On the empty construction site,

Ichinose Takarō took out a blank Kamikaze and aimed it at the center of the explosion in the distance.

Then, Master X, who flew out of Kugimiya Rito's body, entered the card and was saved.

However, it was not only Master X who walked out of the fireworks, but also Kugimiya Rito who had not been completely defeated.

"It's not over yet!!!"

He suddenly yelled,

"This is a game between you and me, Hidetoshi Ukiyo!"

"He's such a persistent guy."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi had anticipated this and raised his B9, ready to kill Kugimiya Rito on the spot.

"Who are you? Why would an alchemist be obsessed with me?"

Hearing this,

Kugimiya Rito couldn't hold back anymore.

His expression was angry and surprised.

"Could it be...You don't remember anything? You don't remember me?!"

He straightened his back and roared:

"I have come this far in order to realize my ambition of"defeating you"! I have never forgotten the hatred I had for you 2000 years ago!"

The timeline goes back to 2000 years ago, when DGP was still an extremely primitive arena real-person duel mode.

On the huge field,

Ukiyo Hideto of that life, holding a sharp blade, pointed directly at the knocked-down Kugimiya Rito, but the tip of the sword just hovered in front of Kugimiya Rito, not moving forward at all, and even after a brief pause, he retracted the sword and walked away.

This move made Kugimiya Rito feel insulted.

"Why didn't you give me the final blow?!! For the person who loses the game, it is his duty to sacrifice his life!"

However, the words that Ukiyo Hideto said when he turned around completely broke Kugimiya Rito's defense.

"Your life is not worth being taken away."

These words are undoubtedly like rubbing salt into the loser's wounds, but the law of the jungle is the law of the world.

The strong can humiliate the weak severely.

No matter how angry Kugimiya Rito is, no matter how much he punches the ground, he can't change this fact.

So, he made up his mind from that time to take revenge, become stronger than Ukiyo Hideto, and then take revenge!

The scene returns to the present.

Listening to Kugimiya Rito's description, everyone finally understands why Kugimiya Rito is so obsessed with Ukiyo Hideto, and Ukiyo Hideto's answer is still so frivolous.

"If so, I do remember this person, but...Even after two thousand years, my answer will remain the same."

Kugimiya Rito sneered.

"For two thousand years, I have been looking for you, and encountered alchemy, a technology that has not been made public. In order to be able to completely defeat you after reincarnation, I have constantly honed my skills, and even used Kemi!"

As he spoke, he gradually straightened his back, as if the injuries he had suffered in the previous defeat did not exist, and his momentum slowly began to grow.

"Now is the time to show my achievements...."Everything will become my food!!!"

The moment the words fell, no one reacted, and

Kugimiya Rito casually pinched out a huge black hole-shaped energy vortex, which was amplified by alchemy and flew high into the sky on the spot, turning into a celestial body with a terrifying suction force!

The next second, everything around was sucked into it, including rubble, scrapped cars, flowers, trees, and even Kami and humans!!!


Ichinose Tarotaro struggled to control his body, holding onto the X-Wizard Kamika tightly with both hands, but the suction was too strong, and everyone around him was sucked in at this moment!

"Senior Spana! Teacher Minato! Everyone!!!"

Finally, even Tatarō couldn't control his body anymore and flew into the air, about to be sucked into the black hole.

At this critical moment, Wizard X immediately cast a magic spell and sent Tatarō Ichinose back to the ground, while he himself fell powerlessly into the black hole!

""Master X!!!"

Baotaro helplessly watched as Wizard X was sucked away, and then merged into Kugimiya Rito's body again, and once again became Master X Malgan!

However, the black hole did not decrease but increased.

Because Rito Kugimiya received the power of Wizard X, he immediately created a purple dark magic circle under the black hole!

In the blink of an eye, the terrible black hole expanded dozens of times, and its suction power also increased wildly, so that it affected the entire territory of Furasu!

All the citizens looked at this scene in horror, and then were swallowed into the black hole helplessly by the erupting suction!!!

For a while, screams were heard. It has spread throughout Furasu, and is still expanding towards other cities and even the entire Neon at a terrifying speed!

The sky is dark, people are disoriented, high-rise buildings are swallowed up like dust, fear and despair fill everyone's heart!

Perhaps, even the gods can't stand it anymore.

The originally clear sky is suddenly covered with dark clouds, and heavy rain pours down.

People don't know whether it is tears or rain that are sliding down their cheeks.

