Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 123 Mutant Declaration of Autonomy

After opening the iron door, a room simulating the climate of a tropical rainforest appeared.

There were all kinds of flowers, plants and trees all around, and in the center was a large sea of ​​red flowers.

The red flowers were blooming, the core of the flower was the size of a fist, and with the blooming petals, it was about the size of a washbasin.

Although these flowers looked bright, they were not overly beautiful, and even looked a bit ordinary.

This was the famous Sun Ladder Flower, a magical plant that could ignore the cell wall and change the genetic structure.

After watching for a while, he picked a few Sun Ladder Flowers and left the laboratory.

He planned to use the Sun Ladder Flowers to experiment with the degree of fusion between the Progenitor Virus and the X Gene.

See if a more powerful virus strain can be created.

At noon three days later.

In New York, at the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Maria sat in the office with a discouraged look on her face, and in front of her was Nick, who was supposed to leave.

"What happened? I didn't even get a good rest after retirement."

Hearing this, Maria looked apologetic and took out a stack of information next to her.

"We suspect that the mutant zombies were captured by the Umbrella Group."

Nick took the information and looked at it for a few seconds, and said nonchalantly: "No matter who captured them, as long as the zombie crisis can be stopped.

You asked me to come all the way here just to talk about this?"

"No, it's mainly because of Polaris.

Four days ago, she left SHIELD with Magneto and a group of mutant subordinates, and is currently in the country of Shadamu. I don't know what she is planning.

With so many mutants gathered together, I'm afraid something will happen."

"Have they paid back the money?"

Maria was stunned for a moment when she heard Nick suddenly talk about money.

"Not yet."

"Then put Polaris and Magneto on the wanted list."

"Because of money?"

"Yes, we at SHIELD cannot interfere in the affairs of mutants at will, but if it is to pay back the money, there is an excuse."


Seeing that Maria seemed to be still not in high spirits, Nick shook his head.

"Tell me, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"Can I trust you?"

Hearing this, Nick narrowed his remaining eye.

"You felt it, too?"

"Yes, there seems to be a force in SHIELD that doesn't belong to us. We could have received the news of mutant zombies earlier four days ago..."

Nick sat in his seat and fell into silence.

After a long time, he spoke: "In fact, I stepped down from the position of director this time to secretly investigate this force."

"Any information?"

"No, this force is well hidden. Several of my people died inexplicably, but I didn't find any clues."

"How is it possible? Everyone is dead, and the killer can't be found?"

"No, on the contrary, the killers were arrested on the spot, but they were all homeless people and sanitation workers.

Afterwards, they all said they didn't know what happened. I suspect someone controlled them mentally."

"What do you mean by Charles?"

"Almost, but there is a little difference. I don't know the other party's methods because they are too mysterious."

At this point, both of them fell into silence.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

"Knock knock..."

"Come in."

It was Natasha who came in.

"Director, just now, Polaris issued a mutant independence declaration."


Maria and Nick heard this and immediately had a lot of questions in their heads.


More than an hour ago.

Lorna and a group of mutants hijacked a TV station in Baghdad.

Lorna was wearing a green tight leather jacket and sitting in front of the TV station with a cold face.

"I am here on behalf of the Brotherhood to issue a mutant independence declaration to all mutants and ordinary people!

We mutants are also part of Blue Star. Our abilities are given by God. No one can deprive us or discriminate against us.

We will establish a country belonging to us mutants in Baghdad, where all mutants will be given equality and freedom!

The Brotherhood welcomes all mutants in the world to join. There will be no mutant registration bill here, and you will not be questioned without reason.

We will..."


After watching the video, Maria and Nick were silent again.

They didn't expect that Polaris, who was originally thought to be just a small trouble, would make such a big news.

Once this mutant independence declaration came out, it is estimated that there will be another riot in the world.

After a while, Maria asked, "What does the United States say?"

"The U.S. Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately stated that any act of splitting the Shadam country will not be accepted, and will send sentinel robots and troops to stop this absurd thing."

"What about other countries? How do they react?"

"The Black Chicken Country and the Sunset Empire, like the United States, have expressed that they do not accept any separatist behavior.

The North Bear Country expressed support, but also stated that human rights are supreme and independence cannot trample on human rights."

"What does the Dragon Country say?"

"The Dragon Country has no response as usual. It is estimated that they are still discussing internally."

After asking about the attitudes of various countries, Maria turned to look at Nick.

"What should we do now?"

Nick lowered his head to think and did not speak immediately.

After a while, he raised his head.

"Perhaps, we can take this opportunity to find out the dark hand lurking in SHIELD."

"How to do it?"

Nick looked at Natasha.

"We must first know what they are plotting, so that we can customize the plan.

So Natasha, you go to Baghdad and contact Polaris, but don't say anything, just treat it as a reminiscence.

Then Maria secretly spreads the news that Natasha wants to rebel because she is dissatisfied with my dismissal.

I will see who will contact Natasha at that time."



In Baghdad, due to the time difference, it is night here.

This originally peaceful city is now in a sea of ​​fire.

There are cracked zombies everywhere, biting ordinary people.

Screams and death have become the main theme of tonight.

On the top floor of a five-star hotel.

Lorna brought a group of controlled mutant zombies and looked coldly at the bloody scene in Baghdad.

The rift zombies here were spread by her zombies, but the current situation seems to be out of her control.

Her original plan was to let the mutant zombies under her control infect a wave of zombies, and then control the entire city through these zombies.

But she found that although the mutant zombies under her could control some zombies, the number was only dozens or even hundreds.

It was far less than the number of hundreds of thousands of zombies controlled by mutant zombies.

So, what went wrong?

Is it because the zombies under her are not strong enough?

But she has let her zombies eat as much as they want, and now every zombie is full.

Although the strength has indeed increased a little, it is far less terrifying than that mutant zombie.

Is it because there is not enough time?

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