Tasia picked up the half-dead seagull and prepared to take it to the kitchen to make food, but the hull of the boat suddenly swayed violently. Tasia lost her balance and stumbled to the ground. This was not the end of it, as the boat seemed to have suddenly changed its course. She also slid the "slide" on the ship with the "squeaking" sound of the ship's planks squeezing.

After stumbling around like this for a while, she was finally thrown to a position with handrails. The Straw Hat boy rowed vigorously next to her, loudly responding to Nami's questions while paddling.

"Listen to me, Nami! There is a frog that can swim freely there. I want to catch it and roast it! Ah! It hurts! Why are you hitting someone!"

"As a captain, how can you change the course for the sake of your appetite!" Tasia avenged her private revenge with righteousness.

"That's right!" Nami quickly echoed.

"Who cares about you! Nami, look where that frog went?"

"Please listen to what I'm saying!" Nami complained, holding up the telescope, "Wow! What is that thing on the sea?"

"Woo - Wu -" At this time, a huge and rhythmic roar came from the sea. The roar seemed to be getting closer. Even the seawater around the Meili was resonating with the loud noise on the sea. Amidst the turbulence of the sea water, a neatly arranged underwater track is looming.

"Eh? Why did that frog stop in front?" Nami asked strangely

"What? Great! Catch up!" Luffy ordered excitedly.

"Something's wrong, Luffy, stop it!" Sanji frowned as he heard the loud noise approaching.

"Something is wrong!" Tasia immediately understood what was going on when she saw the track. She snatched the oar from Luffy's hand and turned into a beastman form to paddle hard. "The sea train is coming! Don't be stunned! Hurry up. Follow me and paddle to the side!"

Although the others didn't understand what it meant, they still subconsciously followed Tasia's efforts. Just when the ship's hull completely left the underwater track, a strong wind rushed from behind the ship and actually blew the heavy Meri. The originator of this sudden gust of wind and the roaring sound revealed its prototype——

This is a huge thing made of steel. It runs fast and recklessly on the sea. White smoke pours out from its "head". Looking through the glass on both sides, there seem to be many passengers inside, but they are all entangled. The smoke on the sea obscured the face.

"Hey! Frog!" Luffy shouted at the frog blocking the "steel monster", "Run!"

But the frog didn't seem to hear the predator's kindness.


He continued to squat on the track and looked at the roaring monster. He straightened up and stood ready, exposing his abdomen full of scars. His eyes were not round and dull like ordinary frogs, but stood up in a triangle shape, like An angry middle-aged young man.

I don’t know if I couldn’t stop or if I didn’t care, the sea train that was spraying smoke on the sea was still moving straight forward. Without any hesitation, even “contemptuously”, it knocked away the frog that was using its arms as a car, and let it fly into the sky. A speck of dust in the sky.

The frog turned into dust and could no longer pursue it, so the Meri followed the current route to the lighthouse not far away.

A little girl with a towering hair and a blue rabbit jumped out of the lighthouse.

"Mother-in-law! Mother-in-law! Come out quickly, there are pirates!"

"Come on, come on, Chimoni." A fat woman in uniform came out of the lighthouse crookedly. She was holding a wine bottle in her hand and walked forward crookedly. She looked no better than being completely drunk. go.

While the Straw Hats were chatting with the tower guards, Tasia ducked back into the cabin.

When she overheard that the next island was the Capital of Seven Waters, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief: the islands the sea train passed through were all well-known attractions for tourism or carnival, and the prosperity of the islands was similar, but only the Capital of Seven Waters, Because they were engaged in ship trading, a large number of pirates stayed on the island.

According to Tasia's experience, where there are many pirates, illegal areas such as black markets are naturally inevitable. This is her old profession. When she gets there, no matter whether it is a fake identity or cash, everything is at hand.

The distance between the lighthouse and the island is not too far, so Tasia returned to the bedroom and began to change her face in the mirror. With the lessons learned from being recognized by Qing Zhi before, she did not slack off this time and seriously made a complete transformation of her facial features. After a while, her face that originally looked a little childish and weak became very mature and intellectual.

