Buzz buzz buzz!!!

In the dim sky, three streams of blue, white and red light, carrying tremendous energy, cut through the haze in people's hearts and attacked the Ultimate Stitched Monster in the sky!

Three knight kicks, a full-strength attack from Jiudou Rinone, Ichinose Takarō and Ukiyo Hidetoshi, everyone pinned their hopes on this moment.

If this fusion attack could injure Kugimiya Rito, then there would still be hope!!!

However, in Kugimiya Rito's eyes, everything they did was completely beyond their capabilities.

"A bunch of ignorant ants, since you want to die so badly, I will grant your wish!"

I saw Kugimiya Rito calmly and fearlessly.

Under the dense and staggered siege of the three people, he found an extremely tricky angle, and then raised his left leg and swept it out!

Bang, bang, bang!!!

Only a series of dull sounds were heard, and three shock waves expanded in the sky. Just kicking on the spot caused an extremely terrifying sonic boom!

With these three kicks, Kugimiya Rito brought the abnormal physical value of Super1 fused in his body to the extreme, and forcibly blocked the knight kicks of Jiudou Rin, Baotaro and Ukiyo Hidetoshi on the spot!


Incredible power surged into the three people's bodies.

They felt that their soles and thigh bones were about to break and explode. The blood in their bodies surged, and the momentum that had been accumulated was gone!

But this is not over yet.

After three consecutive kicks,

Kugimiya Rito flashed directly above the three of them. In the desperate eyes of everyone, he fiercely kicked a roundhouse kick!

Boom boom boom!!!!!!

He saw his right leg kick out plainly, and the strong wind whistled and exploded. The incredible hundreds of tons of kicking force instantly acted on the three Kamen Riders.

With the whistling sound of the arrow breaking through the air, an extremely powerful shock wave exploded on the spot.

The rain within hundreds of meters around was forcibly dispersed and repelled at this moment.

The three Kamen Riders were like three cannonballs and shot out immediately.

After smashing one high-rise building after another, they fell deeply into the ground and smashed into a huge pit!

The earth-shaking sound spread throughout Furano, and then

Everything fell into silence again.

No, it was dead silence.

All the people who were originally looking forward to the final battle lost their luster in their eyes.

Minato, who was struggling to stay away from the battlefield, knelt on the ground.

He raised his head in despair, letting the rain hit his face, with a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth.

Black Steel Spana leaned against the wall, silently stroking the wrench sword in his hand.

He was thinking, if he could also transform into a Kamen Rider, would the result be different?

Agatsuma Michinaga lay on the ground, pounding the ground with his fists in anger, and the roar suppressed in his chest was trembling.

On the rooftop of Furasu High School,

Sakurai Keikazu and Kurama Neon were pale.

It was so difficult to fight... The opponent who won was no match for them, even the top leaders of the DGP at that time.

Even Ukiyo Hidetoshi who became a god was defeated so directly.

What else can they do?

Ginkgo Renka sat on the ground, bending her long legs in black silk stockings, hugging her knees tightly with her arms, sobbing non-stop.

The senior student Tsuruhara Senmaru beside her looked at the tablet in his hand, biting his lips tightly, unable to speak.

And Tsumuri, although still standing there, the despair in her heart had already swallowed up her perception.

She gently recited the name of each person, and then slowly clasped her ten fingers together, holding them in front of her, trembling and praying, until a certain moment, she suddenly recited the name of that person,

"Lin Feng...grown ups..."

Tsumurai's eyes focused again, she clenched her hands tightly, and began to call out with an expression that had never been so expectant before.

"Kami-Sama, your faithful shrine maiden Tsumuri, I pray to you here. If you can hear the world's sorrow, please answer my prayer!"

Just as she was about to continue calling until the gods heard her prayer, a big hand grasped her clasped hands.

Tsumuri's body shook violently, and she tilted her head with tears in her eyes.

The familiar figure finally appeared.

"Kamen Rider DarkDecade, my Lord God, you are finally here."

Lin Feng smiled and raised his finger to wipe the tears from her cheeks, turned around and summoned the dimensional wall, and walked into it.

"Leave the rest to me."

On the front battlefield, in three huge pits, three figures successively released their transformations in a burst of electric currents.

The rain washed over them frantically, but even so, it could not cover up the pain of their bodies being severely injured.


A sound of falling to the ground resounded, and the water flowed like a wave.

Kugimiya Rito slowly raised his head and walked towards the three people like a demon god.

