Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 179: Capture Operation

At present, the biggest bottleneck of Blue Star's technology is actually materials.

If there really are zero-resistance materials, then various technologies that exist in science fiction are very likely to be realized.

Therefore, Reed simply cannot accept the temptation of being able to study zero-resistance materials.

After Reed went back to rest, Li Feng went upstairs to the office.

The time lasted until noon, and just after he finished handling the matter at hand, the projection of the Red Queen suddenly appeared.

"Master, Wade has escaped."


Hearing the red queen's voice, Li Feng remembered that he had asked Wade to be imprisoned because he was dissatisfied with Wade's ineffective attitude.

As for how to deal with it, Luna has to see the other party's attitude before making a decision.

But unexpectedly, the other party actually escaped.

"Turn on the surveillance camera and see how he escaped."

"Yes, Master."

Soon, Wade's figure appeared on the surveillance camera.

The other party was still cursing and talking non-stop despite being in confinement.

Either complaining about Umbrella or cursing people in the company, including him, the boss.

Then he also said that the United States is a free country and cannot restrict personal freedom, and that the contract is incorrect and so on.

Anyway, it was just a complaint. It was Umbrella's fault that it hurt too much during the experiment.

As for curing his cancer and gaining extraordinary powers, he didn't mention it at all.

After a while, someone brought him lunch.

This time Wade grabbed the food delivery person, stretched out bright red tentacles from his body, and swallowed the person directly. Then he disguised himself as the food delivery person and left the confinement room.

Seeing this, Li Feng immediately shook his head.

"Red Queen, issue a wanted order to arrest Wade, life or death."

Originally, he wanted to conquer the opponent, but now it seems that the anti-hero is indeed an anti-hero, but he doesn't play according to common sense.

However, if the other party wants to leave, he can do so, but the things taken from him must be returned.

"Yes, Master."

On the streets of New York.

After Wade changed back to his original self, he started walking towards Hell's Kitchen.

In his opinion, only the most chaotic Hell's Kitchen in New York can be considered safe.

Anywhere else, it would be possible to be discovered by Umbrella's people.

Only by getting to Hell's Kitchen and finding a way out of New York was he free.

As for fighting Umbrella.

The thought never entered his mind.

Because only if you have real contact with Umbrella will you know how powerful the Umbrella Group is.

Not to mention the U.S.S. Special Forces, and the invincible boss.

In the legend, there is an extremely mysterious U.B.C.S. team and a nearly invincible Black Watch team.

Just hearing the names of these troops made him feel powerful.

So it was more practical to escape.

A few hours later, Wade looked up at the sky and found that it was getting dark, so he went to the nearby Urban Explorer Rescue Station to collect food.

But the next second, he froze on the spot, then turned around and walked away.

Because these help stations were established by Umbrella, there are also some Umbrella employees inside.

Didn't he throw himself into a trap in the past?

After walking around for a few times, he finally found an aid station that was not Umbrella's, so he walked over happily.

"Hey, buddy, I haven't eaten for several days, give me a little more..."

The person who was handing out food was wearing sunglasses. He just glanced at Wade and didn't answer. He just gave one piece of food and let the next one go.

When Wade saw this, he was immediately dissatisfied.

"Brother, I'm so hungry. If you don't believe it, look..."

After he finished speaking, he took off his clothes, revealing his shriveled belly.

Since merging with the black light virus, his food intake has increased significantly. The donuts and some junk snacks in his hands cannot fill his stomach.

But when the person distributing food saw this, he just said coldly: "We have limited food here. If you want more food, go to other aid stations, the next one."

"Well, man, I don't want to go to another aid station..."

At this moment, the city explorers behind them refused.

"Hurry up, we still need to get food."

"That's right, you've already taken one. If you take another, we won't have anything left."

"Get out of here!"

Seeing this, he could only leave in despair.

