"How is it possible?! My skills are useless?!!"

Ichinose Takarō himself was stunned.

His purpose was to use the separation ability of UFO-X to separate Sakurai Yuto from Kamen Rider Zein's body, but he never expected that the blue whip he swung out would just go straight through his body, and

Sakurai Yuto was still intact under Zein's armor!

"Why is this happening?"

Baotaro frowned, and suddenly, he remembered that before his skill was activated,

Kamen Rider Zein had inserted a card into the driver!

Could it be that the reason why his skill failed was the effect of that card?!!

That's right,

Baotaro guessed it right! The reason why Zein was not affected by UFO-X's separation ability was because of the invincible player card he swiped.

The characteristic of Zein's driver is that after swiping the card, all the abilities of the Kamen Rider corresponding to the card can be used by Zein at will for a period of time, whether it is the knight's own characteristics, the knight's exclusive weapons, or the knight's strongest special move, can be easily performed!

Therefore, the characteristics of the invincible player that are not affected by any negative effects in the game field are also inherited by Kamen Rider Zein!

Therefore, UFO-X's separation skill will be ineffective against him!

At the same time, the three sisters of Hades who were slapped in the face also thought of this possibility, and

Atropos hurriedly asked Lachesis:

"You said before that you saw DarkDecade use the same card that Zein just used when fighting Odin?"

Lachesis was very sure.

"I definitely didn't remember it wrong, it's the same card! It's just that the logo on the back is different!"

At this time, Manyo Tenjuro, who had been silent all this time, said quietly:

"If the Dark Decade you are afraid of defeated Kamen Rider Odin, then I roughly know how powerful that card is. Let me give you an example, Kamen Rider Odin can manipulate time."As soon as these words came out, the faces of the three Dark Sisters changed.

"Is this the time manipulation I was thinking of?!"

"If he can even manipulate time, is Odin really still a human?..."

"DarkDecade defeated Odin using the same card that Zein had just used, which means that Zein now has the ability to resist time manipulation?!"

Before they could continue to be shocked,

Kamen Rider Zein suddenly took action.

He walked towards Baotaro while pushing the secret key on the side of the driver!

【HyperCriticalSparking! 】


Bang bang bang!!!

As the mechanical sound sounded,

Kamen Rider Zein disappeared from the spot, turned into a golden phantom, teleported to the vicinity of Takara, and continuously attacked him from all directions!

Everyone saw that Takara kept appearing on his body."HIT"、"GREAT"、"PERFECT"The words"game" appeared.

Gradually, more and more critical hits completely submerged Baotaro, and finally only the dazzling golden light was left, flashing continuously in the center of the battlefield!

This scene lasted for several seconds.

After being hit by countless attacks from Kamen Rider Zein,

Baotaro's body froze in place.

Zein turned his back to him and slowly stood up.

Then, after a short delay, the pillar of fire that soared into the sky directly engulfed Baotaro's figure!

Boom boom boom boom!!!!!

The deafening explosion rushed straight into the sky. At that moment, a large amount of dazzling golden waves gushed out, constantly washing Baotaro's body. The terrible shock wave expanded like a wave, shaking and shattering the surrounding mountain walls. It was like a terrifying scene like a volcanic eruption. For a time, soil, rocks, and sand swept all over the sky!

This is the ultimate move of Ex-aid's golden dandruff form, the gold content of the delayed kick!

The delayed kick can accumulate all the damage caused by all attacks within a period of time, and then when the final settlement is made, it will all burst out in an instant!

When Minato and Kudou Rin'in, who were knocked away, came back to their senses from the shock, they looked with pain at the center of the battlefield, in the collapsed pit, Takara had already released his transformation, and was lying there with wounds all over his body!

This was the first time they saw Takara being injured so badly, even worse than the last time in the academy when he was hit by Dread with fourteen punches!

Minato gritted his teeth and activated alchemy at the same time as Kudou Rin'in.

Countless steel chains rose from the ground, trying to control Zein in the same way as they had bound Lachesis before.

However, the chains were directly broken off the moment they touched him , without causing any effect at all!!! Minato and Kudou Rin'in were powerless and could only watch as Zein approached Takara step by step,

"Tell me, where is DarkDecade now?"

