Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1644: Wanli chasing soul Wu Chenggong

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Chapter 164 Miles Chasing Soul Wu Chenggong

It turned out that Yu Jing was very cunning, hollowed out the small courtyard and built several basements.

Wang Yuyan was kept in the basement, and if she didn't pay attention, she would pass him by.

"Come into it and hope that Girl Wang is fine."

After discovering Wang Yuyan's breath, Cheng Feng looked at the courtyard a little, pulled out the hidden threats, and then entered the courtyard.

The small courtyard is not large, and five or six bungalows are combined to form a quad courtyard.

After entering the courtyard, Cheng Feng headed directly to a bungalow in the middle.

The bungalow has simple furnishings, the tables and chairs are covered with dust, and it looks like no one has lived for a long time.

Cheng Feng walked to the main hall of the bungalow and moved a square table away.

Provoked dragon power to **** on the ground, 铿 ~~~

An iron ring bounced from the ground, Cheng Feng pulled the iron ring, and an underground entrance caught sight.

Cheng Feng glanced slightly into the entrance and jumped into it step by step.

After landing, I found it was a basement.

This basement is small, with three suites. Cheng Feng's gaze swept away and he looked at the suite on the left.

"Is the person in the room Wang Wangyan?"

Cheng Feng said, "I'm Cheng Feng, I'm here to save you."

However, no one answered in the room.

It seems that Wang Yuyan did not believe that the person outside was Cheng Feng, and regarded him as a bad person.

"Girl Wang, I came in."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng groaned slightly and walked to the left suite.

Soon, Cheng Feng walked to the suite, waved his hand, squeaked ~~~

The suite door opened.


Cheng Feng was about to raise his eyes and look inward. Suddenly, three cold lights flashed at the moment when the door opened.

It was assassination, but it was a little sudden, and it was invincible.

But Cheng Feng seems to have expected.

By the time the three cold rays came, the Devil Sword was already in his hand.

Wait until it's slightly shaken, 铿铿 铿 ~~~

The three cold rays were nailed to the sword of the Devil Sword and flew away.

"Dead to me!"

However, these three cold lights are just appetizers.

Cheng Feng just flew it, and a cold-swept Jianguang stabbed at his throat in a loud drinking.

This sword is light and sharp, and once it hits Cheng Feng's throat, it will inevitably cut off Cheng Feng's head.

However, in the face of Jian Guang's stabbing, Cheng Feng did not panic.

I saw in his hand that the sword was smashed, and the blade edged across the front of the sword light.

Today's Devil Sword is sharper than imaginary, and the semi-holy artifact can be easily cut open!

Therefore, when that sword light stabbed the blade of the Demon Sword, sword light was like a rotten tree, splitting from the middle.

It was actually cut off by the demon sword!

"Grass, what the hell?"

Seeing this, the assassin couldn't help but stagger.

I never thought that my long sword at the top Taoist level would be easily cut by a knife.

However, Cheng Feng didn't sting.

While the Devil Slash cut into the sword, the hand holding the handle shook.

Wow ~~~

The sword-cutting sword is bright, and the path is like a bamboo shoot, and it goes straight to the body of the killer.

If wiped by the Devil Slayer, the assassin will have to die on the spot, even if he is a steel body.

"Quick retreat, this guy is a pervert, and it is difficult to succeed in assassination."

A deep sense of crisis struck, and the assassin dropped his sword.

Like a raccoon cat, he rushed backwards.

A few meters behind the assailant, there was a compacted earth wall that seemed to have no way to escape.

However, the assassin's body hit the soil wall, and actually merged directly into it.

As if the water droplets merged into the lake surface, he was obviously proficient in a martial arts skill and escaped with the help of a marsh.

"Want to escape? Can you escape?"

However, Cheng Feng smiled coldly.

I saw him pick up the long sword that was split in half, and a black gas sprayed from the Devil Sword over the long sword.

The essence of the entire sword was swallowed up by the Devil Sword and turned into two pieces of scrap iron.

Then Cheng Feng lifted the knife and stabbed it ~~~

The dread of the horror sword turned out to make a huge gap in the soil where the assailants fled.

Like a dragon, all the way to the distance.

Wait until the gap extends for several kilometers, 嘭 ~~~

An old man in black could not bear the slash of the horrific sword light, and hurried out of the ground.

Although he fled in time, he was wiped with a stab of knife gas on his back, and a large opening was cut, and the blood was soaring.

"This guy is so scary, so scary!"

The old man in black showed a terrified look, horrified: "It is fierce and terrible than the seventh-highest peerless powerhouse in the sky!"

The old man in black thought that if he suddenly attacked, even if he couldn't assassinate Cheng Feng on the spot, he could be hit hard.

I never thought that not only failed to hurt Cheng Feng half of his hair, but was pursued by Cheng Feng, like a bereavement dog.

Moreover, Cheng Feng clearly stared at him, which meant to cut him into flesh.

Only let him feel cold, and flew away without touching his feet.

But wait for him to escape too far, hum ~~~

A blade of light several times more fierce than before, fell suddenly from the sky.

At that moment, the old man in black felt that all his escape routes had been blocked, and no matter where they fled, they would be chopped into powder by the sword.

"Damn, Cheng Feng is too strong!"

"I succeeded in chasing the soul for thousands of miles, and eventually died somehow here!"

"It's ... unwilling !!!"

The old man in black was desperate and yelled before dying.

But he did not die in the end.

The bladeless sword fell off, only to cut off his legs, and nailed him to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a young man in black stepped forward, and it was Cheng Feng.

"If I didn't expect it to be bad, would you be Wu Chenggong, the killer who is pursuing souls?"

Cheng Feng arrived in front of the old man in black and asked condescendingly.

"The old man is indeed Wu Chenggong!"

The old man in black thought he would die, but he survived.

Raising his eyes to look at Cheng Feng, his face was still shocked: "You are Cheng Feng? Why is your strength so high? It goes against normal principles."

But Cheng Feng did not answer Wu Chenggong's question, and said lightly: "Wu Chenggong, the master who killed Yu Jing."

"From this perspective, that Yu Jing deceived me."

During the conversation, Cheng Feng took out the void pot and would throw the crystal out of the pot.

"Master ... how did you become like this?"

When Yu Jing was thrown out of the Nether Pot, she thought she was saved, and she was pleasantly surprised.

But as his eyes turned, he saw that Wu Chenggong, who had fallen into a pool of blood, suddenly turned pale and shivered.

"I have become like this, not yet thanks to you?"

Wu successfully stared at Yu Jing, resentfully: "In order to wipe your ass, the old man is expected to die here!"

"What? Even Master ..."

Hearing that, Yu Jing was completely stunned.

He originally wanted to use Wu Chenggong's hand to pull himself out of the dead.

I never thought that not only did not succeed, but also pulled Wu Chenggong into the abyss of death.

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