In the activity room of Stark Tower, Tony and Happy are boxing in the ring;

"Bang bang~" Happy simply tried two punches, and then defended to block Tony's two punches. The two of them fought back and forth and had a lot of fun.

"The notary is here, can he come over to sign the documents?"Little Pepper said as she walked in from the door;

"I'm teaching Happy a lesson~" Tony said while punching; at this time Happy punched again, Tony blocked it with his left hand, and then hit Happy on the head with his right elbow;

"Oh, what was that just now?"Happy said in confusion; because you can't use your elbows in boxing

"Sorry, this is called mixed martial arts, and it just became popular three weeks ago," Tony said while doing some small dance steps;

"No, this is a dirty boxing style that has been popular for a long time," Happy said disdainfully, using his boxing gloves to adjust his headgear;

""Okay, raise your hands and continue," Tony said with a smile; just as Happy was getting ready, a sexy beauty in a business suit walked in again. She had a model-like figure, and under her long eyelashes, she had a pair of deep eyes, which gave her a unique charm.

"I promise this is the only time I will ask you to hand over the company to me," said Pepper Potts to Tony on the stage, and then she took the document from the beauty and signed her name.

Tony just stared at the beauty holding the document for Pepper Potts to sign.

At this time, Happy knocked Tony's head lightly with his boxing gloves and said,"First lesson, never take your eyes off your..."

"Bang~" Before Happy could finish his words, Tony kicked him in the stomach with a side kick. Seeing Happy fall to the ground, Tony rang the bell to signal the end of the match."Ding ding ding!"~"

"Okay, I'm done," Tony said as he looked at Happy, who stood up with a red face;

"Hey, what's your name, young lady?" Tony asked with a smile;

"Rashman Natasha~" Natasha replied with a smile;

"OK, please come to the classroom~" Tony pointed at the ring and said;

Pepper glared at Tony who was a little naughty, then apologized to Natasha and said:"Sorry, he is a little weird"

"It's okay." Natasha put down the documents and walked onto the stage. Tony and Natasha looked at each other deeply.

"What?"Tony said to the beautiful woman who was looking at him quietly while drinking the green leaf juice in the kettle.

"Can you teach him a lesson?" Tony turned to Happy and said, then left the ring.

"Of course, no problem," Happy answered happily, and then asked Natasha with a smile whether she had ever taken fighting classes, yoga classes, weight loss classes, etc.

"Who is she? I want her to be my assistant"

Tony said to Pepper Potts after he got off the ring;

"She's from the legal department and a potential sexual harassment lawsuit if you keep ogling her."

"And I have arranged three assistants for you to interview..."

Pepper seemed to be used to her boss and said speechlessly;

"No, I don't have time to interview her, so she's the one,"

Tony said decisively, and then clapped his hands at the coffee table next to him. Suddenly, several virtual pages appeared on the table.

After that, Tony asked the full spelling of Natasha's name on the stage and began to search and investigate.

"She is really amazing. She is fluent in French, Latin and Italian....."Tony and Pepper chatted while enlarging Natasha's sexy photos of her modeling career

"Rule number one, never take your eyes off your opponent..."

Happy on the stage smiled at the beauty who was not paying attention and kept looking back and said; when he was about to punch this beauty, Natasha suddenly turned around and caught the punch, then turned over and did a scissors kick, clamped on Happy's neck and flipped hard, and Happy was thrown to the ground.

The whole action was smooth, and when Happy reacted, he quickly patted Natasha's leg to make a gesture of surrender.

"The sound of"Bang~" falling to the ground naturally attracted the attention of Tony and Pepper.

"Oh my God! Happy, are you okay?"Pepper and Tony rushed to check

"I'm fine, I just fell accidentally," Happy said with a red face as he quickly got up;

"No, it's more like a technical knockout," Tony came over and rang the bell to end the round and said with a smile; then Tony successfully signed the document handed over by Natasha, and this moment meant that Pepper Potts officially became the new CEO of Stark Industries.


Since there is an art festival in Midtown tomorrow and Li Xin is going to perform on stage, Darlene drags her to Times Square to buy new clothes right after school.

"You know, I can't believe you have three sets of the same clothes."

Darlene and Catherine said to Li Xin while shopping;

In fact, Li Xin thinks that comfort is enough for daily clothing, and doesn't like to wear cool clothes in different ways every day.

And he has to practice every day, so sportswear is the best choice.

"In fact, there are many differences in the details of the three sets." Li Xin still wanted to explain.

"Oh, trust me, get rid of those black tracksuits, it'll make you popular in school..."

Darlene said to Li Xin, while Catherine just covered her mouth and laughed secretly; of course, in the end Li Xin still underestimated the shopping ability of girls, because they didn't feel tired at all after shopping for an afternoon, and Li Xin, as a man, was naturally responsible for helping to carry the bag.

"No wonder John didn't come out...."Li Xin was speechless behind him; he finally chose to go home at nearly 9 o'clock in the evening, not because he was tired from shopping but because he didn't eat dinner and his stomach was growling.

Today, Li Xin, who had a lot of bags, actually bought two sets of clothes, a suit and a fashionable ripped denim suit, and some necklaces and jewelry.

When Li Xin got home, he lay down on the bed directly. Today, he didn't even have the mind to go out to complete the task.

"Okay, I'll give you a day off so you can both take a break....."Li Xin muttered while looking out the window.

At this time, Li Xin's system task [Proof of Hero] has also reached 60%.

In the past few days, he has been working overtime to help the police catch criminals, help the store owner teach a lesson to people who buy for free, and rescue kittens in a burning apartment. In almost a week, the completion rate is already quite good.

However, John just received the tickets for the Monaco Grand Prix sent by Tony. Tony invited John and his family to go to Monaco to watch the F1 race, and of course mentioned Li Xin.

There are exactly 4 days left before the race, so it will be in time. Li Xin has admired the F1 formula for a long time. After all, he also has the driving talent of Kimi Raikkonen, but he doesn't know what level he is compared with the world's top racers.


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