However, everything is not over yet.

Kugimiya Rito raised his palm and pointed it at Ukiyo Hidetoshi. The roar mixed with anger and hatred echoed in everyone's ears:

"Ukiyo Hidetoshi! You are my real main course! I want you to pay for the insult from two thousand years ago!!!"

Almost instantly, a powerful swallowing force burst out from Kugimiya Rito's palm, and the power of creation in Ukiyo Hideto's body was instantly sucked out!


Ukiyo Hidetoshi didn't expect that

Kugimiya Rito could directly snatch power from his body.

In panic, he quickly cut off the part of the power of creation that was contaminated by the dark alchemy performed by Kugimiya Rito, and then firmly sealed the other parts that were not contaminated in his body, thus avoiding the fate of having his divine power completely extracted!

But even so,

Kugimiya Rito also obtained an extremely huge part of energy.

That part of the power of creation directly caused his body to mutate and turned him into a Geats killer, or the nine-tailed fox Malgan!

"You want to use my power to defeat me?"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi sneered.

"It's still the same as it was two thousand years ago. You have no value that I can value."

In the past,

Kugimiya Rito might have been overwhelmed by this sentence, but now, he just thought it was ridiculous.

"Who told you that I was going to use your power against you?"

Kugimiya Rito showed a playful smile, and he slowly raised his left hand, and a pair of cards that were cut into strips suddenly appeared!

At that moment, in the Human Base Research Institute thousands of miles away,

Sakurai Yuto suddenly woke up from his deep sleep.

At this moment, he was sensed by Zein, and in the depths of his soul consciousness, he felt a strong and familiar energy fluctuation!

"Is it my power?......"

At the same time,

Lin Feng, who was at Fuliangzhou High School, also sensed the familiar fluctuations!

And the mechanical broadcast of the system sounded in his ears,

【Ding! Detected the fifth level of refining, the ultimate stitched monster! The task is automatically triggered!】

【Mission objective: Defeat the stitched monster Malgan, the incarnation of Rito Kugimiya!】

【Mission reward: Random Kamen Rider deck X2!】

"Looks like I have to go there in person."

Lin Feng disappeared from Furasu High School with a solemn look on his face.

At this time, facing Kugimiya Rito's Ichinose Takaratō, he looked at the pile of broken cards in Kugimiya Rito's hand and suddenly thought of something.

"Is this the card that Kamen Rider Zein used at that time?!!"[]

"That's right!"

Kugimiya Rito answered loudly, with a hint of excitement and madness in his voice!

"You didn't expect that I was also present in the battle between Kamen Rider Zein and Kamen Rider DarkDecade!

" Actually, he was not present throughout the whole battle.

He went to find X-Dragon to collect information about Level 10 Camie, but he was a step late and X-Dragon was obtained by Tatarō.

Then he happened to see Kamen Rider Zein's appearance and the scene after he cut the cards into pieces in the drive.

Originally, Kugimiya Rito was just curious and wanted to see what materials those cards that were completely different from Camie cards were made of.

As a result, he just picked up a few fragments and found that the cards still contained unused power!

Suddenly, Kugimiya Rito began to plan a huge plan!

He collected all the fragments used by Kamen Rider Zein, and then refined and absorbed them all through alchemy!

Just like now!


Under everyone's shocked gaze, the fragments in Kugimiya Rito's hand were refined into energy particles by dark alchemy, and all merged into his body!!

"I feel very good now!"


I saw a wave of air exploded, and

Kugimiya Rito's body was suspended in the air.

Four lights of different colors began to surge on his body, and finally an ultimate stitched monster appeared in everyone's sight!

The body was still the Nine-tailed Fox Malgan, but behind his head grew long golden hair similar to the alien invincible player Ex-aid.

The armor on his chest turned into the armor of the alien Hyper Kabuto, the two arms turned into the arms of the alien Xcross Saber, and the feet turned into the leg armor of the alien Super1!

That's right, this is the combination of Kamen Rider Gea ts, Ex-aid, Kabuto, Saber and Super One, the five Kamen Riders' partial power was refined into Margan!

Except for the creation power of Polar Fox, which was just obtained, the other four were all used by Kamen Rider Zein when he fought Lin Feng.

The power of these five Kamen Riders combined together, making the power of Margan, an alchemical monster, expand to an extremely terrifying level!

