Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1618: Cut the five avatars

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Chapter 1618 Cut Five Great Avatars

Bang ~~~

A bladeless sword slammed down, breaking the vast expanse of void.

When Daoguang cut to the second elder, he immediately cut it into two pieces.

However, after the body of the second elder broke into two halves, he did not immediately die.

Just like peeling, take off a layer of shattered shell, and then the shattered body rejoins together, turn around and continue to escape!

"Huh? What means is this?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's brows frowned: "Even the knife and blade superimposed by the power of 135 stars can be blocked?"

"Cheng Feng, the second elder hasn't blocked your slashing."

Nalan's voice sounded: "The sword you just failed to kill the second elder is because the opponent used a clone to offset your sword."

"At this moment, the second elder has only six avatars, and his strength has weakened a lot!"

"So it is ..."

Hearing words, Cheng Feng suddenly realized.

No wonder he just slashed the second elder, and his body broke.

It was a clone of the second elder, and he was chopped by him!

"That being the case, I will continue to attack."

Cheng Feng whispered: "The second elder of the blood gods is formed by seven avatars, with a maximum of seven lives."

"Big deal, I beheaded and killed him seven times.

Wow, hum ~~~

The big star shines.

Then a bladeless sword condensed, shattered nothingness, and went straight to the fleeing second elder.

At the same time, the second emperor clam also launched an attack.

The triple attack is on the horizon, 嘭 ~~~

Falling on the second elder actually broke him up.

At that moment, the middle-aged man with big ears in six directions exploded and shot at the Quartet.

"Old miscellaneous, die for me!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng carried the magic knife and immediately made up the knife.

Stabbing ~~~

The knife was cut out easily, and the sword light was thousands of miles.

Waiting to catch up with one of the avatars, he immediately cut it open and killed instantly.

The emperor clam and the eight-faced ghost spider were unwilling to fall behind, and they used various means to attack.

Also killed the avatars of the two second elders on the spot.

In this case, the seven elders of the second elder died four instantly, and the remaining three continued to flee, his eyes filled with despair.

Cheng Feng's killing was decisive. After killing a second elder's clone, the killing continued.

laugh! The Devil Sword threw up and killed another clone.

The remaining two clones were taken care of by Emperor Clam and Eight-faced Ghost Spider, but they were captured alive.

"Damn beast, let go of the elder."

The two elders were arrested, and the second elder was full of humiliation and despair.

He glared at the two emperor clams and threatened: "Otherwise, when the elder Ben comes down, one finger will crush you to death!"

"Old miscellaneous, dare to threaten the king when he is dead?"

After listening to the words of the second elder, the two emperor clams sank: "It seems that you are a prisoner without any awareness!"

"In this case, King will help you to be sober!"

While talking, one claw of the emperor clam was raised, just like a watermelon.

Along the head of the second elder, one claw was taken, and the second elder lay on the ground on the spot.

Then the clam of the emperor stepped on the second elder's face, which was a blast, which made the second elder tremble and his face became white, which was angrily angry.

"Animal, **** animal, do you know what you are doing?"

The second elder roared: "This elder is the ninth most important being in the heavens, only one step away from the creation."

"You beast insults this elder so much, until I teach and occupy the feathered dynasty, I will make you fly ash to die!"

"What? The ninth highest ascent?"

Upon hearing this, the emperor clam slammed on the second elder and froze.

Because the ninth strongest man on the sky, but extraordinary, picking stars and moons is not a problem.

Even outside the dome continent, among the hundreds of millions of planes, it is still a hegemon.

The emperor clams are facing this kind of existence, and they have to be killed in minutes!

"Damn beast, afraid?"

When the emperor clam looked stiff, the second elder yelled, "If you are afraid, let go of the elder ..."

"Afraid of your sister!"

However, before the second elder had finished speaking, the emperor clam erupted: "My king has been in the sky for nearly a thousand years. What kind of strong wind and waves have not been seen? How would you be scared by a few words?

"My King sees that you are unclean and need to be entertained!"

With that said, the soles of the emperor clams kicked back again.

The eight-faced ghost spider was not idle, concocting another clone of the second elder.

The second elder was so angry that he shivered with anger.

Of course, the two emperor clams are really afraid of the ninth strongest man on the sky.

While welcoming the second elder's clone, he asked Cheng Feng.

"Cheng Feng, the deity of the second elder of the Blood Gods, is really the ninth most important antique?"

"I'm afraid ... really."

Cheng Feng does not know the cultivation of the second elder's deity.

However, since the other party was unable to land on the dome continent with his true body, this is enough to show that the other party's arrogance and the worst reached the seventh limit of ascent.

Hearing Cheng Feng's words, the emperor clam's second demon look changed.

"Don't worry, the second elder's deity is too strong to enter the earth dome."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng said lightly: "The marks of the sky are inlaid on the earth dome continent, but they are part of the earth dome continent."

"As long as you don't show any signs of the sky, the second elder will never want to touch you!"

"Oh, really?"

The spirit of the emperor clam two demons relaxed, and then his eyes became cold: "So, this mess is just a bluff, and it almost scared the king."

Thinking of this, the emperor clam stepped on the soles of the second elder's face, a little more powerful.

Until the second elder's entire face is deformed, the more humiliation there is, the more humiliation!

In the midst of the rampage, the emperor clam questioned the corpse of the Sky Judge.

Want to open the exclusive storage space of Sky Judge, get the earth soul tree.

However, the second elder burned in anger and ignored it, so he called a new round of beatings and slapping.

At the same time, the marks of the sky are outside.

The blood gods fell to five because of the second elder's seven avatars, setting off huge waves.

"Damn, **** it!"

The blood gods headquarters, the blood **** mountain blood shines into the sky.

An angry roar was stirring: "The fusion of the dignity of the seven avatars, repaired as the seventh-highest existence on the sky, was also defeated by Cheng Feng's small beast.

"Even five were destroyed, and the remaining two were humiliated."

"This is a shame, shame!"

With this angry roar, all the strong blood gods shook it.

A terrible storm and turbulent waves were generated in my heart, and the warfare plunged several times.

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