Chapter 765 Abominable gods

Tydra Upros was regretting why he had created the Stargate, and he actually brought himself an end of destruction.

In the regret of Tadella Uspros…

The horrible repulsive force of the palms closed each other!

Only in an instant, Taedra Harpoulos was crushed by this violent power… to become the most basic magic particle between heaven and earth.

The god of the starry sky-Tadella Upros!

Fallen! ! !

“Master Tydra Upros… actually fell!?”

“How could it be…Illusion!”

“Fake… all this is fake.”

The battlefield where Mukuro and Taedra Harpoulos fought was near the starry sky temple of Tadra Harpoulos. And in its temple, many believers of Tadra Upros couldn’t believe that the gods they believed in would be defeated!

The fall of Tydra Upross cannot bring the slightest disturbance to Mukuro’s heart.

The flash disappeared, and the next moment… Mitarashi Mukuro appeared directly in front of many believers of Tadra Upros.

The followers of Tydra Uspros stepped back together.

In the eyes of believers, the gods they believe in are everything they own…Even if God wants them to sacrifice their lives, they will not hesitate in the slightest. And it doesn’t matter whether they believe in God, or whether they are righteous or not.

As long as you believe in it, you give everything.

The followers of Tydra Upros looked at Mukuro with hatred in their eyes!

But more is…confusion and fear!

Believers never think about the day when the god they believe in falls, because this is the greatest disrespect to God. At the same time, they won’t believe in the gods they believe in… there will be such a day of fall. When they saw this scene…their hearts were completely broken. So there is no idea to resist Mitarashi Mukuro at all!

Mukuro started the reincarnation Tenseigan!

The pupil power was transmitted into the head of a believer through the line of sight!

In an instant, Mukuro read all of his memories… In addition to erasing 90% of his meaningless memories, Mukuro also roughly understood the world.

The current world of Monster Tail… is the age of the gods! It’s not like eight hundred years later, it will be divided into the mainland of Yixugar and the western continent. In the world of Monster Tail in this era… there is only a big outrageous continent.

Known as-the continent of the gods! ! !

The total area of ​​it is dozens of times different than that of the Ishogar continent!

And on this continent, there is no so-called kingdom…only the people of God! People who believe in the same gods will live in the same city. Some of the weak gods can only have one or two cities, and the powerful gods can even occupy hundreds of cities! There will also be battles between the gods in order to plunder believers!

The battle of gods is the battle of faith, once it is launched, it will never die!

And Tedral Upros, has a god of one hundred and seven cities. It is also one of the three strongest gods standing in the entire continent of the gods!

The “God of Life and Death” in charge of life and death-Anxelam! !

The “God of Time” in charge of time-Kuronos! !

The “God of the Starry Sky” who is in charge of the starry sky-Taedera Uspros! !

Among the three of them, each of them ruled hundreds of cities. Also called by all the gods to be the three main gods of the gods!

Rule over the order of the entire continent of the gods!

The history of the gods seems to be a history that can be traced back thousands of years… and human beings are nothing more than faith collectors in the eyes of the gods. Used to collect beliefs in order to enhance their own strength! Even worse than pigs.

“God!? Haha…just a group of cold-blooded beasts.”

After reading the memory of the disciples of Tydra Upros, Mukuro’s eyes became colder. Although its own life form has already undergone an essential transition. But deep in Mukuro’s heart… still thinks he is a human. Mitarashi Mukuro couldn’t suppress his anger at all for the actions imposed on humans by the gods!

Take, for example, the one hundred and seven cities under the dominion of Tydra Upros.

There are three upper-class cities, ten middle-class cities, and ninety-four lower-class cities! The distinction between upper, middle and lower levels here is not based on the size of the city or the size of the population. Rather, it is divided according to the degree of humanity in the city…In the upper-class cities, the life of human beings is no different from that of the poor, and this is still the best living conditions. In medium-sized cities, human life is even worse than that of slaves. As for the inferior cities… they have already regarded people as pigs and tools for reproduction!

Then select humans who can generate more faith from their descendants and place them in the upper-class or middle-class cities. As for the human beings who cannot produce faith or can only produce very little faith, they will be left in the lower cities and continue to play the role of reproduction.

Taidra Upros, one of the three main gods of the Continent of Gods, is like this, not to mention the rest of the gods, the same thing.

“Very good… Gods.” Mukuro looked into the distance and muttered: “You… but let me know why the gods disappeared in this world! I am not interested in understanding the original plot. How did you disappear! Perhaps…even without my appearance, you will be completely wiped out by Naz and Elisa…”

“But now…you will perish in the hands of my Mitarashi Mukuro!”

With a turn of his mind, Mukuro’s gaze was placed on the followers of Tadra Upros in front of him. They were all fanatical believers of Tadra Upros. Although they are all human beings… but they have lost their human nature! It is also not an exaggeration to call it the butcher knife in the hands of Taedera Harpoulos.

Looking across, all the believers died!

Then Mukuro disappeared in place!

What Mukuro didn’t know was that at the same time… in a luxurious temple in the sky, a meeting of the gods of the entire continent of the gods was being held!

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