"Do you understand now? The gap between you and me! I am no longer the weak human being I was before, but a Kami who can destroy the world!!!"

Kugimiya Rito fully enjoyed the feeling of looking down on the world at this moment.

No matter how arrogantly he roared, everything in the world seemed to submit to him!

"Then, let me deal with you one by one...."

Kugimiya Rito raised his finger and pointed at the three people.

In the end, he unexpectedly aimed at Jiudou Rinone first.

"I'll get rid of you first. I'll kill Ukiyo Hidetoshi last. The power you showed before doesn't pose a threat to me now, but I'm very angry...."

Jiutang Linyin sat up in the pit with difficulty.

Raindrops fell on her face, making it difficult for her to see what was in front of her.

She could only feel that a murderous figure was approaching.

Her first battle seemed to end here....

Jiutang Rinyin was lying there, with Lin Feng's figure flashing before her eyes.

Really, if she had known this would happen, she would have hugged him.

No, she would have kissed him, kissed him hard.

One kiss was not enough, and she would have done it again, two kisses!

Three kisses!

Jiutang Rinyin bit her lips and cried.

She could clearly feel the water sliding into her mouth. It was tears, not rain.

Kugimiya Rito grinned and raised his arms, slowly gathering strength.

"So now I have to......Hmm?"

Kugimiya Rito suddenly sensed something from afar.

He turned his head and looked towards the end of the horizon.

A black figure appeared at some point.

Under the dark rain, he slowly raised the gun in his hand like the god of death.

The next second,



】Ten dark blue card walls descended, and dark beams of light streaked across the rain-filled city ground, like a streak of black lightning, separating the water flow and splashing two waves of rain.

When he wanted to raise his arms to block, it was too late.




A series of loud noises spread throughout the city.

Kugimiya Rito fell into the building without any resistance and was swallowed up and buried in the rising smoke.

In the air, after the black beam dissipated, the remaining temperature of the scorching energy continued to evaporate the rain.

Jiudou Rin was also affected.

Her limbs, which had become stiff due to the cold rain, gradually became active.

(To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!

) But at this time, she looked up and saw another figure.

This dark armor, dark blue eyes, dark golden cross pattern on the chest, and the driver with an ominous aura on the waist, was the world destroyer, Kamen Rider Dark Decade.

But at this moment, [] when he bent down, half-crouched aside, and reached out to press Jiudou Rin's head, that gentle voice sounded very much like the man in her memory.

"You've done a great job, leave the rest to me...."

Jiutang Linyin bit her lip, and the suppressed emotions in her heart finally poured out like a flood, and her eyes could no longer control the tears that slid down her cheeks.

"you...Brother woo..."

She wanted to call out Lin Feng's name, because she was familiar with this feeling, but the grievance and discomfort made her throat unable to make any sound, and she could only sob.

Lin Feng looked at her raising her arms to cover her face, thinking that she didn't want others to see her weak and choking side, and

Lin Feng felt even more distressed.

Originally, he planned to let Kugimiya Rito cushion Jiutang Rinyin's debut battle and have a beautiful ending.

As a result, Lin Feng didn't expect that he actually got the broken cards left by Zein in the previous battle.

What's more coincidental is that those broken cards do have the power of the corresponding knights.

After a series of coincidences, they finally made Kugimiya Rito's current stitched monster form.

Those perverted knights, invincible players, Blade King Sword Ten Holy Blades, Haipa Kabuto, and the Super1 with the most abnormal punching and kicking power among the Showa old gangsters, any one of them alone is not something Jiutang Rinyin can deal with, let alone combined together?

Speaking of which,

Lin Feng was still a little careless.


In the ruins far away,

Kugimiya Rito shattered all the stone pestles that were pressing on him, and the air waves rippled one after another, obviously he was enraged again.

But Kugimiya Rito didn't know that besides him,

Lin Feng was also enraged.

"Who?!! Who dares to attack me?!!"

Kugimiya Rito's gaze passed through the rain and finally fell on Lin Feng.

This familiar figure made his expression stagnate for a moment, and then he said in disbelief:

"Kamen Rider DarkKDecade?! Is it you?......"

Lin Feng ignored him and stood up. He raised his hand and summoned the dimensional wall to send Jiutang Rinyin away.

Then, he took out a driving card from the card box and walked towards Kugimiya Rito.

"Tell me, how do you want to die?"

Upon hearing this, Kugimiya Rito was stunned, and then he laughed wildly.

