Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 73 Angela's near-death experience!

[Get: Medium Soul*19]

[Acquisition: Inferior Soul*480]


The system beeps, symbolizing the extinction of midnight bars.

Nineteen half-blooded angels and demons, and forty-eight superpowers, a total of sixty-seven died tragically.

Thick blood filled the floor of the entire bar. At first glance, it was full of minced meat and severed limbs. It was like a hellish scene, but Lorde seemed to be independent from this place. bloodstains.

In fact, he is a kind person.

Lorde doesn't like the slaughter of innocent lives, but these bastards aren't there.

From the moment these people regarded Yinmeng as a sacrifice, he had no intention of letting these people leave alive!

the reason is simple.

Yinmeng belongs to him. Since these people dare to covet her, they must be prepared to pay the price with their lives!

"You... this... devil!"

At the dying midnight, struggling to raise his head from the pool of blood: "You have killed so many angels and demons, heaven and hell will not let you go!"

Only Midnight survived, or rather Lord let him go.

This neutral character, who is both good and evil, may still be useful in the future, so he will be left alive.

"I am not a demon, but a god of death."

Rodner returned the knife to its sheath, and said indifferently: "Secondly, heaven and hell will not fight for these bastards."

go to war?

It's just a big joke!

In the middle of the night, I really thought of myself as a scallion, and I didn't think about it carefully. If heaven and hell could invade the world, would it still be necessary to wait until now?

A group of mixed-race bastards is nothing but heaven and hell using loopholes in the rules to achieve the purpose of invading the world in disguise.

Even if heaven and hell really know, do you dare to come to the world?

If anyone dares to come against the rules, the Supreme Mage will dare to give him the ashes!

Rules are a necessary condition for the three parties to maintain a balance!

No one wants to see the rules broken, not even heaven and hell!

This is heaven, hell, and the world, the rules jointly formulated by the three big bosses!

So no matter how heaven and hell fight, this line will never be crossed!

Whoever crosses the line, die!

Lord held Yinmeng in his arms, and then stepped out of the bar step by step on the thick blood.

"Brother~ where are we going now?"

"Go to Constantine."

"Ah~ Then do you know where he is?"



After sneaking out, Constantine did not stop, but went straight home.

Back at the apartment, Konstantin lay straight on the sofa without taking off his clothes after entering the door.

So much has happened tonight that he feels dizzy now.

First the mysterious man, and then the arrival of Gabriel, these things make Constantine feel that something is not right.

And when Gabriel was about to leave, he specially reminded him: pay attention to the movement of hell.

Constantine took out his favorite 'Silka' brand cigarette from his arms, took one out of it, and lit it in his mouth.


After lighting the cigarette, Constantine took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled a white smoke to relax the nerves in his brain that had been tense.

"What does Gabriel mean?"

Constantine's eyes were deep, and he pondered: "Besides the coming of Mammon, is there anything else happening in hell?"

dong dong dong....

A knock on the door interrupted Constantine's thoughts.


Constantine cursed secretly, then got up from the sofa,

Went to the door.


As the door was opened, a beautiful woman with brown hair and big waves came into Constantine's eyes.


Constantine frowned slightly, and then showed a disgusting expression: "What are you doing here?"

But the current Constantine still doesn't know that the woman in front of him is the 'mother' chosen by Mammon, the son of the Demon King of Hell!

"John, please."

With tears in her eyes, Angela sobbed: "I want to see with my own eyes, those murderers who killed my sister!"


Constantine refused her without hesitation, and then closed the door forcefully.


The door was closed.

"I beg you!"

Angie slapped the door frantically with both hands, begging: " my only sister, I have to figure out what she saw!"

inside the door.

Constantine, who should have turned and walked away, turned his head back like a ghost, and looked outside through the cat's eyes.

The pleading and despair on Angela's face, as well as the remorse deep in her heart, including the tragic death of her sister, the true fragrance of pursuing facts, all of which are very similar to the self who begged the priest for redemption at the beginning!

He and Angela at the moment are very much like him and the priest at that time.

And the door between them is like a confession room used for confession!

At the time, he was not redeemed.

But this woman... still has a chance!

Finally, the iron door opened.

On Angela's crying face, there was a hint of surprise: "John ... are you willing to help me?"

"You better think about it, Angela."

Constantine looked rather helpless and sighed: "Once you start, there is no turning back. When you can see them, they can see you too, understand?"

Looking at Constantine's serious eyes, Angela was silent for a few seconds, then nodded firmly: "Understood!"

"Fine, come with me."

Constantine stepped aside to make way and let Angela in.

After the two came to the bathroom, Constantine turned on the faucet in the bathroom and filled the bathtub with water.

"Undress." Constance said.

Angela hesitated for a while, then took off her coat decisively, revealing her sexy and hot figure, walked to the bathtub full of water, took a deep breath, turned her head and asked, "Take off the rest of the clothes too. ?"

Constantine glanced at it, and was deeply attracted.

What a deep... ditch!


Angela's face flushed slightly, and she whispered, "I mean... can you keep one?"

"It's okay, that's fine."

Constantine coughed dryly and shifted his gaze to Angela's face.

"it is good......"

Angela took a deep breath and asked, "Wait, why do we use water? Is there water in hell?"

Constantine explained impatiently: "In mysticism, water has the dual contradictory meanings of connection and isolation, so it is a universal channel that can help you traverse between different worlds."

"Oh, I see."

Angela stepped into the bathtub, then slowly sank her body into the water, suddenly remembered something, and asked, "How long do I need to soak?"

"It depends."

A strange smile suddenly appeared on Constantine's face, which seemed quite intimidating, making Angela feel shivering.

"Wait a minute, you..."

Before the words were finished, Angela's head was severely pressed into the water by Constantine!


Being pressed into the water roughly, Angela choked several saliva in a row, her face was full of panic and panic, her hands were scratching randomly, trying to push Constantine away.

A beautiful woman in a white sleeveless top was violently pressed into a bathtub full of water by a decadent blond uncle. No matter how you look at this scene, it looks like a murder scene!

"Forgot to tell you, Angela."

Constantine said with a wicked smile: "If you want to see hell, you must first experience the feeling of near-death."


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