As for what training facilities are on the third and fourth floors, everyone in the patrol team has some expectations and some doubts.

Director Tang's ability is very powerful, not only can he build buildings full of huge power like the arrow tower and artillery, but also the fine equipment on the first and second floors. Before, some people thought that Director Tang's ability had something to do with the soil system, so he could make out of thin air. A building rose from the ground, but now they feel that Director Tang's ability covers far more than that. If they have to say it, it is more appropriate to use creation.

Create buildings, create equipment, create items.

The abilities of those who are capable are all kinds of strange. In theory, it is not surprising that any abilities appear, even if time, space, and fate create these... But before witnessing it with their own eyes, most people regard these abilities as legends. Only they think that if there is really To create this ability, that is what Director Tang is like.

These abilities are against the sky, but they are not without limits.

Many people can see that Director Tang needs to collect materials before building a building.

Secondly, even if it is to create, it should follow certain rules. Defense buildings such as arrow towers and artillery exist by themselves. They believe that Director Tang first conceived these buildings with reference objects, and then strengthened them through ability. As a result, the powerful and terrifying arrow tower artillery was born.

This is all traceable, including the training equipment on the first and second floors, and you can also see the shadows before the end of the world.

It is because of the limitations that they feel normal.

Therefore, Captain Luo said that the training facilities on the third and fourth floors can help them improve their strength quickly, and they don't quite believe it in their hearts.

At this stage, if you want to improve your strength, in addition to absorbing soul power, you can either improve your combat experience and skills, or squeeze your own potential, but no matter which point, it is not something that can be achieved simply by training equipment.

Unless it is fighting with demonized beasts.

For example, today, everyone on the patrol felt that they had improved a lot after experiencing the real fight, but apart from that, what other training facilities could achieve this?

The facilities on the third floor are not as numerous as those on the first and second floors. After reading it, everyone in the patrol team became even more puzzled. They all became circles. What is this? how to use? What is the use?

It's not like the first and second floors, none of them can understand it!

Luo Zhe had not actually used it, but as a follower, his authority in the territory was limited to Tang Yu, and he knew a thing or two about the equipment in the training camp.

He came to the fast track, briefly explained the function of the facility, and then asked, "Who wants to try it first?"

Peng Bo looked at the runway, which was only ten meters long, with a confused look on his face. When he looked at other people, they all had the same expressions, and Peng Bo was relieved.

Although he has no culture and can't understand the mystery here, but... as long as other people also don't understand it, it's fine, but, what is the use of a runway of this length?

He wanted to try it out, and saw Lu Xiaopeng stand up first, and then walked straight into the range of the fast track.

He stared intently, wanting to see what had changed.

The runway started, and the weird patterns painted on the ground lit up, but nothing else seemed to change, so Lu Xiaopeng's figure seemed a little blurry... Oh no, Peng Bo found a major change, Lu Xiaopeng His face was getting paler.

At first, there was an inexplicable change, as if he had been frightened by something. Sweat fell from his forehead, and his expression became more and more frightened. The next moment, Peng Bo saw his body leaning forward, swinging his arms, and rushing forward like crazy. .

This... run, run, what's the matter with such a hellish look?

He didn't understand it, and neither did anyone else.

As time passed, Lu Xiaopeng's face became paler and paler, but his speed became faster and faster. Finally, a beep sounded, and the running of the runway stopped. The next moment Peng Bo saw that Lu Xiaopeng's whole body softened and he fell down. on the ground.

"How long has it been? It's too empty."

He came to Lu Xiaopeng, stretched out his hand and poked it, and Lu Xiaopeng glared at him for a while.

Peng Bo shook his head and walked into the runway. A few minutes later, he came out also pale, lying on the ground, the fat on his waist up and down, looking even worse than Lu Xiaopeng.

The other patrol team members who had not experienced it even more did not understand it. They felt that they were very ignorant today. Whether it was combat skills, equipment, or this training camp, they did not understand a lot.

Luo Zhe stepped forward and operated a few times on a blank panel next to the runway. Others saw a human-shaped light and shadow appearing on the panel. The figure was on the fast runway, and some data kept appearing around.

"This is……"

Except for Peng Bo Lu Xiaopeng, who was already tired like a salted fish, everyone else gathered around and looked at the panel carefully.

"This is the process of the two of them running just now, and these data, it seems that the speed, how can it be improved so much."

"Could it be that they didn't run at full speed in the first place?"

"Fart!" Lu Xiaopeng struggled, "You guys... look at me... don't you seem to be running at full speed!"

The others looked at each other. Indeed, from the very beginning, the two of them ran like crazy. This can be seen from their demeanor and actions, but it is reasonable to say that after running at full speed, the speed should be faster. It's just getting slower and slower, how can it be improved instead.

Moreover, the most incomprehensible thing for them was why Lu Xiaopeng both looked overly frightened at first?

But it doesn't matter if they don't understand, they have already seen the potential that the fast track can stimulate people, so that people can run faster and faster in it.

"I come."

"I come!"

One by one, they were scrambling for each other, completely ignoring the sympathetic eyes of Lu Xiaopeng and Peng Bo on the side.

A few minutes later, the first one came out, and Sheng Wulian was lying on the ground.

It seems that staying here does not depend on personal strength, so those players who have experienced pale faces will watch the time of the players behind them with lingering fears.

"three minutes……"

"Three and a half..."

"Four minutes, this is powerful."

"It's only two minutes, old iron, you can't do it."

When Tang Yu walked down, he found such a strange scene. He didn't disturb the patrol team and went straight out of the training camp.


In broad daylight, a group of people were sweating profusely, their eyes glowing, and their mouths kept counting the time. Isn't this... not good?


After leaving the training camp, Tang Yu did not return to the castle, but went out.

Although he was very tired, he didn't feel sleepy at all.

In just half a day, it seemed like a lifetime to him.

After dying again and again, some were corroded by venom, some were pierced through the chest by sharp arthropods, and some were cut off by the waist... Tang Yu felt that his experience could make up a complete book of fancy deaths.

He didn't know how many times he died in the spiritual space. From the beginning, he was afraid and dared not enter. Later, when his senses remained at the moment of death in the last second, his mind had already chosen to enter again.

This is not to awaken some attributes, but, although the pain of injury and death is still severe, the feeling of clearly feeling one's own progress is addicting.

It's like refining soul power.

is a treat.

Pain and joy...

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