On the top of the mountain, although it was noon, everyone felt the cold wind, biting and icy.

Perhaps it was the cold light reflected by Zein's white armor, which was too terrifying.

How could this be kind? He was a completely terrible monster!

When he first appeared, he killed Kamen Rider Gotchard in seconds and then easily defeated Lachesis, Clotho and Manno Tenjuro alone. Manno

Tenjuro was even directly blown up by him, in the true sense of the word.

No one knew where the mechanical parts of his body were scattered.

Now, he still did not intend to stop the battle, and walked step by step towards Lachesis, who was closest to him.

"You guy...Get out of Lachesis's way!"

Kloto struggled to get up. She was beaten to pieces, but she still had alchemy to use. However, even though she summoned a large number of steel arrows to attack Zein, it was still useless.

Zein held the Blade King Sword Ten Sacred Blades, and with a flick of his hand, all the arrows were easily cut off and shattered, and none of them fell on him.

The desperate scene made Kloto, a female man, feel powerless, and she could only ask for help from the last person.

""Atropos! Think of a solution!"

However, the little girl still stood there expressionlessly, without any action. She did not even raise the magic weapon in her hand to release alchemy.

Cloto shook his head in confusion, not understanding why things had developed to this point.

Kamen Rider Zein came to Lachesis, raised the blade in his hand, and asked one last question,

"DarKDecade, where is he?"

Lachesis wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and spat at him tremblingly.

"I've told you hundreds of times, don't you know!" As soon as the words fell,

Zein dropped the sword in his hand, but at that critical moment, a dimensional wall appeared in front of him, and a black figure followed and stepped out!

The eyes of everyone around suddenly froze at this moment.

The person they had been waiting for for a long time finally appeared!

It was Lin Feng who transformed into Kamen Rider DarkDecade!


The clanging sound of metal collision exploded, and the crisp sound effect was refreshing!

Zein held the Blade King Sword Ten Sacred Blades and launched a slash, mixed with indescribable terrifying power, and a dazzling electric spark burst out at the moment of slashing Lin Feng!

The ground under the feet of the two collapsed instantly because of this gathered power!

The entire mountain top was in turmoil!

Lin Feng stabilized his body and slowly raised his head,

"Kamen Rider Zein I didn't go looking for you, but you came looking for me instead?"

"Get out of here!"

As Lin Feng's power surged out like a wave,

Zein could not bear the recoil force and retreated again and again, even the Blade King Sword in his hand flew out! This was an unexpected scene.

Lin Feng's figure had never been so anticipated by everyone.

Seeing him appear at this moment, everyone felt relieved, and the suffocating feeling in their hearts suddenly disappeared!

"What are you still standing there for? Are you going to stay here and wait for death?"

Lin Feng turned his head and glanced at the stunned Lachesis.

If he hadn't sent the father and daughter to the hospital and noticed something was wrong on the top of the mountain, and transformed in time to rush back to the scene,

Lachesis would definitely have died in Zein, and no one knew how they provoked this monster.

At this time, hearing Lin Feng's words, Cloto came to his senses and hurriedly stepped forward to pull Lachesis up, helping her retreat to a distance.

"Klotho...Wait a minute."

Lachesis held Clotho's hand, looking at Lin Feng's back with a complicated expression, his lips that didn't have much blood were tightly pursed, and after a long time, he said softly:

"you...Be careful, this guy is very strong."

Lin Feng did not answer her, and

Lachesis also evacuated the battlefield with the help of Clotho.

Now, the battle has finally come to the last step, which is also the scene that everyone is looking forward to.

Zein has been talking about looking for DarkDecade since he appeared.

His purpose is obvious, and it is nothing more than a competition!

And this is naturally the answer that everyone wants to know.

Is the Kamen Rider DarkDecade, who has always been feared, stronger, or the artificial intelligence Kamen Rider Zein who suddenly appeared halfway?

I believe that the result of this battle will soon appear.

"Kamen Rider DarkDecade, I finally found you."

Zein raised his hand and pointed at Lin Feng.

"My predictions about this world tell me that you are the most dangerous existence in this world, so destroying you is my most important task."

Hearing this,

Lin Feng sneered twice.

"Isn't it just a fight? Why so much nonsense? Only when you win, you are qualified to make those long speeches."

【Ding! Hostility from the artificial intelligence system Zein detected, mission triggered!】

【Mission objective: Defeat Kamen Rider Zein】

【Mission Reward: Three random Kamen Rider decks! 】

Just in time!

