Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 178 Ascending to the throne

Although Sif didn't use much force, as an Asgardian protoss, even if she didn't use force, it was not something Jane could bear.

Soon, Jane, who was out of breath, began to turn purple.

The upset Thor, after noticing Jane's condition, immediately walked over and grabbed Sif's hand.

"Sif, calm down, she didn't mean it."

After a while, Sif looked at Thor who looked worried, and finally put down Jane in her hand.

"I'm sorry, but I hope you won't say such things next time. My brother will be fine."


Jane coughed and nodded, indicating that she understood.

She didn't expect that just a guess she made would cause such a big reaction from the other party.

It seems that I should stay away from this woman next time.

But what she didn't know was that Sif had always liked Thor in her heart.

When she saw Sol and her being so close, she felt very unhappy.

Now it's just a matter of venting this unhappiness.

At this time, Fandral came over and said with a worried look: "Sif, although I don't want to admit it, what Jane said may make sense."

Hogan and Worstak next to him also nodded.

They really couldn't explain why Heimdall didn't open the Rainbow Bridge.

After all, Heimdall has always supported Thor and is Sif's brother, so there is no reason to betray them.

But Sif did not accept this explanation and continued to shake her head.

"No, brother must be delayed by something.

By the way, didn't he say he wanted to drink? He must have been drunk so he didn't hear our voices.

No wonder the Destroyer can come through the Bifrost, yes, that must be the reason. "

Although she had never seen her brother drunk before, what if he was drunk this time.

As she spoke, Sif shed tears in her eyes.

Although she kept giving various excuses and reasons for her brother's lack of response, she knew that her brother was an extremely responsible person and these excuses were untenable.

But he was the brother who loved her most, so even though she knew in her heart that something might happen to her brother, she still couldn't accept it.

Thor saw Sif looking like she couldn't bear the blow, and felt pain in his heart, so he walked over and hugged her into his arms.

"It's okay, everything will be fine."

After comforting him for a while, he raised his head again and tried to shout.

"Heimdall! Open the Bifrost!"

As a result, there was naturally no response.

A few minutes later, the wreckage of the Destroyer had been cleaned up by the Umbrella people, and they began to drive away.

At this time, Psylocke walked towards Thor and the others.

"If you have nowhere to go, you can always join us Umbrella."

Regarding Lingdie's request, several people just looked at it coldly and said nothing.

After all, for them, Blue Star is a remote place, and they are the noble Asgardian protoss. Even if they have no way home now, they cannot stay in Blue Star.

What's more, he still took refuge with a countryman.

When Lingdie saw their attitude, he suddenly felt bored.

William in the distance seemed to notice Psylocke's embarrassment, so he immediately waved.

"Lingdie, I'm waiting for you."

Seeing her man rescuing her, Lingdie suddenly smiled.

"Then I'll leave first. If you think clearly, come to Umbrella to find me. Remember, my name is Psylocke."

After saying that, she ran towards William, then jumped into the car and hugged William's arm.

Watching Umbrella's people walk away, Thor and others were still waiting.

Because they still have a trace of luck in their hearts.

In the Asgard realm.

Odin was eventually discovered by Loki and then knocked down by Laufey.

Odin, who was lying on the ground, looked at Loki with a look of heartbreak and hatred.

"Why! Why did you kill your queen mother!"

Loki raised the Spear of Eternity, Odin's most powerful artifact, and aimed it at its original owner.

"If you hadn't woken up, how could the queen mother have died? Everything is your fault!"

Laufei took a step forward and said impatiently: "No more ink stains, lest you have a long night and lots of dreams."

After finishing speaking, his hand turned into a two-meter-long ice sword, pointing at Odin.

"Ding Ding! Dang Dang! Ah!"

At this time, there was a sound of weapons clashing and screams outside.

This made Loki and Laufey feel uneasy.


The door was pushed open, and a frost giant covered in blood ran in.