After coming to the corner and sitting down, he quickly finished what he had in his hands, and then looked at the aid station in the distance with longing in his eyes.

After half an hour, all the urban explorers in front of the aid station left and the aid station was closed.

At this time, the person who had distributed food before came to Wade and took out a piece of food.

"Here, that's all that's left."

Seeing the man in front of him sitting next to him, Wade asked curiously while eating food: "What's your name? Why are you sitting here alone?"

"Matt Murdock, what about you?"

"Wade Winston Wilson, you haven't answered my question yet. Why are you sitting here? Shouldn't you be going back now?"

"Go back? Where should I go back?"

Matt remembered what happened two years ago, so he took off his glasses, revealing his white eyes.

His home was destroyed because he was harboring a wanted criminal, so let alone compensation, he was almost imprisoned.

In the end, it was his good friend who rescued him.

But this also made him lose his last home, so he could only devote himself to charity work and lived a life of hunger and fullness.

Especially when Raven was captured, he hated Umbrella even more.

Wade saw that Matt seemed to be in a bad state, so he immediately comforted him.

"Oh, so you are blind, no, I didn't say it on purpose, and I don't have any prejudice against blind people.

I just feel that you can't see things, I feel very pitiful, and you can't see the beauty of the world.

Ahem... What am I talking about, by the way, don't you have a home either? Did your father die, or your mother die? Or both parents died?

I'm sorry, I don't want to bring up your sad things, but even if your parents are dead, you have to look forward, life will always get better.

This way your parents will be comforted in heaven, and where do you sleep at night? Is there any extra space?"

Hearing Wade's comfort, Matt felt that his blood pressure was about to soar.

"My parents are not dead! They are just in the countryside and don't like to come to New York!"

"Oh, your parents are not dead, then what do you mean by homeless? I thought you were like me, without parents.

By the way, where do you sleep at night? Can I sleep there too?"

Just when he said this, Wade suddenly found an Umbrella car passing by, so he quickly turned his head and picked up the plastic bag at his feet to block his head.

Although Matt couldn't see, he had extremely strong hearing and weak psychic abilities.

So he immediately felt that something was wrong with Wade, and there was an Umbrella vehicle coming from a distance.

This made him feel moved.

Does Wade also have a grudge against Umbrella? So he doesn't want to be discovered?

After a while, the Umbrella car left, and Wade put down the things in his hands.

"Brother, let's go and see your house first.

I haven't lived in a house for a long time, and I also want to take a hot bath. You shouldn't mind, right?

Of course you won't mind, we are good friends..."

In Wade's matter-of-fact and mean words, Matt could only take him back.

The place where he lives now is not a good place, just a shabby apartment with only one bathroom and no kitchen.

But he is a blind man living alone, and he doesn't need a kitchen at all.

And even if it is such a house, he can only afford it with the help of his friends, otherwise he really would have to sleep on the street.

As soon as Wade entered the room, he immediately lay on the only big bed, lying on it in a big letter shape.

"So comfortable, the smell of home!"

"Hey, get up! You are so dirty, go take a shower first!"

Although Matt couldn't see, he could smell the stench and blood on Wade, so he quickly pulled him up.

Wade heard this and just rubbed the bed indifferently, saying, "It's okay, it's still clean..."

"No, I still need to sleep..."

Finally, at Matt's insistence, Wade went to take a shower.

When he walked out of the bathroom, he immediately saw Matt with a serious face.

"Wade, what's your relationship with Umbrella? Why are you hiding from them?"

Hearing this, Wade was stunned for a moment.

After a while, he laughed and said, "Haha, what Umbrella? I have nothing to do with them."

Matt shook his head.

"There are seven rescue stations in Hell's Kitchen, six of which are funded by Umbrella, and only mine is funded by Stark Industries.

You deliberately avoided Umbrella's rescue station and came to me. There must be a reason, and you deliberately avoided Umbrella just now, which means there must be something wrong."