Glancing at the exciting rewards on the system panel,

Lin Feng grinned with a crazy smile.

As he got more and more decks, his physical quality and the power of the basic form became stronger and stronger!

This time he could get three decks at once, and the power growth would definitely be more intuitive!

Regardless of whether he could get a powerful Kamen Rider pilot card, this mission was worth doing!

While Lin Feng was thinking about how to quickly deal with Zein,

Zein had already set up his posture and was ready to fight!

"Then let me try, how strong is your power as a destroyer of this world."

Zein instantly exploded the power in his body, the cloak behind him lifted up, and the whole person shot out like lightning, clenching his right hand into a fist and punching forward, the amazing power seemed to crush the space, sweeping up layers of ripples!


Lin Feng, who stood still, raised his left hand and caught its fist steadily, and then suddenly clasped his five fingers to prevent Zein from escaping. The right fist accumulated power at the waist and blasted out in a spiral shape. Before it even reached Zein, it had already brought a series of explosive gusts!


A very dull explosion spread, and

Lin Feng's punch contained an extremely terrifying The power of the punch hit Zein fiercely, causing him to be blasted into the ground on the spot, creating a huge pit, and the rubble fell all over the sky, submerging him!

The three sisters of Darkness and the people of the Alchemy Academy in the distance swallowed their saliva unconsciously when they saw this.

They couldn't believe that Kamen Rider DarkDecade's basic form also had such terrifying combat power!

The power of that punch was no different from the other knight forms he had transformed into before!

The reason why Lin Feng did this was that he wanted to try out how much bonus his current deck could bring him!


Zein shook off the gravel on his body and stood up again.

His chest kept rising and falling, and he was breathing rapidly. He also didn't expect that Lin Feng's strength had become much stronger than the last time in Kyoto!

Although he was still being treated as data and transmitted to Zein's mobile phone, it did not prevent it from being able to access the Internet freely and watch the battle between Lin Feng and Tachibana Sakuya in real time through monitoring in various places in Kyoto.

Therefore, Zein, who had been prepared for a long time, recorded the data of that battle, and then kept calculating and deducing the best state to defeat Lin Feng.

Unfortunately, after making so many preparations, when he really faced Lin Feng, he found that this person had grown to a terrifying level again!

"It seems that my prediction underestimated you. In this case, I will use the Red Heart Shaolin Fist to deal with you!"

Zein took out a card from the four-dimensional chrysanthemum, inserted it horizontally above the drive, and then pulled the lever to cut it into pieces!

【Super1! 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Execute! Justice Order!】

【Super Knight Moon Kick! 】

Listening to the Showa sound effects ringing in his ears,

Lin Feng did not dare to neglect the attack suddenly performed by Zein.

After all, Super 1 is an older generation of Showa Knight. []

As we all know, the Showa old rogue's unique simplicity, but the high-value Knight Kick that hurts a lot, as the saying goes, it has damage and special effects!

No one dares to underestimate that kick with full values!

However, Lin Feng did not think that he could not take it.

On the contrary, he was gradually excited because he could see the Knight Kick of the Showa Knight with his own eyes!

Lin Feng opened the card box, and the two driving cards were taken out at the same time and inserted into the driver one after another!

【FinalAttackRide! D-D-D-DarKDecade!

Bang, bang, bang!

A series of heavy objects fell to the ground, and ten holographic card-shaped light walls quickly descended between Lin Feng and Z(bbfc)ein.

However, it was not over yet. When Lin Feng threw the second driving card into the driver, the ten card walls immediately turned into thirty.

At the same time,

Lin Feng also split into two clones from one shadow!

【【AttackRide! Illusion】

The classic multiple knight kick has never had a chance to be used. This time, it is just right for Zein's Showa knight kick!

Lin Feng clapped his hands, and his real body and clone jumped into the air at the same time.

From the bottom up, he kicked out with his right foot wrapped in dark golden black energy.

As the number of card walls he passed through gradually increased, the power on his right foot became more and more terrifying.

At that moment, Lin Feng's three figures turned into black meteors flying in reverse, and the terrifying and astonishing air waves really went towards in!

Boom boom boom boom!!!

The explosion column that shot straight into the sky shone the entire sky, and the earth-shaking sound spread throughout the scenic area. The tourists who fled outside looked at the top of the mountain with pale faces. That scene was like the end of the world!