"Chief, what's wrong, the Asgardian warriors outside the door have come in."

Apparently, they delayed for too long, causing the Asgardian warriors to react.

Hearing this, Laufei didn't waste any time, and immediately rushed towards Odin, stabbing him with the long sword in his hand.


The ice sword pierced Odin's chest, but Odin also used his divine power and knocked Laufey away.

Before Odin could pull out the ice sword from his chest, he saw Loki suddenly take out the Ice Box, and a powerful ice force instantly froze him.

Not only Odin, but also Laufey and the frost giants who came in were frozen.


After taking a few breaths, Loki put down the Ice Box in his hand, and his skin returned to normal. Then he raised the Eternal Box and knocked it directly on Odin.

With a "crack...", Odin's body suddenly turned into ice fragments.

Then Loki smashed the ice sculpture of the Frost Giant, but spared Laufey.

After a while, the shouts outside were getting closer and closer. Loki suddenly took back the ice power from Laufey, and then raised the Eternal Spear and stabbed it directly.


Laofy didn't even react, and his chest was pierced.

Loki also let out a sad roar.

"Father! Woo woo..."

While shouting, he shed tears.

This scene was seen by the Asgardian warriors who broke in, and they also noticed Odin who was broken into pieces on the ground.

"God King!"


"Kill him!"

The angry Asgardian warriors rushed over immediately and chopped Laufey into meat paste.

Loki was delighted to see that his plan had finally been completed perfectly, despite some twists and turns.

However, he still knelt down in front of Odin's body with tears.

"Father! Woo woo..."

Some Asgardian warriors came to comfort him immediately.

In this way, Laufey became the murderer of Odin, and Loki became the hero who killed his enemy.

Loki finally took off the title of acting God King and became the real God King.

The next morning.

As the sun slowly rose from the east, Loki opened his tired eyes from the bed and smiled.

He had not slept all night, but was thinking about whether there was anything missing.

After thinking all night, he found that the only missing thing was his brother in the courtyard.

But now Heimdall is dead, and that stupid brother in the courtyard can't come back.

So now is to implement the next plan and destroy Jotunheim.

After a while, he changed his expression to a sad one, then tidied his clothes and walked out the door.

At this time, there were already a large number of maids and warriors waiting for him outside the door.

Some powerful gods came over.

"Loki, you have to cheer up."

"Please accept my condolences."

"God King, we have notified everyone to start the meeting of the gods."

"God King, please come here, I will change your clothes first."

One hour later.

Loki, wearing the clothes of the God King, entered the Temple of the Gods with a group of people in front and behind, and looked at the throne that he had been thinking about.

And this time, he was not watching from below.

Thinking of this, Loki's breathing became faster, and then he walked towards the seat of the God King step by step.

After he sat down, his heart was suddenly filled with infinite satisfaction.

Especially looking at the group of gods waiting for his orders below, he felt even more heroic in his heart.

"The meeting of the gods begins!"

As the maid next to him finished her announcement, a high-level god immediately stood up.

"We must now find out how the frost giants came to our Asgard!"

Hearing this proposal, Loki nodded.

"Yes, but the most urgent thing now is to avenge my father!"

The people below heard this and immediately shouted loudly: "Revenge!"

"Blood debt must be paid with blood!"

"Kill the Frost Giants!"

"Conquer Jotunheim!"

It must be said that the Asgardians have been at peace for a long time and even began to yearn for war.

Just Loki's words, they didn't even care about the reason, they just wanted to kill Jotunheim and kill all the Frost Giants.

But how could Loki let them kill them?

If something was discovered, his conspiracy would be exposed.

So after a while, he pressed his hand.

"Revenge must be taken, but it doesn't have to be a war!

I have a better way, that is to completely destroy Jotunheim!

Let those dirty, filthy Frost Giants be destroyed along with Jotunheim!"

After that, Loki proposed to destroy Jotunheim with the Rainbow Bridge.

