Many times, Tang Yu thought about giving up.

He has a system, powerful followers, and puppet guardians. Even if his strength is inferior, he can still gain a firm foothold in this apocalypse.

Still, he gritted his teeth and persevered.

In the early days of the apocalypse, when faced with demonized beasts, fear poured out of my heart. Later, when facing the magic tide in the shelter, the feeling of powerlessness and despair.

He doesn't want to have this feeling anymore. Indeed, now, he has a lot of advantages, but these advantages cannot be the reason for his laziness... Since he has a system, don't let this chance go!

For the upcoming trip to the East, Tang Yu also doesn't want him to be a laggard. Even if... he has completed the super-intensive training, he may or may not be a supporter.

Standing on the potholes, Tang Yu felt his strength carefully.

In terms of combat experience, he may not be able to compare with Luo Zhe, but he doesn't know how much he has improved. If nothing else, now that he is facing demonized beasts, there is no more turbulence in his heart.

Even the heavy slash, which had been stuck in the last step and could not be completed, was successfully used under the pressure of enormous pressure.

Suddenly, Tang Yu stopped and raised his brows.

Having experienced countless lives and deaths, he already has a different sensitivity to crises.

His eyes fell on the mound not far away, his eyes were red, and his body was gray-brown, a bit like a magnified version of a lizard's demonized beast, which drilled out from behind the mound.

This is a type of demonized beast that is partial to hunting... Although the demonized beast has no intelligence, it has a high fighting instinct. If the survivor is unaware, the demonized beast will be at the moment when the survivor approaches the mound. Jump out and crush the survivors.

Obviously, the two demonized beasts would not understand why Tang Yu discovered them, but the fighting instinct engraved in their bones drove them to make changes, and the two demonized beasts rushed over from left to right.

Tang Yu touched the hilt of the sword with one hand, suddenly smiled, and put it down.

The strength of these two demonized beasts is at the second level of awakening, and the ordinary awakened third-level awakened will face these two demonized beasts, even if they can win, it will not be easy, but...

The demonized beast on the left raised its front paws, and its hind limbs used force to pounce first.

The fishy wind rushed towards him, and his pupils reflected increasingly large taupe claws. Tang Yu's expression remained the same, but he only took a half step back, and there was no other movement.

The sharp claws slid across Tang Yu's chest, and the strong wind blew his collar, but Tang Yu remained motionless... Such a distance, such a speed, he was so familiar with it that he could easily judge it. The location of the monster's attack.

These experiences were all acquired by him with his life. Even later, he no longer escaped, but took the initiative to fight with the demonized beasts... Let alone two demonized beasts, it was a group of demonic waves, Tang Yu was still a wave of various waves, anyway, in the spiritual space, as long as you get used to it. Pain doesn't matter.

Right now, there are only two demonized beasts that can be used to test his training results.

Another gray monitor lizard detoured behind Tang Yu, and its entire body flew up.

The next moment, just as the monitor lizard was about to pounce, Tang Yu quickly squatted down.

The monitor lizard lost Tang Yu's figure in its eyes, and slammed into the other monitor lizard, holding it against the belly of the monitor lizard. In an instant, the two monitor lizards hugged and rolled out all the way.

Monitor Lizard; "???"


On the city wall, two survivors on duty swept through every place outside the city wall. Although it was very dark, although they could hardly see anything, the two of them still dutifully guarded it.

For the survivors like Liang Hao, who came to the shelter in the early days and witnessed the development of the shelter, this is a very honorable job. Although, they don't know, this kind of duty is actually useless.

"Today is the last time we are on duty. We will change shifts with the patrol team tomorrow. Hey, if I hadn't awakened and my physique was poor, I would definitely apply to join the patrol team."

"Isn't it, there are still some awakened people who are unwilling to join the patrol team. They don't know how powerful the shelter is. Look at today's patrol team's mission, they are all wearing sophisticated equipment, and they are still unified. It is estimated that those who did not join. The Awakened, you are now regretting it with envy."

While the two were talking, they were patrolling. Suddenly, Liang Hao was on the edge of the runway and looked into the distance, "Look if there is any movement there."

It was dark outside the city, and only the moonlight could barely see some scenes in the distance.

Another person took out a monocular and looked at the pointing, "Let me see... it's a demonized beast! There are people!"


Liang Hao was startled and wanted to sound the alarm, but he heard his companion exclaim, "It's Director Tang! Director Tang is working with the devil!"

Director Tang? !

The survivors of the shelter have never doubted the strength of Director Tang. However, there is no one who has really seen Director Tang's actions, such as building buildings, even erecting arrow towers and forts to destroy the demonized beasts, and survived. Players are more inclined to be a big move that needs to be deployed in advance, and then relies on the ability to explode instantly.

Didn't you see that Director Tang needs to arrange building materials every time he builds a building!

As a survivor of the shelter, it is still early. Survivors who have seen Director Tang many times have naturally guessed with others that Director Tang's strength may be violently crushed like Captain Luo, or he Use your abilities like an ice goddess to skillfully kill demonized beasts, or...

He stopped when he was about to sound the alarm, when he heard the exclamations of his companions.

"Director Tang didn't draw his sword, did he not bring a weapon? Ah, bad, those two demonized beasts rushed up, and Director Tang met the enemy with his bare hands!"


Liang Hao was shocked.

The Awakened wears sophisticated equipment to be able to compete with the demonized **, but if there is no weapon, no matter how powerful the awakened fist is, it is impossible to kill the demonized beast. On the contrary, the demonized beast has sharp claws. , sharp teeth, this is the weapon of the demonized beast, which can cause fatal damage to the awakened.

He hesitated, wondering if it was time to sound the alarm?

At this time, he heard his companion shout again, "Director Tang avoided the attack! Director Tang made a forty-two punch! Oh, Director Tang punched, and the demonized beast was smashed and flew out, NICE!"

With a black line on his face, Liang Hao snatched the telescope from his companion's hand.

In the field of vision, the figure swayed slightly, avoiding the attack of the demonized beast. Liang Hao could not see the movement of the demonized beast. However, he could see the movements of Director Tang very clearly. In fact, facing the two demons Transforming a beast, Director Tang didn't make any big moves at all.

The upper body swaying, the small sliding step, the tilting of the head, these movements are not fast, and even for ordinary people, they are a bit slow. However, it is such a slow movement, but it is easy to avoid the attack of the demonized beast. In Liang Hao's eyes , Director Tang like this is like a beast trainer who teases wild beasts.

He was also fascinated by the sight, and while holding down his companion's attempt to grab the telescope, he said, "As expected of Director Tang, one move and two combos perfectly hit the key point of the monitor lizard, causing a critical blow to the monitor lizard!"

"The monitor lizard was angry, but Director Tang had already seen everything, turned around, and completely failed the monitor lizard's attack. The strong wind blew the corner of Director Tang's clothes, and the back seemed to be telling the invincible loneliness... "

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