Chapter 344 Man-made Devil Fruit Legion


Looking at the slightly noisy pirate group, Shanks was taken aback. Originally, this was just my own private matter, just because I couldn’t let go of being a member of the Roger Pirates.

That’s why I want to rescue Ace.

I just didn’t expect everyone…

Thinking of this, Shanks’ eyes reddened slightly.

Yasopp, who was a sniper, was the first to see him, as if he had arrived, Raftel exclaimed with excitement, “Quick! Look at Shanks, this bastard is crying! Ahahaha…”

“Yes! Is it touched by us? What should I do!? What if the captain wants to be personally friendly!? I only like women!” Raki Lu chewed on a big drumstick, again. Said with a big smile.

“Cut… whoever likes men won’t like you, fat fat guy!”

“What did you say!?”

Raki Lu directly threw the chicken leg in his hand onto the speaker’s head, and shouted at the same time: “I am just plump! Plump! Do you know what plumpness is!?”

“You dare to hit me with a chicken leg!?”

“What’s wrong with you!”

“Go to hell! Laki Lu, look at my Fatty Punch!”

“What!? Bastard! My uncle’s special kick kicks the skinny feet!”

Looking at the chaotic Red Hair Pirates, Shanks also let go, smiled heartily, and said loudly: “Partners… prepare for three weeks! The battle… Naval Headquarters! Before that… just let it… Let’s celebrate with a banquet!”

“Yo! Long live Shanks bastard!!!”

“Banquet, banquet!!!”

The same “Four Emperors”…

Kaido Pirates…

The majestic Kaido sat on the seat in the center of the deck of his fierce battleship, with three strong men standing in front of him.

The three highest cadres of the Kaido Pirate Group!

“Drought” Jack! ! !

“Waterlogging” Tyro! ! !

“Wind Disaster” Leo! ! !

“Jack, how is the preparation of the man-made Devil Fruit army? Is it possible to participate in this crusade against Naval Headquarters!?” Kaido looked dignified and asked Jack who was looking aside.

“My lord, there is no problem at all.”

Jack Weng said angrily: “The artificial Devil Fruit army has made up 500 people! A team of ten people is divided into 50 teams. The Devil Fruit served is all Zoan artificial Devil Fruit! I have tried Once, more than five units besieged me, even if I turned on the strongest mammoth state, I would lose!”

You know that “Drought” Jack definitely has the highest Admiral level of combat power! Five teams have the power to surpass him! Equal and can be understood as the five teams have the strength to surpass the peak Admiral!

And fifty teams…

That is to say… the man-made Devil Fruit army of Kaido Pirates alone has ten fighters surpassing the strength of the peak Admiral!

It’s simply…the horror has reached its limit!

“Well, Doflamingo is useful!” Kaido nodded with satisfaction.

Five years ago, after taking control of Kaido. Mukuro contacted Doflamingo to continue the transaction with Kaido, and secretly provided Courant Guy with resource and technological support.

Courant Guysa’s experimentation process has also been sped up a lot than the original work, and within five years he has developed a more perfect and powerful man-made Devil Fruit! Assembled the entire Kaido Pirate Group.

“My lord, there is one thing I know too well…” Tyro suddenly said, “Flood Disaster” on the side.

The Kaido Pirate Group is also known as the “Hundred Beasts” Pirate Group. The reason for its name is that all the officers in the Kaido Pirate Group have taken Zoan Devil Fruit.

“Waterlogging” Tyro is no exception.

What he eats is also a super rare Zoan Devil Fruit-cave bear fruit! ! !

Cave bears-ancient creatures, super giant bear creatures that have long been extinct, their power can reach more than ten times their body weight! It is definitely the overlord-level creature on land in ancient times!

It can be called one of the “Three Disasters”, it can be seen that the strength of “Flood Disaster” Tyro will never be inferior to “Drought Disaster” Jack!

“What’s the matter?” Kaido asked.

“My lord! Whitebeard is going to attack Naval Headquarters. Even if you don’t die, you will definitely be seriously injured! Why don’t we take this opportunity to snatch Whitebeard’s territory? Why do we have to get involved?”

Taylor said.

Jack and Leo on the side also looked puzzled.

Hearing Tyro’s words, the look on Kaido’s face turned gloomy for an instant, staring at Tyro coldly and said, “Taero…are you questioning my decision?”

As he said, the energy of evil spirits was dispersed throughout the ship.

As long as Tyro dares to question again, Kaido is ready to kill Tyro here immediately!

“No… the subordinates dare not!”

Feeling Kaido’s killing intent, Tyro couldn’t help but startled in a cold sweat, and couldn’t help secretly regretting why he talked so much.

“Huh! Go ahead and prepare, attack Naval Headquarters in three weeks! This battle… only wins but not defeat! Also, give me a notice to BIGMOM, if she doesn’t participate in this war against Naval Headquarters, then we Kaido Pirates The alliance with him will end here! Be regarded as an enemy from now on!” Kaido said coldly.

Since New World had the so-called “Four Emperors”…

New World has become a situation where the top four are competing for hegemony, but the relationship between Whitebeard and the red hair is good, so there is no big friction between them.

In a disguised form, the pressure on the Kaido Pirates and the BIGMOM Pirates has increased.

Under this pressure, the two formed a complete alliance of interests to resist Redhead and Whitebeard. At this point, New World’s four-pole “Four Emperors” gradually stabilized.

In order to complete Mukuro’s order, Kaido can be said to have lost money!

“Yes, my lord!” Tyro replied hurriedly.

BIGMOM Pirate Group.


Looking at Bigu Mam who was eating desserts, the long Baron Dandan looked a little hesitant, but he had to interrupt.

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