For this proposal, someone soon stood up to oppose it.

"Jotunheim is one of the nine realms. If it is destroyed, the world tree will be unstable, leading to unpredictable consequences."

"Yes, when Odin was in power, he thought about conquering the nine realms with the Rainbow Bridge, but because of the appearance of certain beings, he finally stopped this plan."

"It is said that our nine realms check and balance each other so that the world tree can continue to exist. If one world is missing, the balance of the world tree will be broken."

Faced with these people's obstruction, Loki naturally has a set of rhetoric.

What destroying only the territory of the Jotunheim Frost Giants and not affecting the entire Jotunheim, and what the balance of the nine realms is is just an untenable statement.

After two hours of persuasion, most people finally agreed with Loki's plan.

So Loki immediately brought a group of people to the Rainbow Bridge.

Then control the Rainbow Bridge to output to Jotunheim with all its strength.


As the powerful energy descended on Jotunheim, the ground of Jotunheim began to collapse, and the whole world began to be destroyed.

Originally, Loki said that it would not be completely destroyed, but when the entire world of Jotunheim began to collapse, there was no sign of stopping.

After more than half an hour of energy output, the entire Jotunheim finally disappeared in the Nine Realms.

Some Asgardians felt a vague sense of uneasiness about this scene.

Loki then began to persuade.

"Look, nothing has happened. Now the Frost Giants have been exterminated and our revenge has been avenged. Let's prepare a farewell ceremony for my father and mother."

Under Loki's persuasion, everyone still shifted their attention.

And without anyone knowing, cracks began to appear in the world tree of this universe.


Blue Star.

In the underground base of Umbrella, New York, the United States.

Filia looked at the remains of the Destroyer sent in front of her and showed a slightly interested look.

"I have never seen this metal before. Although it is more fragile than vibranium and adamantium, it shows a phenomenon of almost zero resistance to electric current.

In other words, if we can mass-produce this metal, it will be a major energy reform on Blue Star."

Li Feng, who was next to him, just nodded faintly when he heard this.

"Can you copy it?"


Filia didn't know how to answer for a while.

After thinking for a while, she finally said: "I'm just a scientist in biology, I don't know much about basic materials..."

"Well, it seems that I can't count on you."

Li Feng nodded, and then continued: "Red Queen, where is our little genius, Richards?"

"Master, Richards is now studying the electromagnetic orbital launcher in the starship."

Reality can't be the same as in comics or movies. If you want to study something, you don't need technology or knowledge, just turn a page and it will be made.

With the current knowledge reserve of Blue Star, if you want to make an electromagnetic orbital launcher, you need to break through thousands of technologies. Even if you break through one technology a day, it will take three or four years.

"Let him put down his work and come here."

"Yes, Master."

Filia next to him nodded immediately after hearing this.

"Indeed, I have heard of the name of this Richards. He has made hundreds of technological breakthroughs in the past two years. He should be able to do this research."

Three hours later.

Reed finally arrived at Umbrella's underground base.

Of course, it was only the top base.

"Boss, why are you in such a hurry to find me?"

Compared to two years ago, Richards is now more sophisticated, with less hair, and looks tired.

This made Li Feng frown slightly.

"How long have you not slept well?"

Hearing this question, Reed was stunned for a moment, but soon lowered his head.

"Which, not long..."

Seeing that Reed didn't want to say it, Li Feng called Red Queen directly.

"Master, Mr. Richards has not slept more than four hours a day in the past year."

Sure enough, geniuses don't jump in one leap.

Reed's hundreds of technological breakthroughs in the past two years were all obtained by sacrificing sleep time.

But this is already very scary.

After all, many people can't change even if they want to.

"I have a new research that you should be very interested in, zero resistance materials, but you should go back and have a good sleep first."

"Zero resistance materials! Where!"

Reed ignored the latter sentence, his face full of excitement.

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