"You're really amazing, aren't you? In fact, I never thought that you would be a 16-year-old high school student. How did you do it?"

Tony came in and observed Li Xin's room while saying in disbelief;

"Sir, what do you mean by incredible? And how did you find me?" Li Xin said helplessly;

"Aha, I found it, a strange white mask, and this blue dress." Tony said happily after taking out a white mask with three magatama and a dark blue robe from the closet;

Li Xin just sighed and lowered her head to drink tea.

Tony looked at Li Xin while holding the white mask in his hand and sat on the sofa opposite Li Xin.

"Philip Lee, Li Xin. In elementary school, you were teased for your skin and beat up most of the people in school. In junior high school, you started to interact with some social people and then participated in underground street racing."

"Nicknamed the Big Devil, Dafei, the New Bern Car God, and the recent Queens top star, the mysterious man White Mask..."Tony shook the three-magatama white mask in his hand and said with a smile;

"It seems that you have investigated me very well, so you found me just to reveal tomorrow's headlines?" Li Xin looked at Tony and said;

"Actually, no, I know why you wear a mask, I know you have talents and abilities that are different from ordinary people, and I know you want to do something for this society. In fact, I can understand all the things you did in the underworld."

"Including those you killed, maybe you had your reasons, or maybe it was because of your"red eye disease" that you couldn't help yourself..."

When talking about killing, Tony looked into Li Xin's eyes and said slowly;

""I'm sorry, Mr. Stark, maybe killing those people was my own choice."

Li Xin knew what Tony was worried about, and then said,"But I'm not a bloodthirsty person. Even if my hands are covered in blood, I don't regret it. God allowed those people to live."

Tony seemed to look at Li Xin with some heartache, because he knew the changes in Queens and the deterrent power of the White Mask in New York. Because of the White Mask's rules, the crime rate in New York has dropped sharply.

"Ok, let's end this topic. Actually, I came here today to invite you to Stark Company, and of course the mysterious man White Mask," Tony said after drinking the tea;

"Why, does Iron Man still need me? Besides, I am doing a good job cleaning up the underworld now."

Li Xin smiled and poured another cup of tea for Tony;

"Because I'm dying..."Tony lifted up his shirt to reveal the Ark reactor on his chest, and the palladium poisoning next to it was spreading more and more. Then Tony talked about this sad time. If it weren't for Tony Stark's company, the Ark reactor would have been swallowed up by the US government.

"Phew, it feels so relaxing to say it out loud." Tony breathed a sigh of relief after putting down his clothes. He didn't know why he couldn't say it to the person closest to him, but he could easily say it to Li Xin.

"So sir, are you worried that no one will guard Stark Industries after you leave?" Li Xin said to Tony;

"Of course this is part of the reason, but there are other reasons..."Tony was about to explain;

"Wait, sir, your disease is not incurable," Li Xin interrupted quickly;

"Your problem is palladium poisoning, right? Because your Ark reactor was made according to the blueprints left by your father, but have you ever thought that the technology your father used at that time is completely different from the current technology?"

"I believe your father must have discovered the symptoms of palladium poisoning, but he couldn't solve it because of the technological limitations of the time. But now the times are different. The problems that couldn't be solved back then don't mean they can't be solved now. Maybe your father has left the solution to you, but you haven't found it yet."

Li Xin knew what kind of person Tony was, so he wanted to give him some tips as soon as possible so that he would suffer less; after all, seeing the terrifying symptoms of palladium poisoning with his own eyes, Li Xin couldn't remain indifferent.

"Maybe. I feel a lot more relaxed now, but I am serious about inviting you to join Stark Industries.

After listening to Li Xin's words, Tony gained a lot of confidence. He drank a cup of tea and got up to leave.

""Wait, sir," Li Xin called out to Tony, and then Li Xin took out a bottle of red potion and placed it on the table.

"This is a life-saving potion passed down from my ancestors, left to me to save my life, but seeing how much pain you are in now, maybe it can temporarily relieve you."Li Xin said with a smile;

"What? Health Potion..."Tony picked it up from the table and looked at it and said;

This bottle of potion was purchased by Li Xin using points in the system mall. After all, these life-saving things must be prepared.

[Life Potion] (Can continuously restore a certain amount of health within 15 seconds) Although it can't cure Tony's illness, it can always make him suffer less pain

""Thank you," Tony said with a smile, waving the potion in his hand; then he opened the door and left the room.

After John's family saw Tony off at the door, Catherine went straight into Li Xin's room. As soon as she came in, she approached Li Xin and asked in an interrogative manner,"Tell me, what did Mr. Stark talk to you about?"

Li Xin looked at Catherine's watery eyes, scratched his head and said;

"Oh, nothing, they just knew I knew Chinese Kung Fu so they asked me to be a coach at Stark Company"

"What? You are lying. Stark Industries is a technology manufacturing company. How can there be such a lame excuse?"

Catherine said with a pouty face;

"Why would I lie to you? Mr. Stark said he really likes Wing Chun and wants to be my trainee...."

Li Xin said with a smile;

"Okay, you dare to play tricks on me~" Then there was a burst of joyous fighting in the room.....


In Malibu, California, Tony, who had just returned home, was staring at the red potion in his hand in a daze;

"Jarvis, the analysis of this potion hasn't come out yet?"

"Sorry sir, there are many materials used to make this thing that I cannot identify. I need a longer test."

"But one thing is certain, this potion is indeed full of vitality," Jarvis replied in a mechanical voice;

"Okay, you continue to analyze here, I'll go to the company first."

After saying that, Tony put down the potion and left the"underground base".

Tony in the sports car was thinking about what Li Xin said to him today;

"Something my father left behind? Interesting." Tony seemed to have a smile on his face........

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