He had asked this question countless times, but no one knew the answer, including Ichinose Takarō who was lying on the ground.

At this moment,

Manno Tenjuro suddenly said something,

"Kamen Rider Zein, as long as you deal with all those people, I will tell you where Dark Decade is!"As soon as these words came out,

Zein, who had already walked in front of Baotaro, stopped directly, and then under the gaze of everyone, he turned around and walked towards Manyo Tenjuro!

"So, you know where DarkDecade is, right?"

Hearing this, the three Dark sisters panicked for a moment.

"Idiot! Why are you talking so much, Manno Tenjuro?!!"

Kroto angrily yelled:

"Even if you don't say anything, it will directly deal with those people from the Alchemy Academy!"

Manyo Tenjuro was also dumbfounded.

"How the hell did I know he would suddenly come at me? I just wanted to add fuel to the fire!"

Atropos's face was extremely gloomy.

"Adding fuel to the fire? I think you are digging your own grave! After this mess is over, I will report your stupid behavior to the consortium and make you return to the dark internet!"

Lachesis gritted his teeth.

"At worst, we can attack together! I don't believe that even if the three of us attack together, we can't be his opponent!"

Kloto clenched his fists and rushed out first.

She had not canceled her transformation just to prevent emergencies.

She didn't expect that such a strong opponent would come!

Manyo Tianjuro was in a dilemma at the moment.

He was the one who provoked the enemy. He couldn't just run away in the chaos, right?!

"That's right! If the three of us work together, we can defeat Zein and his power will belong to us!"

Perhaps it was because of the excitement and excitement that Manyo Tenjuro said such arrogant words, but in this crisis situation, it is indeed very useful.

With no way out, they attacked Kamen Rider Zein with full momentum!

"I just want an answer. Since you are so stubborn, don't blame me."

After saying that, Zein flipped his hand and a driving card appeared in his palm.

Then he inserted it directly into the drive and pulled the lever to break the card!


【Execution! Justice Order! 】 (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【PhotonBuster! 】

When the mechanical sound sounded,

Zein immediately condensed a huge amount of red data energy in his hands, forming the special weapon of Kamen Rider Faiz's burst form, the Crimson Cannon!

He picked up the Crimson Cannon, pulled the charging device, and then aimed at Lachesis who was rushing over and pulled the trigger first!

Bang!!!! []

A dazzling red howitzer was fired, and

Lachesis's pupils shrank suddenly. She subconsciously used the Rafflesia shield on her left arm to resist.

As a result, the unimaginable violent energy instantly tore the shield apart and fiercely repelled it!

However, before she could catch her breath, several more photon blood light cannons attacked and submerged her on the spot!


Lachesis's figure flew out in the explosion and fireworks, and released the fusion state with the three Camis in the sky. He fell heavily to the ground and rolled all the way to the depths of the jungle!

When Kloto saw his sister being beaten, he was so angry that he swiped Kamika from his waist!

【GorillaSensei! Drain】

When the low mechanical sound sounded, dark energy continued to rise around Clotho, and they gathered on his fists, and rushed underground madly as Clotho angrily smashed the ground!

Buzz buzz buzz!!!

The ground began to tremble wildly, and the surging dark energy created a pair of huge brown stone fists from the ground. They were like meteorites from outer space, carrying the power of destroying the world and falling towards Kamen Rider Zein! At the same time,

Manno Tenjuro activated his special ability, that is, the tire-like device on his chest,"GordConversion", which can digitize Kamen Rider's weapons and seize them.

��Yes, Manno Tenjuro used this ability to seize the Crimson Cannon from Kamen Rider Zein at this time!

"Now let's see how you deal with it!"

Manye Tianjuro pulled the lever of the crimson cannon and pressed a button on the keyboard on the side of the cannon. With the sound of [ExceedCharge!], the crimson cannon started the charging mode.

Circles of crimson energy ripples gathered at the muzzle like a vortex, and finally turned into a hot light ball like a small sun!

When the pair of huge stone fists released by Clotho smashed down on Zein,

Manye Tianjuro also pulled the trigger!

Boom boom boom boom!!!

Under the horrifying scene,

Zein had almost no chance to dodge.

The attack that came at the same time seemed to shatter the space, making people feel suffocated!