"Don't be so arrogant, DarkDecade! If it were me in the past, I would be afraid of you. After all, the battle with Kamen Rider Zein shocked even me. But now......I have combined the power of five Kamen Riders! Even you are no match for me!"

Lin Feng looked at him coldly, murderous intent in his eyes, tapped the side of the card with his finger, and threw it into the driver casually.

"Well, I won't leave you a complete corpse, Henshin"

【KamenRide! Gemn! GodMaximumGamerLeve1**!】


A circle of purple data fluctuations turned into the expansion of the game field, and then the exciting game sound effects turned into music!

【Gachan! Indestructible! (The highest level of God's talent! KurotoDa-n KurotoDa-n) *nGodMaximumX!】

"Huh?! That is..."

Under the shocked gaze of Kugimiya Rito, a large robot armor fell from the sky.

Lin Feng took a look at the circle of game character panels that appeared in front of him. He patted the character on the right, and suddenly, a large amount of purple data merged into his body, turning into the basic form of Kamen Rider Gemn.

The next second, he was ejected into the air and directly combined with the large robot armor.

A sturdy figure with a height of two meters and five meters, with the armor on his chest exactly the same as Gemn's goggles, fell heavily to the ground!

This is Kamen Rider Gemn's God Billion Form, also known as the God Extreme Player!

"Oh~ I thought it was something else, it turns out your new power is the same as the Kamen Rider I fused with~"

Kugimiya Rito sneered a few times,

"I'm so sorry, the Kamen Rider Ex-Aid I fused with is invincible and can make all attacks ineffective....!!!!!"


Before Kugimiya Rito could finish his words, he was knocked away by Lin Feng's huge purple-black fist. After scoring twice, Kugimiya Rito climbed up from the rubble again and shouted angrily:

"Dad! Invincible players are invincible! No matter how many times you hit me, you will only miss me! However, your behavior has completely angered me. Now I will let you see the power of the other Kamen Riders I have fused with me!" As soon as the voice fell,

Kugimiya Rito raised his hand, and his arms composed of Xcross Saber burst into nebula-like light.

The next second, the Blade King Sword Ten Sacred Blades appeared directly in his hand out of thin air.

He quickly dragged the emblem on the hilt, and a series of sound effects sounded!

【The Blade King's special move is Read! The Blade King's special move is Read! Star Slash! 】

Buzz buzz buzz!!!

The majestic energy gushed out from the Blade King Sword.

The power of the three holy swords, Fiery Fire, Flowing Water, and Yellow Thunder, gathered on the sword body at the same time.

As Kugimiya Rito held the hilt with both hands and chopped down with all his strength, a crescent-shaped light blade with three colors mixed together blasted out from the Blade King Sword, carrying the power of destroying the world, destroying all the high-rise buildings in its path, raising countless rubble, dust and rain, and rushing towards Lin Feng!

Facing this attack,

Lin Feng calmly took out the control card and threw it into the driver.

【AttackRide! Chronicle of the Universe!】

When the mechanical sound effect sounded,

Lin Feng raised his hand and made a move towards the sky.

In an instant, the rain stopped and the sky cleared up.

The dark clouds above the originally dark Fuliangzhou were broken open, and there was a scorching sun above.

At the same time, in the air, an object similar to a concave mirror suddenly appeared.

It was facing the sun on one side and the ground on the other.

Then, the sunlight released by the sun, which was originally used to warm the creatures on the earth, instantly turned into a light that burned everything after passing through the concave mirror.

It first pierced the black hole that was constantly devouring everything in the sky, causing it to stop running, and then quietly shot at the light blade that Kugimiya Rito had cut out, and the two collided fiercely!


Boom boom boom!!!!!!

The deafening explosion sounded in the sky of Fuliangzhou immediately.

The seemingly plain sunlight instantly cut off the light blade.

The collision between the two sides was fleeting, turning into countless mushroom-like flames that rushed straight into the sky!

However, the light did not stop there.

Wherever it passed, it was like a hot knife cutting butter, cutting a deep gully in the city of Furasu!

Boom boom boom!

For a moment, the ground shook, the gully expanded wildly, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a bottomless canyon.

At the end of the canyon crack was Kugimiya Rito!

He raised the Blade King Sword with a horrified look to resist, but the moment the sun's rays from the sky collided with him, they exploded directly!

Buzz buzz buzz!

The terrifying shock wave expanded wildly like a nuclear explosion, overturning the earth and rubble in the city layer by layer, and finally leaving a huge hole in the ground!

Looking down from outer space, the earth looked like it had opened its mouth!!


Say goodbye to Atomic

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