Chapter 343 Whitebeard and redhead

New World…

The Whitebeard Pirates…

“Father! Ace was defeated by the Teach guy and caught him!” Marco looked embarrassed, clutching a newspaper tightly in his hand, and said to Whitebeard.


Hearing Marko’s words, Whitebeard’s face was extremely embarrassed, the powerful Haki broke out directly, and the surrounding astronomical phenomena changed suddenly!

Dark clouds!

As if the whole sky was to be torn apart!

The domineering Haki affects the celestial phenomena, and it all explains one thing, that is, Whitebeard’s Haki broke the boundaries between humans and gods!

Completely violated the due world rules!

The iron of One Piece World, but taking Devil Fruit, the level of Haki can never break through the boundaries of humans and gods!

Whitebeard is no exception!

But… everything changed after the match against Mukuro five years ago.

First of all, his physical condition has returned to the peak state of thirty years old, and the use of fruits has not weakened!

Secondly… It seems that a shackle brought by Devil Fruit in the body has been broken!

Although he is not immune to the sea or the suppression of him by seastone, Whitebeard can clearly feel that his body has been further strengthened! 217

This is thirty years… nothing has happened since I took Shock Fruit! With the enhancement of his body, Haki of Shirahu also broke through the boundaries of man and god with the flow!

Although it’s just a breakthrough!

But… the name of the boundary between man and god is not for nothing!

That is the distance between man and god!

If Whitebeard before the breakthrough is vaguely superior among the “Four Emperors” at most, then Whitebeard after the breakthrough can completely suppress the other three “Four Emperors”! And have the upper hand!

Marco, standing in front of Whitebeard, felt his heart palpitations for a while!

I couldn’t help being shocked: When did the old man become so strong! ? Even his own Admiral-level combat resistance is so difficult, so the rest of the people…

Turning his head to look aside, as expected…

Except for a few stronger heads from the top ten divisions, some weaker heads have fallen to the ground in a coma. Marco only verbally reminded Whitebeard:

“Father, everyone can’t stand it anymore!”

Hearing Marko’s words, Whitebeard shook his head and looked apologetically at the man in the boat who was stunned by his own Haki, and smiled apologetically.

Haki said unparalleledly: “Marko is ready! At the same time, declare the whole sea… Three weeks later, the Whitebeard Pirates will go to Naval Headquarters to rescue Ace! Cohahahaha…”

“Yes! Father!”

Feeling the aura of Whitebeard in front of him, Marco couldn’t help but feel a little eager to try. In Marco’s view, his father is the strongest in the world, even if he lost to the white dragon five years ago, it was just accidental. And…the father now is stronger than five years ago!

Defeating Naval Headquarters and rescuing Ace… there is absolutely no problem!

Whitebeard himself did not have such confidence, although he did not know what force changed his body. But the only thing Whitebeard can be sure of is…

It’s definitely because of Mitarashi Mukuro!

And… even the current Whitebeard does not have a trace of confidence to beat Mitarashi Mukuro five years ago! Not to mention that after five years, that guy has changed again. I don’t know how terrifying it is!


Ace is his own child!

Even if Mitarashi Mukuro stands in front of him… even if he knows that he will be completely defeated! But Whitebeard won’t choose to go back!


He is Whitebeard! ! !

Also in New World…

On a beautiful small island with calm waves…

Red Hair Pirates…

“Roger One Piece actually has a son!? And he also recognized Whitebeard as his father. Hmm… to be executed!?” Laki Lu said with a look of astonishment, even the chicken leg in his hand fell on the ground without paying attention.


Benn Beckman looked solemn and looked at Shanks with a plain face. The crew on the red-haired ship knew Shanks’ past and the feelings between Shanks and Roger.

After watching the crowd, Shanks smiled and said, “Red Hair Pirates will not participate in this action against Marine!”

“Captain…is a fake!?”


“I think the captain must have drunk too much, he is talking nonsense.”

Benn Beckman frowned. As the captain of Red Hair Pirates, not only did his combat effectiveness reach the Admiral level, but his resourcefulness was definitely one of the best in the entire New World.

After thinking a little bit, Benn Beckman said: “Captain, you are going to…Go to Naval Headquarters by yourself.” Although it was asking about the redhead, there was no doubtful tone in the words.

Obviously it is believed that Shanks will do this!

Shanks smiled, didn’t speak, and said everything.

“What!? Shanks, you bastard! You want to leave us!? Believe it or not, Laozi shot you down!?”

Yasopp looked excited, and the sniper rifle in his hand directly touched Shanks’ forehead.

“Yes! Yasopp! Break him!” Laki Lu shouted from the side as well.

The rest of the crew on the Red Force also exploded in an instant, apparently very resistant to Shanks’ decision.

“Hey hey hey… Yasopp, be careful. What if the gun goes wrong?” A drop of cold sweat came out of Shanks’ forehead, and he had to explain, “Partner… Marine has a strong pervert. Guy…”

Before Shanks finished speaking, Beckman interrupted him.

“Captain… don’t forget how we grew from a small pirate group in East Blue to the current “Four Emperors”! The pervert white dragon, I have long wanted to see it!” Beckman laughed Said.

“Naval Headquarters I haven’t been to once!”

“This kind of excitement, how can we lose our Red Hair Pirates!?”

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