Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 74 The first experience of hell!

What is a near-death experience like?

Angela was very fortunate to experience the feeling of being drowned by Constantine in the bathtub with his hands!

According to the normal process, going to hell is actually not so dangerous. You only need to immerse a part of your body in water, and you can go to hell through the medium.

But how could Angela want the 'fast' version.

Now that you have chosen the 'fast' version, how can you not risk it?

So Constantine can only choose this way, put her at the moment of dying, and then let her soul travel to hell through the medium of 'water'.

clap la la...  

Water splashed constantly in the bathtub, Angie stretched out her slender arms and waved them randomly, clutching Constantine's shirt tightly. It was like the last straw held by a person who fell into the water, trying to pull his body out of the water.

The splashing water wet Constantine's white shirt, and Angela's clothes, which were soaked under water, were tightly attached to her body, further highlighting her exquisite and sexy figure.

It has to be said that when people face death, the power that erupts is quite terrifying.

Even for a woman weighing no more than 90 pounds, Constantine was so busy that he almost couldn't hold her down.

As a last resort, Constantine used his other hand and pressed her firmly into the bathtub.

In this way, Constantine stared blankly at Angela who was struggling underwater.

One second...ten seconds...thirty seconds...

Angela's struggle was getting weaker and weaker, and the pupils of both eyes began to show a slight state of laxity.

Angela on the water suddenly felt that the world seemed to be getting slower and slower!

Time... seems to be stretched infinitely!

She could clearly see that in the faucet of the bathtub directly above her, a full drop of water was dripping down at a slow speed.


Drops of water fell on the surface of the bathtub, causing ripples.

Everything in the world stopped moving, and absolute silence enveloped her.

next second.

The world presented in Angela's eyes has changed to another way!

What is hell like?

Before this, Angela never thought about this problem, but now she sees it with her own eyes!

The sky is shrouded in black clouds, dusk and decay are the eternal main colors in this world!

Here, there is no day, no night, only eternal dusk.

The overwhelming yellow wind and sand filled the whole world, and the raging wind was mixed with mournful mourning.

As far as the eyes can see, there are only broken walls, burning flames, and decaying bones, which vividly depict this scene for her, just like the cruel scene after the destruction of the world!

This is hell!

All souls who fall into this place will suffer forever and ever!

Every minute and every second here is a torment!

Constantine once said that two minutes in hell seemed like a year to him!


The yellow sand whistled, and a breath rushed directly into Angela's brain down the nostrils!

Because of her police status, Angela quickly recognized that it was the smell of rotting human flesh and thick blood mixed with the two!


Angela only felt a tumbling in her stomach, and she couldn't help bending over to vomit.

But unfortunately, she didn't eat anything at night, she could only vomit some sour water.

After a while, Angela suppressed the acid water in her stomach and wiped away the tears overflowing from the corners of her eyes.

Then he mustered up his courage to look up again and looked at hell.

Apart from the collapsed ruins and the rotting corpses everywhere, there seems to be nothing left here.

turn out to be......

This is the world Isabella sees!

Angela thought of her sister, who has been suffering from this kind of pain all the time, and her guilt towards her became stronger and stronger.

"Wait for me...Isabella."

Angela took a few deep breaths, encouraged herself in her heart, and then carefully explored forward along a path in front of her.

But she didn't notice that under the collapsed ruins, there were pairs of eyes full of evil and greed, silently watching this outsider!

The breath of a living person suddenly appeared in hell.

For these evil creatures, Angela's existence is as conspicuous as a bright light in the dark!

In the shadows under the ruins, hideous monsters appeared!

Their noses swayed, greedily sniffing the breath of the living, and transparent mucus flowed out of their mouths, and then used their limbs together, silently like a beast, following behind Angela!

As time passed, Angela felt that she had come a long way.

And she also went from the small road at the beginning to a wide road, with countless abandoned cars stacked on both sides, and a collapsed bridge in the distance.

At this moment, Angela suddenly heard a call from the front.


This familiar call made Angela froze.

Although there was a lot of wind and sand in front of her, Angela could barely see clearly, and it was a white figure calling her.

Although the two were far apart, Angela recognized the white figure at the first moment, it was her twin sister-Isabella!

Isabella stood on the edge of the cliff, wearing a pure white hospital gown, just like the scene when she committed suicide by jumping off a building.


Angela's eyes were wet, and the corners of her lips trembled slightly. She couldn't control the grief in her heart, and ran towards her sister.

"too late......"

There was a tear on Isabella's face, looking at her sister who was running towards her, she shook her head sadly, "Sister, get out of here, his target... is you!"

The next moment, Isabella closed her eyes, opened her arms, and slowly fell backwards.

Isabella, who committed suicide, can only fall into hell in Catholicism, and then keep repeating the act of jumping off the building to commit suicide, this is the punishment of hell for her!

"No! Isabella...don't!"

Angela watched her sister commit suicide in front of her eyes, her spirit was on the verge of collapse, and she burst into tears.

"Zi Liu ~ Zi Liu ~"

But then, from all directions, the creepy tongue licking and the bursts of low roars that did not sound like human voices left Angela with no time at all and continued to be immersed in grief.

A monster has appeared!

And they were in groups, crawling out of the shadows under the ruins, and somehow surrounded her in the center.

Those monsters were skinny and bony, and their heads were cut in half out of thin air, and the brain structure could even be seen in the remaining half of the head.

The images of these monsters are very similar to those evil ghosts depicted by Dante in the Divine Comedy!

These evil ghosts, like Isabella, committed various sins during their lifetime, so they fell into hell after death, were tortured and devastated, and finally turned into this ghost!


With sticky saliva dripping from their mouths, these evil spirits stared at Angela greedily, as if they were going to tear her apart!


Angela was so frightened that her face was pale, and she took two steps back unconsciously, but suddenly a cliff was behind her!

Behind it is a cliff, surrounded by greedy evil spirits!

"Constantine, save me!!!"

Angela cried out for help with a pale face.

Up to now, she can only pin all her hopes on that man, hoping that Constantine can be more reliable!

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