Zein just watched it all quietly.

At the moment when those attacks were about to fall on him, a strange wave expanded, and the world stopped!

Those extremely hot energies were close to Zein, but they could not get any closer and hit the target anyway!

"How can it be...How can this guy have the ability to stop time?!!"

Manno Tenjuro looked extremely terrified.

As the creator of heavy acceleration, he attempted to freeze the world and turn all humans into data.

Therefore, he was very clear about the flow of time around him.

This was time stop!

And it was a time stop without any warning!


Rider Zein walked out of the range of multiple attacks and explained to himself:

".My driver has the Kamen Rider Chronicles program built in, so I can stop the game at any time, so no matter how many attacks you make, they will not work."

(Zein's ability to stop time when he first appeared has not been officially confirmed, and this explanation is the author's own conjecture.)

《As the ultimate game under the Ex-aid worldview, Kamen Rider Chronicles can not only give birth to monsters like the game gods, but also allow gamers with full game virus resistance to transform into Kamen Rider Kronos.

As we all know, Kronos's signature skill is time stop.

For example, now he came to Kroto, gathered the surging power in his body on his right foot, and performed a roundhouse kick to Kroto with platinum energy waves!


The amazing explosion occurred instantly.

Zein's foot brought up a trail of afterimages and kicked Kroto at an uncapable speed.

Immediately, countless dazzling flames exploded on her body like a fire lotus.

The horrible shock wave that erupted immediately kicked her dozens of meters away, hitting her heavily on the ground, smashing a deep pit, and the ground under her immediately broke into pieces, spreading a large number of cracks!

Under the agitation of smoke and dust, blue arcs and thick smoke burst out from Kroto's body, and then he could no longer hold on and disintegrated on the spot!

However, everything is not over yet.

Zein continued as if no one was around. He flipped his palm, pulled out a card, and walked towards Manno Tenjuro step by step.

"I ask again���"After all, where is DarkDecade?"

If Manyo Tenjuro could cry, he would have cried anxiously now.

How could he, a newcomer, know the location of DarkDecade?

Moreover, time has stopped now, how can I answer you!!!

But Zein didn't care about these. If you don't speak, you will die.

As another card was inserted into the drive, when the card was completely shredded, an even more violent force surged on Zein!


【Execute! Justice Order!】

【Blade King Sword Ten Holy Blades!】


The exclusive holy sword from Kamen Rider Saber's final form (Zhao King Zhao) fell from the sky and fell into Zein's hands.

He dragged the panel of the holy sword with ease and released the strongest attack!

【Blade King's special move is revealed! Blade King Xross Star Slash!

When the mechanical sound sounded, the shadow of Saber flashed on Zein's body, and at the same time, the shadows of ten holy swords appeared around him.

A breathtaking scene appeared here!

Zein casually waved the Blade King Sword Ten Holy Blades in his hand, and the ten holy swords behind him immediately shot out!

The whistling sound of breaking through the air resounded in everyone's ears. Wherever it passed, even the space seemed to be torn apart.

The holy swords of different attributes, wrapped in colorful energy, stabbed at Manyo Tenjuro without reservation!

Bang bang bang bang bang——————

Only a series of metal penetration sounds were heard, and the time stop was finally lifted!

However, everyone was still frozen in place, looking at Manyo Tenjuro with horror.

At this moment, electric currents were surging all over his body, and thick smoke was billowing, turning him into a colorful hedgehog!

Because the ten holy swords were all firmly inserted into his body, turning him into a sword rack!

"Ahhhhhh!!! When have I ever felt so aggrieved?!! Zein, just wait for me, I will be back one day!!!"

Boom boom boom boom!!!!

The deafening explosion resounded across the top of the mountain, and thick smoke and fireworks like a tsunami slapped in all directions.

Manyo Tenjuro turned into a pile of scrap metal, scattered all over the top of the mountain!

This was real, he was blown up!

Looking at this scene, everyone on the top of the mountain was shocked, as if the ten swords just now were inserted into them, making people sweat coldly on their backs!

Zein turned around and locked his eyes on Lachesis, who was closest to him!

"Tell me, where is DarkDecade?"

The next second, a familiar voice finally sounded in everyone's ears.

"I never thought that the famous kindness would come to me personally."......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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