Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1886: The world is boiling

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Chapter 188: The World Is Boiling

Wang Muxiong deserves to be the first person in the young generation of Xi Zong.

Not only did Xiu Xiu reach the sixth stage of ascending the sky, but Jian Wu Hun was also cultivated to the limit of transformation.

At this moment, the sword Wuhun was slain, and the sky was drowned by the shadow of the sky, and the sky was covered with thorns.

However, in the face of Wang Muxiong's assault, Cheng Feng looked pale and light.

Before the sky and the shadow of the sky are about to stab yourself, hum ~~~

He twisted his waist and banged his punch.

This punch was really random and didn't make every effort.

But when it hits the sky sword shadow, 嘭 ~~~

It was like a star collision, and a huge hole was punched out on the spot.

The horrible fists opened, and thumped ~~~

The spirited Wang Muxiong's face immediately turned white, and he couldn't help going backwards by dozens of steps.

The soles of the feet stepped in the void, stepping out the huge footprints visible to the naked eye.

A look of astonishment appeared on his face.

Not only Wang Muxiong, but also the disciples of Zong Zong who was present were even more surprised.

The sound of discussions was like a rushing wave of sand.

"Grip grass, is this Cheng Feng's strength?"

"Punch with one hand, and actually beat Brother Wang Muxiong, is it too scary?"

"How did he do it? It's nothing like humans!"

At this moment, Gu Qingcheng was also shocked.

Despite rumors about Cheng Feng, she has long heard of it.

But when you really see Cheng Feng's strength, you can feel what kind of experience it is.

And this experience has just begun.

After seeing Cheng Feng punching Wang Muxiong's offensive, he took a step forward.

Boom boom!

Three consecutive punches towards Wang Muxiong.

With these three punches, Cheng Feng exerted a force of 10%, his punches exploded into the void, and crushed eternity.

When it fell on Wang Muxiong, Wang Muxiong couldn't stop it even if he used two other martial spirits.

Like a broken sack, it was blown up with punches.

A semi-circle was drawn across the sky, and finally a smash hit a small mountain peak.

Smashing the mountain peak and sinking into the mountain for hundreds of meters, I couldn't get up for a long time!

"Grass, crush! It's completely disproportionate!"

"I was still thinking that Brother Wang's three martial spirits came out together, and even if they could not hit the peak, they could stick to one or two."


"Fear, Cheng Feng is really scary!"

"The title of the first person in the world is deserved!"

Wang Muxiong was blasted with a few punches, so that the entire Daizong realized the horror of Cheng Feng.

Each one looks complex, envy and envy.

In particular, Wang Haoran and Ruan Zixuan, who followed behind Cheng Feng, were in waves.

"Brother Wang, this Cheng Feng is simply a pervert."

Ruan Zixuan's eyelids leaped wildly: "Wang Muxiong, however, paid a great price to cultivate an outstanding disciple."

"I wanted to send him to the sky, and fight for the fruits of the world with the genius of the world."

"But compared to Cheng Feng, it is as vulnerable as rubbish!"

"Sister Ruan, Cheng Feng had killed an emperor's clone before this son, and let the Emperor Huangtian take the initiative to retreat."

Wang Haoran said: "Its strength is strong, and I am afraid that it can rank first in the entire dome continent!"

"Our disciples, don't compare with them, lest they be hit more!"

"The dome continent ranks first?"

After hearing the words, Ruan Zixuan's eyes were bright: "Doesn't this mean that the fruits of heaven and earth will be obtained by this son?"

"If you can have a good relationship with this son, the fruits of the day ..."

"Sister Ruan, there are too many people staring at Cheng Feng."

Wang Haoran shook his head: "I don't think you should give too much hope, otherwise you will only end with disappointment!"

"Brother Wang, this is inaccurate."

Ruan Zixuan was very confident: "We can be different from others, we have an allure."

"With the beauty of the city and the friendship with Cheng Feng, if something happens again, it will definitely be ..."

At the time of Ruan Zixuan's calculations.

A silhouette flew out of a collapsed mountain peak in Daizong.

The figure was veiled and quite embarrassed.

After flying out of the collapsed mountain, he scolded at Cheng Feng.

Then the sword martial spirit, the beast martial spirit, and the fire martial spirit ... all three martial spirits came out and rushed to Cheng Feng.

It was Wang Muxiong who was unbalanced after being destroyed by Cheng Feng.

Want to fight Cheng Feng again, take back the face you just lost.

However, he did not wait until Cheng Feng approached.

Hum! A knife was drawn across.

It turned out that Wang Muxiong's three martial spirits were shaken violently.

The whole person, like a ball, fell into a mountain forest in a more embarrassing posture than before.

This time, Wang Muxiong was awakened.

I know deeply how big a gap there is between myself and Cheng Feng.

To embarrass Cheng Cheng is to humiliate himself.

Therefore, with deep humiliation and unwillingness, Wang Muxiong hid in the forest and never went out again.

So as not to be violently frustrated by Cheng Feng, more self-confidence!

All around, everyone saw the scene and looked at each other.

In addition to shock or shock.

As for Cheng Feng, it is extremely indifferent.

Just as I just patted a fly, I put away the sword, and then went to Gu Zong with Gu Qingcheng.

And Cheng Feng's dullness makes Xi Zong's look more complicated.

No doubt about Cheng Feng's strength.

Actually, it's not just Dai Zong.

With Cheng Feng's invasion and exodus in the Ximo Buddha country, and the blood of the five emperors and monarchs in the millions of mountains, the news spread.

The entire dome continent is all talking about Cheng Feng's voice.

Let everyone in the world know that a super genius appeared in the feathered dynasty.

Age is only twenty, but it can defeat the emperor king of the gods.

It is the undisputed first person in the young generation of the earth dome.

Especially when the news passed to the ears of Cheng Feng's familiar people, the shock effect was even greater.

For example, Yuhua Shenchao, Qianlong Academy.

The disciples of the entire academy boiled at the moment the news came.

At the same time, the entire feathered dynasty also fell into an ocean of excitement.

"Cheng Feng, you have grown to this level in less than two years!"

Qianlong Academy, knife tower peak, the only thing that can't hide the excitement of the sword: "The only sword I can accept you as an apprentice will be the glory of a lifetime!"


"Wo Ri, Cheng Feng, this guy, can he fight against the emperor?"

In northern Xinjiang, a barren land, Tyrone's eyes glared: "No, no, Lao Tzu must quickly improve his strength."

"Don't be thrown away by that guy, it would be a shame!"


"Is Brother Cheng Feng growing up so fast?"

Xue Yunshan and Su Lin looked up at the sky: "It seems that it is time for me to merge a few avatars."

"The taste of being surpassed by the master is not very good!"

Not only are Tailong and others, but also Longyuan Pavilion Mango Blue and White, Blood God Religion Baizi Painting, Northern Xinjiang Long Yichen ... and so on.

In addition, the strongest genius of each major dynasty was also stimulated by Cheng Feng.

Struggling one by one, they are going to catch up with Cheng Feng!

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