Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 124 Death by Eclipse

Lorna looked at Baghdad, which was plunged into flames and killings, and finally took out a mobile phone.


After ringing for a while, the voice of her thinking about it day and night came from the phone.

"Hey, who's there?"

"It's me, Lorna."

"It turns out to be Miss Lorna, what's the matter?"

Lorna was silent for a while.

"The situation is a little wrong now. I let mutant zombies spread the virus in Baghdad, but the situation seems to be out of control."

Then she explained the dilemma she encountered.

"It means that the mutant zombies you control seem to be very weak and cannot control most zombies?"


"Perhaps, the zombies you control were weak before death, so you can't control too many zombies after becoming zombies."

"What do you mean? No, I can't do this..."

To say that the most powerful one is naturally her father, Magneto.

But how could she bear to let her father turn into a zombie?

"I didn't say anything, I just gave you ideas. Just follow your heart."

"In my heart."

After hanging up the phone, Lorna lowered her head, her face looked uncertain for a while, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"I do this for mutants.

Father, didn't you say that everything is for mutants?

You will definitely forgive me. "

"No, I can't do this. He is my father."

"But all this is for the mutants to rise!"

"But, he is my father..."


Under the fierce conflict of thoughts, Lorna suddenly felt that her brain went blank, as if she didn't know anything.

When she came to her senses again, the sky began to slowly light up.

"What's going on? Why is it dawn? Why are there so many tears on my face?"

Wiping the tears on her face, she was about to walk out of the hotel when she saw Jiaoshi walking towards her.

"Lorna, stop it, we can't go on like this.

Look, how many ordinary people have been killed. Although we mutants need a place to survive, we cannot live above their death. "

Hearing this, Lorna's eyes suddenly turned cold.

“More than three hundred years ago, Americans killed more than 40 million indigenous residents for their territory.

More than 60 years ago, the Hoopoe Kingdom killed millions of its original inhabitants for territory.

Now, we mutants are killing hundreds of thousands of original inhabitants in order to survive. What's the problem? "

Jiaoshi took a few steps back, looking at each other as if he were meeting Lorna for the first time.

Lorna's cold eyes at this time were so unfamiliar.

“You’re not Lorna, who the hell are you?

It was impossible for Lorna to say such a thing before! "

"How long have you been with me? It's only been a full year.

Do you think you know me well? "

Speaking of this, Lorna showed a mocking look, but for some reason, tears suddenly flowed from her eyes.

"What's wrong with me?"

After thinking about it, she continued: "Don't you think I won't feel uncomfortable when I make this decision?

But what am I doing all this for? Is it for myself?

If it's really for myself, why don't I find a place with few people and live an anonymous life?

Everything I have done is not for us mutants!

Now I alone bear all the charges and all the infamy, yet you still treat me like this. "

As she spoke, she shed tears.

And after she finished speaking, she felt much more at ease, as if she had spoken out everything in her heart.

After hearing this, Jiaoshi felt a little moved in his heart.


After a while, he sighed and stepped forward to hug Lorna.

"I'm sorry, I ignored your thoughts.

But your method is too radical, we can totally moderate it...Pfft..."

Before he could finish speaking, he felt a sharp pain in his chest.

So he pushed Lorna away and looked down.

I saw an iron piece inserted into the chest, and blood was flowing out.


"No reason, I need someone who can control all the zombies for me. After all, my father is old and can't survive anymore.

But you are definitely qualified for this position.

Didn't you say you love me?

If you love me, fulfill my last wish, woo woo... haha...

Everything is for the future of mutants, haha...wuwu..."

Lorna was wondering at this point.

He was smiling, but tears kept flowing from his eyes.

It seems like he is suffering from schizophrenia.

Jiaoshi seemed to see something and pointed at Lorna.


Seeing Jiao Shi lying on the ground vomiting blood, Lorna seemed to come back to her senses with a look of disbelief.

"What's going on? What's wrong with you, Marcus?"

The next second, she flew towards her boyfriend and hugged him.

But looking at the blood on her hands, tears began to flow from her eyes.

"Did I do this? How could this happen? How could I do this?"

At this time, Jiaoshi grabbed Lorna's hand and said with his last strength: "Little... heart... someone is controlling it..."

At this moment, suddenly a mutant zombie next to him seemed to smell the smell of blood, escaped from the control of the metal spider, pounced on Jiao Shi, and started biting him.

"Roar! Hiss..."

"No! Stop it!"

But the zombie didn't listen to the order at all and continued to bite hard, as if it had some deep hatred with the man under it.

In the worst case, Lorna had no choice but to control the metal to directly penetrate the zombie's head and dismember it, which stopped the zombie from biting.

But at this time, Jiaoshi also completely lost his breath, his eyes were wide open, as if he would not close his eyes in death.

"No! Wuwu..."

Lorna lay on Jiaoshi and burst into tears.

I don't know how much time has passed, and the sun slowly rises from the east.

Other mutants seemed to hear the noise and walked up from below.

"Miss Lorna, what happened?"

"What happened to Marcos? Why is it all blood?"

"Marcos is dead! And there are zombie bodies!"

Looking at the panicked group of people, Lorna raised her head.

Just when she was about to say that she killed Marcos, one of the mutants said, "Did the zombies get out of control and kill Marcos, and then Miss Lorna killed the zombies?"

When the other mutants heard this and looked at the situation at the scene, they all nodded.

"Yes, that must be the case."

"Miss Lorna is so gentle, why is her life so bad?"

"Alas, Miss Lorna, please accept my condolences."

Lorna found that it was Raven who spoke for her.

"It's not like that... It's me... I..."

She was about to make it clear, but she met Raven's eyes, and she suddenly felt a little strange in her heart.

Why should she explain it clearly?

The crime of killing eclipse is very disadvantageous to her.

But he is her boyfriend.

What's wrong with her boyfriend? He has been hindering her plan and preventing mutants from gaining freedom and equality.

After a while, Lorna raised her head, took out the control spider, and placed it on Marcos' chest.

"Dear, for the future of mutants, contribute your last bit of strength."

After she finished speaking, a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

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