Seeing that he had been discovered by Matt, Wade also lay on the bed very naked, and just like that, his muscles were exposed.

"It's better if you don't know about my affairs. I will leave tomorrow and won't cause you any trouble."

At this time, he rarely stopped nagging.

But these words made Matt have bad memories.

At the beginning, he also took in a woman, but was killed by Umbrella that night.

Is he so unlucky now?

Just as this thought fell, the sound of glass breaking suddenly rang out.

Turning his head, Wade saw several tear gas bombs being thrown in.

So he immediately hugged Matt and fell to the ground.

"Sorry, it seems that I will cause you trouble."

The next second, the room was filled with smoke, and Wade and Matt were choked and tears flowed instantly.

"You stay here, I will attract them away."

Wade knew that he didn't have much time, so he comforted her and ran out of the window immediately.


But he forgot that he had just taken a shower and had no clothes on.

So the eye-catching clothes happened.

"Oh, sell, dog!"

Wade quickly covered his little brother, then fell from the fourth floor and hit the ground.

On the street, Frank, who was leading the Alpha team and preparing to attack, saw this scene and shook his head immediately.

"This guy dared to betray the Umbrella Group. He is really crazy.

Go give him a few injections of sedatives."

Although Li Feng said that he didn't care whether he lived or died, it would be best to capture him alive if conditions allowed.

So the members of the Alpha team around them immediately replaced their bullets with sedatives and fired.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

After firing more than a dozen shots in a row to ensure that even a whale would be anesthetized, Frank asked his men to go over and prepare to capture people.

But when the members of Alpha approached Wade, Wade suddenly opened his eyes, and bright red thin lines appeared all over his body, shooting at the people around him.

But the members of Alpha were all wearing armor and were wrapped in metal, so these thin lines of flesh could not enter at all.

The next second, they all reached out and grabbed these bright red thin lines of flesh and blood.

Seeing this scene, Frank smiled slightly.

"Stupid, we dare to come to capture you, so we naturally know your abilities and characteristics.

The most powerful thing about the black light virus is that it can absorb all organic matter, but we are all wearing armor."

Wade also found that these people were well prepared, so he had no choice but to cut off the flesh and blood on his body and run away.

At this time, three Umbrella helicopters appeared in the sky, turning on the lights and aiming at Wade.

This made Wade unable to escape Umbrella's control no matter how he ran.

In the room, the smoke began to slowly dissipate.

After Matt stood up, he looked at the Umbrella troops leaving in the distance, and a flash of entanglement flashed through his heart.

Of course he hated Umbrella, but he had been investigating this company for the past two years, and the more he investigated, the more desperate he felt.

This was not a company he could fight against at all.

For example, Kingpin, whom he regarded as his biggest enemy, was the king of the underground in New York. In front of Umbrella, Kingpin was just an ordinary henchman.

So in the past two years, reason has kept him from thinking.

But now, he feels that he can no longer sit back and watch.

After a while, he took out a red tight uniform from the closet and put it on.

Then he took out a stick and jumped out of the apartment.

On the other side.

Wade was running away with difficulty, but under the tracking of the helicopter in the sky, he couldn't run away at all, and soon he was blocked by Frank and the Alpha team.

"Just surrender, maybe the boss won't kill you."

"Your name seems to be Frank, right? Why do you want to work for that man? What did he give you?

You know, we are free men, we want freedom..."

As soon as Wade started to talk, Frank immediately raised the arm of the mecha and fired a string of bullets.

"Da da da..."

In just a moment, Wade was beaten into a pulp, and the ground under his feet was also broken into pieces.

Just when he was about to catch Wade, he found that a group of onlookers appeared around him at some point.

These people were dressed in a shabby way, and their dress was also non-mainstream. They were not good people at first glance.

After all, this is Hell's Kitchen, where there are the most underground gangs.

Now that there is such a big commotion here, it is normal for people to come and check it out.

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