Chapter 764 The beginning of the killing

Tadella Harperus directly reached out and grabbed Mukuro, and the palm of the horror magic condensed appeared directly scratched the space!

Mukuro directly used God Pro and disappeared into Tadla’s eyes!

The next moment, it appeared behind him!

Eighty gods air strike! ! !

Endless magical power hit Taedra Harpoulos with heavy punches, but Tadra Harpoulos did not panic at all. The whole body seems to be integrated into another space, leaving only a faint shadow in place, and then the magical punch of the Eighty God Air Strike directly penetrates the body of Taedra Harpoulos…

The space was shattered layer by layer, but Taedra Harpoulos was unscathed!

“Space magic… and such a powerful magic power!? Who are you a believer!?” Teddraus Polos looked at Mukuro and asked coldly.

“Sorry… I am not a believer of anyone.”

Mukuro shrugged and said, “If you insist…then I will only believe in me! Because I am stronger than you!”

With that said, Mukuro’s magic power was released without any scruples!

Ruled three two-dimensional worlds, in each world Mukuro is the lord of the world! Strength stands at the pinnacle of the entire world! Even in any world, there is no one with the strength that can be expected.

The energy contained in Mukuro’s body!

But the sum of the three dimensional worlds!

Although, without the support of the origin of the world, Mukuro could not achieve the enchanting state of destroying the world with one thought and creating the world with one thought. But its own strength is also terrifying enough! It’s no exaggeration to call it invincible in the world of Monster Tail anyway!

Tedra Huspoulos looked at Mukuro, who was unleashing magic power in front of him, with horror in his eyes! There will be someone with such a terrifying magic power…

Even if you compare yourself with it, it’s far inferior! ! !

“Who the hell are you!?” Teddraus Pross asked sharply. He didn’t believe that such a terrifying strong would appear out of thin air in the world. In my own impression…No god has such a terrifying magical power.

“I have already told you, my name is Mitarashi Mukuro!”

Speaking of Mukuro, he immediately punched again… and blasted at Tadella Upros.

However, this fist directly broke the entire space! Although Tadla Harpoulos was able to blend in the space. But this kind of fusion always has an upper limit to withstand, the living space that can resist is shattered, but the living space that cannot be resisted collapses! Just ask, where can Teddraus Pros hide if there is no space! ?

Tedra Umpoulos, showing his figure embarrassedly.

escape! escape! ! escape! ! !

This is the only thought that comes to Tadella Harpros’ mind at this moment! As gods, they have a longer life span than mortals. Possess stronger power than mortals…They are also used to controlling his feelings of life and death in a word and deed, and even fascinated by it! So they are more greedy than mortals, afraid of death, afraid of losing this drug-like enjoyment!

Tedral Harpoulos did not hesitate.

Turn around and prepare to flee…

At the same time, I thought viciously: wait…no matter who you are…you dare to challenge the majesty of the gods! You have to endure the anger from the gods…Even if you have monstrous magic power, it is absolutely impossible to survive the anger of the gods.

However, Tadella Harperos’ figure has just moved tens of meters!

But found that his body was frozen.

It was as if the limbs had been blocked by an inexplicable force, letting Tadla Upros break free! Even if the whole body’s magic power broke out… he couldn’t move half a millimeter at all! Despair appeared in Taedra Uspros’ eyes!

At this moment, he, the god of the sky above the stars.

But it was the first time in my life that I felt what kind of fear is!

“Tedra Uspros, you should be honored. Because you are the first god I killed since I came to this age. But rest assured, you will never be the last! Really, I didn’t want to stand. To the opposite of yours. How can you…you didn’t have long eyes, and you attacked me without asking?”

“To blame, you can only blame yourself for not having eyes.”

Speaking of Mukuro, he launched his final attack, and the terrifying repulsion was blasted from his hands under Mukuro’s full force, forming a sky with one hand… covering the sky! The other hand emerged from the depths of the earth, like a five-finger giant mountain suddenly rising!

And Tydra Harpros…

It’s between such terrifying palms! ! !

Compared with this pair of such horrible repulsive palms, Taedra Upros’ figure seemed so small and insignificant. At this moment, Tadella Uspros suddenly changed from a superb god to a mortal who he usually regards as an ant! Survival… has become an unattainable luxury!

553 “Don’t worry… soon, the gods will go to hell to accompany you.”

Looking at Tadla Harpoulos, Mukuro said lightly. And Tadla Harpoulos knew clearly that he would never survive again. The expression on his face also changed from fear to ferocious and crazy. Looking at Mukuro, he let out a final roar: “Damn the godslayer! I dare to kill the noble god of the starry sky! I am the master of the starry sky! Wait… the majesty of the gods is definitely not something you can challenge. of!

The background of the gods… is definitely not what you can imagine! You will definitely die tragically in the hands of the gods, you will definitely…Ahahahahaha. ”


A scornful smile appeared on Mukuro’s face and said, “Whether I will die tragically in the hands of the gods is still unknown. But you will definitely die tragically in my hands. By the way! Thank you also for your Star Gate, Otherwise I would not have come to this era.”

“What… are you!?”

There was a great shock in Taedra’s eyes!

In this moment, Tadella Harpros knew why Mukuro appeared in his temple, and he felt a great regret in his heart!

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