sat stubbornly at the door, she looked up at the paper dragon flying in the sky in the middle of the city, with a flash of envy in her eyes.

My brother said that he would definitely come back tonight, and he brought back his favorite paper dragon.

Since the death of her mother, little Nana has not released a paper dragon by herself for a long time. It is said that it is because the paper dragon has not been repaired that little Nana gets sick.

But little Nana didn't want paper dragons, she just wanted her brother to come back and spend the holiday with her.

"Excuse me, is it still Xialong Festival?" At this time, a man with a black knife passed by the hut, saw the little girl, and asked softly.

Thank you book friend Di Luo Shitian for the two monthly tickets!

Thank you book friend for not knowing what to say... Be right, a monthly ticket for sin!

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