The creation power of Fox God is immune to the law of time and can self-repair; the invincible power of the invincible player is immune to any attack in the game field; the super acceleration of Hyper Kabuto can even���Traveling through time and space; the twelve holy swords of the Saber, and the power of the gods that transcend the world; plus the abnormal punching and kicking data of Super1, the old rogue of the Showa era, even if these powers are not as good as the original knights, but when they are combined together, they form an ultimate monster with almost no weaknesses!!!

"strength...Power! Power is constantly pouring out of my body!!!"

Kugimiya Rito roared to the sky like crazy, as if he wanted to release all the humiliation and pressure he had suffered in the past two thousand years!

The terrible energy fluctuations expanded in all directions like a tsunami, and the high-rise buildings within a radius of hundreds of meters were destroyed and crushed in an instant, turning into dust and rubble, and were continuously swallowed and absorbed by the black hole in the sky!

At that moment, it seemed like the real end of the world had arrived!!!

Kugimiya Rito's voice weakened, he lowered his head, and his dark purple evil eyes lit up like a demon god.

His eyes were fixed on the gloomy Ukiyo Hideto on the ground, and he said arrogantly:

"Ukiyo Hidetoshi, don’t you call yourself the God of Desire? Come and face me now! Are you afraid?!!"

It is impossible to say that you are afraid, but it is also impossible to say that you have no feelings at all.......

Although Ukiyo Hidetoshi had seen a lot of big things, this was indeed the first time he had seen such a distorted and terrifying scene!

Just by looking at the figure of Kugimiya Rito, he felt a huge pressure that was difficult to overcome.

He was the body of a god, and even gods would feel pressure.

In addition to Lin Feng, only the current Kugimiya Rito!

For a moment, even Ichinose Takarō, who was originally angry about Master X being swallowed again, suddenly lost his temper at this moment, because he clearly felt the gap between the two sides, just like he was on the ground now, and Kugimiya Rito was hanging high in the sky, the difference in power between heaven and earth was like a natural chasm!

The terrible pressure even made him unable to move his body!

"So, you're just going to do nothing?"

Suddenly, a cold voice rang in everyone's ears.

In the heavy rain, Jiutang Rinyin stepped through puddles and came to Kugimiya Rito. She raised her head and looked at him fearlessly.

"You are nothing but a thief who stole the great power of Kamen Rider. When you used those powers only to achieve your evil intentions, I understood the purpose of my existence here...."

"That is, as a true Kamen Rider, I will stop you no matter what, even if I die, I will never surrender!"

In the noisy environment, facing the doomsday disaster,

Jiutang Rin's resounding words were still heard clearly, and most importantly, at this moment she was like a real sun, giving a guiding light to all those who had not lost hope under the suffocating pressure of Kugimiya Rito!

"Nine Halls...you're right..."

Under the wet hair, the dark pupils of Ichinose Takarō gradually became firm.

"I am also a Kamen Rider, and I promised Wizard X to be friends with him, and I also have things I must do!"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi smiled with some shame.

"It seems that I have lived for two thousand years in vain....You are right, we are real Kamen Riders, how can we be scared by the power of an imposter! I don't know how many times I have experienced the fight between life and death!"


All the power of creation in Ukiyo Hidetoshi's body surged out, and his armor was immediately renewed. The pure white cloak like nine tails moved automatically without wind!

Ichinose Takarō resonated with the soul of the X-Tyrannosaurus in the driver, and the roar he raised to the sky actually shook the raindrops back!

Jiudou Rin's pupils lit up, and a pair of unicorn white wings spread behind him, bringing a ray of light that people look forward to to this dark world!

"I'm going to attack!"

Jiudou Rinyin tapped the ground with her toes, and a circle of ripples spread out. Then the whole person flew into the sky as lightly as an elf, and then the wings behind her shook, and she shot towards Kugimiya Rito like a stream of light!

The next second,

Ukiyo Hideto stepped into the void, ran rapidly in the air, and rushed out from Jiudou Rinyin's left side!

And Ichinose Tarotaro, who had no flying ability, frequently used the powerful jumping ability of X-Dragon, constantly falling on the ground, and then ejected, smashing huge pits on the ground!

The three people were using their own abilities to quickly approach Kugimiya Rito.

They simultaneously operated the drivers on their waists and released their strongest attacks!


【X-Rex! Shining Fever!】

【BoostCharge! BoostTacticalVictory】

Looking at the three attacks that were constantly growing,

Kugimiya Rito smiled with disdain.......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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