Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1885: Wang Muxiong

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Chapter 188th Wang Muxiong

"Cheng Feng, don't worry too much."

Seeing Cheng Feng's solemn look, Gu Qingcheng explained: "The fruit of heaven and earth is located on the sky of the sky, and the sky of the sky is the core of the sky of the earth.

"Even if you have captured the existence of great nature, you cannot reach in."

"As long as you hide in the sky in the sky, there is no way that those might be able to do so!"

"You think too simple."

However, Cheng Feng shook his head and said, "Every creature has a infinite existence. They have planned for many years and must have thought of all possibilities."

"I want to live, I have to be strong and jump out of their plans!"

"It's almost impossible to get rid of the power of fortune."

Gu Qingcheng raised his eyebrows and said, "However, I believe you can succeed."

"In addition, I will observe your destiny again in the near future."

"Hope to see something new and give you some help."

"Thank you!" Cheng Feng thanked him sincerely.

"Thank you, wait until you have passed the catastrophe."

Gu Qingcheng shook his head, and then smiled sweetly: "As for now, I will take you strolling down in Zongzong and relax."

"I heard that Zong Zong was picturesque and beautiful like clouds."

Cheng Feng exhaled slightly, calmed down the pressure in his heart, and smiled: "This time can be a feast for the eyes!"

During the conversation, Cheng Feng and the two have already entered Daizong.

I saw that Xi Zong was really beautiful. There were many lofts, lush flowers and grasses, and the surrounding clouds were like a fairyland.

When Cheng Feng arrived, a large number of Xi Zong's disciples scrambled to watch.

Obviously, the news of Cheng Feng's arrival was revealed. Everyone wanted to take a look at what Cheng Feng, the super dark horse that has recently risen, looked like.

"Is that the rumored Cheng Feng? It looks so ordinary!"

"However, although Cheng Feng is not handsome, he has a unique temperament."

"It's like a giant mountain and mountain, who can hold up the whole sky, and the man's breath is very full!"

After seeing Cheng Feng, the entire Zongzong was in a tumult.

In particular, some female disciples were attracted by Cheng Feng's pride and perseverance, and her eyes twinkled.

This caused many male disciples to frown, and felt very upset.

Especially when Cheng Feng and Gu Qingcheng stood side by side, Lang Cai's female appearance directly let many secretly secretly love Gu Gucheng's teeth.

Of course, they just gritted their teeth secretly.

For Cheng Feng's arrogance, they are all like thunder.

Not long ago, the dark sky of the whole sky rolled over, and the hurricane howled, which is the vision of heaven and earth caused by Cheng Feng fighting with the eight-armed dragon.

With their little strength, they dared to jump in front of Cheng Feng, I'm afraid they will be stepped on their feet in a few minutes!

However, some people do not believe in evil.

Just when everyone's eyes were attracted to Cheng Feng in the past.

A handsome young man suddenly rose into the sky and stood in the way of Cheng Feng.

"Look, that's Brother Wang Muxiong."

"Brother Wang is rumored to be fascinated by sister Cheng Qing at first sight, and has been pursuing it since he first met."

"Unfortunately, the sister-in-law is unmoved."

"At this moment, when I saw the sister-in-law of Cheng Cheng and Cheng Feng out of control, Brother Wang must be very upset and wanted to give Cheng Feng some lessons."

"But can Brother Wang be Cheng Feng's opponent?"

The handsome young man Wang Muxiong is the most outstanding genius in the young generation of Xi Zong.

Just when he turned 30, he practiced three martial spirits to the extreme.

The combat power is strong, catching up with the junior peerless powerhouse.

Called the future of Zong Zong, he is highly expected by Zong Zong.

However, his limelight has always been suppressed.

Especially after the rise of Cheng Feng, all the people who talked about the entire Zongzong were Cheng Feng.

This made him very upset and had long been prejudiced against Cheng Feng.

At this moment, I saw the goddess that she was struggling for, and she talked with Cheng Feng with laughter and jealousy.

Even if you are afraid of Cheng Feng, you still have to compete with Cheng Feng!

"Allure, you haven't seen it for a few days, and you have become a lot more beautiful."

Wang Muxiong stopped on the way of Cheng Feng, but ignored the guest Cheng Feng.

Instead, a pair of eyes moved on Gu Qingcheng's body.

This made Gu Qingcheng frown: "Brother Wang, you are not retreating from Qian Yunfeng, what are you doing here?"

"Allure, am I not here to see you?"

Wang Muxiong said: "Since our last date, you have been hiding from me ..."

"Brother Wang, please be careful!"

Gu Qingcheng interrupted Wang Muxiong's remarks: "Have I ever dated you? Please don't talk nonsense."

"Allure, last time we had a meal for two."

Wang Muxiong laughed: "A man and a woman have dinner alone, of course, it's a date!"

"Brother Wang, you ..."

Wang Muxiong's words made Gu Qingcheng angry.

"Gu Qingcheng, what about this man?"

At this time, Cheng Feng opened his mouth.

"That's one of my brothers, who often tells me something inexplicable and annoying!"

For Wang Muxiong, Gu Qingcheng was disgusted.

"Oh I see."

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng's eyes flashed, facing Wang Muxiong: "It turned out to be a toad who wants to eat swan meat."

"Jack, what do you say toad?"

Wang Muxiong deliberately refused to talk to Cheng Feng in order to embarrass Cheng Feng.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Feng actually hit his face directly, saying that he was a toad.

He almost blew his lungs, staring coldly at Cheng Feng.

"Oh, you are not only a toad, but you are also deaf."

Cheng Feng ignored Wang Muxiong and turned to look at Gu Qingcheng, a serious saying: "This kind of disabled toad actually wants to remember you as a swan?"

"It's a world-famous world, and people's hearts are not old!"

"噗嗤 ~~~"

As soon as Cheng Feng said this, he directly poked at Gu Qingcheng's smile.

Let Gu Qingcheng, with a stern face, laugh out loud.

Moreover, not only Gu Qingcheng, but also many of Zong Zong's disciples were amused and laughed.

Suddenly, Wang Muxiong's face instantly turned into a liver color.

Enraged at Cheng Feng, he yelled, "Cheng Feng, how dare you call me a disabled toad?"

"I thought the outside world boasted that you are the first genius in the world, are you the first in the world?"

"Today, Wang Muxiong will let you feel complacent!"

When the words came to an end, Wang Muxiong's divine power was triggered.

Om ~~~

A huge amount of divine power spurted out of him and turned into a great divine sword.

At the same time, a big red sword flew from the top of Wang Muxiong's head, but it was the sword Wuhun.

A sword martial spirit that has been cultivated to the limit of its metamorphosis period, and its edge is almost the same as the holy sword.

When the sword Wuhun merges with the great sword, the power is three points stronger.

Next moment, 咻 ~~~

He stabbed at Cheng Feng!

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