Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1643: Spotlight City

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Chapter 164: Concentrated City

The power of good fortune is all human.

I don't know how many years I have survived, the calculations are endless, and my eyelashes are empty.

Cheng Feng knew deeply about the terrible existence of this kind, and long ago decided to not entangle it.

So he glanced at four of Tailong's friends, cast a shadow kill, and left quietly.

"Next, it's time to deal with Wang Yuyan."

Soon, Cheng Feng left Lixian several hundred miles.

Go to a remote barren hill, groan, and take out the empty pot.

Waiting to break the pot and shake, a woman fell on the mountain.

This woman is wearing a goose yellow long dress, with a slender figure and a beautiful face. She looks like Wang Yuyan, the young lady of the Wang family.

But Cheng Feng knew that this man was not Wang Yuyan, but a killer posing proficient in Yi Rong.

"Friend, can you stay comfortably in my bottle?"

Cheng Feng looked at 'Wang Yuyan' and asked lightly.

In Tianshui Square of Tianshui City, the evil murderer Zhuo Potian captured 13 of Cheng Feng's friends, and wanted to show Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng suddenly appeared, beheaded Zhuo Tiantian and rescued 13 friends.

This 'Wang Yuyan' is one of them.

Cheng Feng was extremely alert. The man originally intended to stab him close to him, but had not yet done so, he was seen through everything.

According to Cheng Feng's temper, this kind of person who wants his life is to kill as much as he can.

But this person said that Wang Yuyan was in his hands, so Cheng Feng temporarily saved the other's life.

Now that Fang Wuwei had been sent, he finally had time to review the person and figure out Wang Yuyan's whereabouts.

"Cheng Gongzi joked."

On the wasteland, ‘Wang Yuyan’ was lying sideways, with her long jade legs differentiated, and her skirt slightly lifted, giving people an unspeakable temptation.

At the same time, he said pitifully: "Your gourd is packed with a lot of scary things. I almost didn't get scared to death."

Speaking, Wang Yuyan also patted her breast, which was particularly attractive.

But Cheng Feng's eyes were as cold as a knife, unchanged.

He scolded: "It's better not to show up in front of my eyes with this kind of trick."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't mind interrupting your limbs, breaking the nine points, removing the spine and turning into a reptile."

Obviously, the action of 'Wang Yuyan' was just intentional.

Want to seduce Cheng Feng silently and let him relax his vigilance.

In this way, he can wait for the opportunity to escape.

Unfortunately, Cheng Feng's will is as firm as iron, unmoved.

That 'Wang Yuyan' saw this, and knew deeply that Cheng Feng was not a good stubble, and he dared not move his mind any longer and straighten his body.

"Okay, what I need, I've told you clearly before."

After being shocked by "Wang Yuyan", Cheng Feng went straight to the topic: "Now tell the news of the true girl Wang, and after I have verified that it is correct, I will give you a happy.

"Otherwise, I have thousands of ways to keep you alive for decades."

"These decades are enough for you to taste all the torture and torture in the world!"

During the conversation, Cheng Feng took out a large stream of water, at least tens of thousands of drops.

When the abundant force of life emanated, ‘Wang Yuyan’ sniffed, and suddenly she was ashamed.

Because he sensed the power of the water of life, he could absolutely die.

If he does not entertain truthfully, I am afraid that even the right to die voluntarily will be deprived until he is tortured to death.

Although as a top killer, he is not afraid of torture.

But tortured for decades, no one can stand it.

'Wang Yuyan' is no exception, so she smiled desperately and replied: "My name is Yu Jing, the killer Wanli chasing soul Wu Chenggong's disciple."

"Half a month ago, the killer world was surging, and countless killers were planning to assassinate you."

"Once the assassination is successful, it will instantly rise to fame and become the first killer of the entire young killer world."

"But trying to assassinate you is too difficult."


"So you kidnapped Wang Yuyan, then Yi Rong pretends to be her, intending to attack me?"

Cheng Feng took over Jing Jing's words and said.


Yu Jing nodded: "I thought that the assassination plan was foolproof and it would make me famous."

"But it ended up sending me ... to the grave!"

"Oh, let's talk about the whereabouts of Girl Wang."

Cheng Feng patiently listened to Jing's emotions and immediately said.

"Girl Wang was sealed up by Jiudaoqiao in a small courtyard."

Yu Jingdao: "That small courtyard is very hidden. I bought it and no one will go in."

"At the same time I also left a lot of water and food, she will definitely be fine."

"Where's that small courtyard where the girl Wang is detained?" Cheng Feng asked.

"On the outskirts of Spotlight."

Yu Jing replied: "As for the Spotlight City, it is a small frontier town at the junction of Zhongzhou and Heishui County."


Cheng Feng whispered a hand and waved his hand, and Jing would reclaim the void pot.

Then he looked up and recognized the position slightly, and flew towards the border between Nakasu and Heishui County.

"I had a detailed map of the feathered gods in my mind before."

During the flight, Cheng Feng whispered, "On the border between Nakasu and Heishui County, there is indeed a small town called Spotlight City."

"I hope this Yu Jing is not lying to me, otherwise, I will give him some trouble."

In a whisper, Cheng Feng casts a shadow of a thousand miles.

Huh! The whole person disappeared in a trance.

After a few miles, the junction of Nakasu and Heishui County.

Above a small town shining under the scorching sun, a void wave appeared.

The next moment, Cheng Feng got out of the void.

"Is this Spotlight? Somehow."

Cheng Feng looked up at the Spotlight City and found that most of the city's buildings were built with a luminous material.

When the sun shines on it, it reflects a bright light.

These lights condense and hit the top of a high tower in the center of the city, making the top of the tower look like a little golden sun.

"Concentrating sunlight with the buildings of the city?"

Cheng Feng frowned: "The sun's light contains hot energy, and a large number of them will condense together, and will produce terrible destructive power."

"It seems that this city of light is a formation."

Spotlight City is a city of formations, which played a significant role in the battle between righteousness and evil.

However, Cheng Feng didn't take his mind too much. He took a slight look and looked away at Jing's small courtyard where Wang Yuyan was being held.

The Spotlight City is not large, and its radius is less than a hundred miles.

Cheng Feng opened his eyes to search, and soon found a suspicious courtyard.

Cheng Feng runs the shadow killing of Dacheng Realm and lurks silently.

"No one in the yard."

Cheng Feng arrived outside the small courtyard, and the spirit sent a slight induction, but did not find any living breath.

Brow a little frown, and then infiltrated the soul under the courtyard.

After a while, a smile appeared on his face.

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