The huge mushroom cloud fireworks dispersed the clouds in the sky, and the scene that covered the sky and the sun even alarmed the army in the city. In the sky, the two figures continued to fight!

Buzz buzz buzz!

Dark gold and silver-white divided the entire sky. The terrible shock wave caused by the contact and collision of the knight's kick shook the mountain completely. The already shaky and extremely unstable mountaintop was instantly shattered into pieces, turning into large pieces of rubble rolling down the mountain.

The three sisters of Dark Black supported each other and used alchemy to move to a safe place.

Minato built an earth and stone house to protect Baotaro and Jiudou Rinyin.

After the explosion lasted for dozens of seconds, everything gradually settled down.

He then released the alchemy and looked up into the air!

Lin Feng was suspended in the rolling rubble and dust, with wisps of white smoke rising from his body.

He lowered his head and looked somewhere on the mountainside.

In the valley there, Kamen Rider Zein was surging with electricity, and he staggered to stand up again from the ground!

The previous attack still did not determine the winner!

But it was obvious that Dark Decade's power was more dominant!

"This guy...Really meaty...However, it seems that he is not as strong as imagined."

In fact, up to now, Lin Feng's character setting for Zein is also very vague.

According to the information when he read the original work in his previous life,

Zein can store part of the power of the Kamen Rider he used.

For example, he had previously used the power of the two knights, Ea Invincible Player and Saber Blade King Sword.

Even if the card was shredded and the ultimate move was released, he could still inherit some attributes.

But why couldn't he continue to use the skills of the first two?

At this time,

Lin Feng suddenly thought of something that Xima Nicole had said to him before.

At that time,

Lin Feng defeated Tachibana Sakuya in Kyoto, and then followed Xima Nicole all the way back to the hotel.

In the car, Xima Nicole said that although she was deceived by Tachibana Sakuya and implanted the powerful"Kamen Rider Chronicle" program into Zein's actuator, she was careful at that time. In order to prevent Zein from going berserk, she also secretly left some confidential settings:

【According to the confidentiality agreement with the information provider, Zein tablets are no longer available for the purpose of preventing abuse.���Obligation.】

Yes, that's the sentence.

It should be Simoniko who did something to prevent Zein from adding all the knight's powers he had used.

Even with these restrictions,

Zein is already very powerful.

I wonder how abnormal he will become after the restrictions are lifted.

However, those are all later.

He is not to be feared now!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng decided to take advantage of Zein's weakness and make a quick decision.

He opened the card box, took out the latest driving card with interest, and showed it to Zein.

"Then I'll use this card to end your relationship"

【KamenRide! Zero-Three!】

【Zero-Threerise! Gobeyondonetwothree! KamenRiderZero-Three! IsthereArk.】

As the electronic sound effects full of technology sounded, everyone saw two huge locusts, one silver and one black and red, falling from the sky and landing heavily on the top of the mountain!

They looked like high-tech creations, with a lot of electronic patterns on their bodies. They jumped towards Zein and repelled him fiercely.

However, with the help of the recoil force, they exploded on the spot and turned into armor components all over the sky. They were printed and attached to Lin Feng one by one, and finally formed a set of mechanical armor with green as the main color and silver and scarlet as the auxiliary colors!

This is Kamen Rider 03!

As the new pinnacle of the 01 series that appeared in the Outsiders, it combines the power of Ark and Zea, and also has the most powerful ability to print weapons!

Thinking of this,

Lin Feng suddenly realized that if Kamen Rider 03 is a printer, then

Zein is not a shredder?

Good guy, a printer vs. a shredder, right?

Although it sounds abstract, it is perfect for Kamen Rider to use 03 to deal with Kamen Rider Zein, a character from the same series.

Lin Feng felt the power surging in his body and reproduced the words in the original work.

"Zein, you are just a monster wearing a mask of kindness. You should be eliminated."

Hearing this,

Kamen Rider Zein snorted.

"I'll give you what you said before. I'll leave the long talk until the end of the battle."

The moment the voice fell,

Zein looked up at Lin Feng, and then, there was a sound of clock hands turning, and his figure disappeared directly on the spot, and he used the time-stopping ability of"Kamen Rider Chronicle" again and came behind Lin Feng!

Feeling the constant fluctuation of his internal breath,

Zein knew that he might not have an advantage in close combat, so he did not hesitate and pulled out a card from the four-dimensional chrysanthemum!

【Kabuto! HyperForm】......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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