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Chapter 169 Fall

The battle of righteousness and evil of the feathered gods has come to an end.

The grassroots and middle-level warriors of the evil faction have been defeated with confidence and separated.

Only the strongest are still insisting, fighting against the strongest in the right way.

At this moment, I heard the second elder's encounter suddenly, and my heart was suddenly hit. I was seized by the strongest person on the right path and took the upper hand.

Let the initiative of the whole battle of righteousness be in the hands of the righteous camp.

Once the strongest of these evil factions are defeated, the battle of righteousness and evil that lasts for a long time will be completely ended!

And at this critical moment, Cheng Feng filled another fire ...

The marks of the sky, in the void.

The two remaining elders of the second elder became furious under the humiliation of the two emperor clams.

Then his eyes flashed fiercely, and he actually seized a chance and shocked his heart.

"No, this messy wants to commit suicide!"

Seeing this, the emperor clam was shocked.

The rolling demon power evoked, directly infused into the bodies of the two second elders, sealed the major points of the two to prevent the two from committing suicide.

But it's late!

The second elder knows his fate after being captured, and death is the best option.

So while blasting his own heart, he also detonated the mind.

Under these circumstances, the two avatars had already lost their breath before the emperor clam Ergao sealed off Jiudaxueqiao.

Before dying, he gave Cheng Feng a resentful glance.

Failed to kill Cheng Feng, let the second elder die!

"Abominable, abominable!"

One didn't notice that the two elders of the second elder died.

This made the emperor clam particularly angry, and cursed: "The second elder is a mess, and the path for us to get back the earth soul tree and earth soul fruit is broken, really damn!"

"Old Toad, don't rush into anger."

Eight-faced ghost spider said: "The second elder is dead, but his exclusive storage space is still there."

"The Sky Judge who stole the entire Earth Soul Tree, his body should be stored in the second elder's exclusive storage space or storage utensils."

"As long as we look carefully, we can find it."

"Eight faces, the second elder of the blood gods, was formed by seven avatars."

The emperor clam was somber: "It's difficult to open its exclusive storage space. I hope that the body of Judge Tian will be stored in a storage device."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid we'll fetch a bamboo basket!"

During the talk, the two emperor clams acted immediately.

Collect the avatars of the seven second elders and search them one by one.

However, I searched the whole body and found only two storage rings.

One of them installed a self-destruct array. The emperor clam exploded as soon as it was found.

The other was taken by the eight-faced ghost spider, and dumped all the things in the soul ring.

Except for some weapons and elixir, no human body was found.

At this moment, the emperor clam's complexion changed, and some became dark.

Because there is no deceased's body in this storage ring, the corpse must be in another broken soul ring.

Or in the exclusive storage space opened by the Second Elder.

"Eight faces, it seems that we can only open the exclusive storage space of the second elder."

Regarding the earth soul fruit, the two emperor clams are very persistent.

Pursuing unsuccessful results, the second elder's exclusive storage space is ready to be opened for a final fight.

In this regard, Cheng Feng did not interrupt.

Because he knew very well that even if the Emperor Clam Er finally found the corpse of the Sky Judge and successfully opened the exclusive storage space of the Sky Judge, he would only find nothing.

The reason is simple, the soul tree and the three soul fruits are all in his hands.

Sure enough, the two emperor clams lived for a long time and opened an exclusive storage space for the second elder, but found nothing.

"Mad, my king is not convinced yet."

The emperor clam did not believe in evil, and was ready to join forces with the eight-faced ghost spider to open the exclusive storage space of the remaining six second elder avatars one by one.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng frowned.

"Two, the second elder's exclusive storage space can't fly."

Cheng Feng said: "Please put away the second elder's clones, and then do a detailed search when you are free."

"As for now, we must act immediately to pursue the fleeing Promise King."

"Once it's late, letting it drive away the annihilation power and Wanxiangsi will return to the sea and disappear without a trace!"

"This ... well!"

The Emperor Clam II moaned slightly and nodded in agreement.

After all, the exclusive storage space of the ascendant is very difficult to open.

In particular, the second elders have several clones, all of whom are waiting for the sixth weight above the ascent.

Although the eight-faced ghost spider is proficient in a way to open the storage space, it takes a lot of time to open one.

After making the decision, Cheng Feng raised the Devil Sword to sense the position of the force of annihilation.

At the same time, he instructed Xiaolong Tian Liao to follow Wanxiangcai.

A two-pronged approach to ensure that the direction of tracking is not wrong.

Soon, the Devil Sword and Xiao Jin traced the position of the Promise King.

"Let's go, here!"

Cheng Feng greeted him, raised the Devil Sword, and then led by Xiao Jin, flying towards the left hand side.

When the emperor clam saw the second demon, he folded up the second elder's clone and followed up ...

The sea of ​​void is boundless, and ordinary people are caught in it. The fear surrounds the whole body and will be trapped alive.

Cheng Feng is different. He has a goal in his heart, so there is no fear at all.

After chasing all the way, about a few hours, he has chased out for tens of thousands of miles.

"The power of annihilation is weakening."

During the pursuit, Cheng Feng's brow frowned slightly: "This shows that the Promise King is driving away the power of annihilation and preparing to heal."

When the Promise King fled into the sea of ​​void, he was cut by Cheng Feng.

One arm was chopped off, and a lot of annihilation remained on the wound.

If the opponent wants to connect the broken arm, he must first dispel the annihilation force.

Otherwise, there will be no connection at all.

"Cheng Feng, how far are we from the Promise King?"

At this moment, the emperor clam asked.

"I don't know, but it's approaching."

In the Nether Sea, distance judgment cannot be made, and only guessing is possible.

How far away they are from the Promise King, Cheng Feng cannot tell.

After a while, Cheng Feng continued their pursuit.

So another hour passed.

"The power of annihilation has disappeared."

Cheng Feng suddenly spoke, his face slightly condensed.

Just now, the annihilation force he used to track the Promise King suddenly disappeared.

This shows that the Promise King has driven away the annihilation force in his body, and Cheng Feng has lost a means to track the Promise King.

Fortunately, in addition to the power of annihilation, Cheng Feng can also track and locate through Wanxiangcai.

So after the power of annihilation disappeared, Cheng Feng only moved in his heart.

After that, he continued to pursue the King of Promise.

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