But Tasia holds her forehead, looks like this and has bangs, as long as she dyes her hair black, she will look like Nico Robin! If you go out like this, you will be accused of copyright infringement!

But in order to completely change her face seamlessly, Tasia really couldn't do it without a prototype to model her.

So she had to cut her bangs into a diagonal shape, and worked hard to roughen and darken her skin, making her look like someone who had been exposed to wind and sun on a boat all year round, trying to distinguish herself from female scholars.

There was a sound of fighting outside the cabin, and Tasia quickly lay down on the bed, pretending to cover her face with her almost torn book, but her eyes followed the gaps between the pages to observe Robin who came back from the outside with Nami.

Well, although their facial features are indeed too similar now, she is very confident in terms of temperament. As long as they move, no one can associate her with Robin!

"Here, this is your punch." Finally, she was about to send this plague god away. For the sake of her peace and quiet these days, Nami took the initiative to talk to her, "According to the agreement, after I send you to the island, We can separate."

But the opponent didn't even look at her, he just raised a gloved hand to take the punch, and continued to hide his head under the book.

"Okay, okay, I understand, I promise I will disappear as soon as you land on the island."

"Tch, what kind of attitude is that?" Nami curled her lips and muttered in a low voice. Although she was also worried that this person would be a dangerous person, Nami was still a little unhappy when the other party's attitude was so perfunctory when parting. It was obvious that this guy was the one these days. He has been trying to get their attention ever since.

Hearing this complaint, Tasia was a little confused. To be honest, she liked this ship very much. The food was delicious, the people were interesting, and there was no compulsory job, so she thought of them for the rare occasion - if she wasn't worried that someone would associate the Straw Hats with her, Master Tasia would not take the initiative to avoid a mere tower guard.

However, Tasia is still very self-aware about the fact that she is not welcome on the Mellie.

So she hid under the book and answered in a low voice, "Don't worry, there are many people in the paradise who are more annoying than me, but there are probably not many who are stronger than me. You can rest assured for the time being."

"Paradise? Hey! What do you mean by that? Luffy and the others just haven't seriously fought you yet, Robin, don't stop me!" Nami was trapped at the foot of the bed by the two hands grown by Robin's power. Open the shark's mouth and dance with your fist to create an afterimage.

Robin sat on the chair, took a sip of coffee, with a smile as usual on his face, "Miss Navigator, I think Miss Coward means to wish us smooth sailing ahead."

Soulmate! Isn’t that what this sentence should be said? Tasia quickly picked up a small notebook in her mind and wrote down this sentence, and then imitated this sentence pattern and added "advice",

"That's right! I hope you stay in the paradise and don't cross the Red Earth Continent."

As a conscience, Tasia has seen too many pirates crying for their parents and wanting to return to "Paradise" in the second half of the Grand Line. Based on the current strength of the Straw Hat Pirates and the condition of their ships, she thinks this sentence is definitely justified. It's a golden rule, but most people don't even bother to say it.

Unexpectedly, Nami became even more furious after hearing these words. Robin had to grow four more arms on the railing to hug her. She had obviously heard about the dangers of the route ahead, and after hearing these words she also Continuing to maintain a polite smile, "Thank you, we will consider it."

So Tasia was relieved. She turned over and wrapped her head and face with a pillow. She grabbed the backpack she had packed nearby - which contained sandwiches from the kitchen and the clothes she had borrowed in the past few days. .

Nami felt the darkness above her head, and Tasia, who was lying on the bed, bounced out and disappeared from the room without even making a sound of stepping on the ladder.

Then there were several rhythmic "dong dong" sounds, and Luffy's exclamation on the deck.

"Wow! It's the Phantom Thief!"

Nami pulled Robin and rushed out of the cabin, but Tasia had already disappeared. A brand new island gradually appeared in front of their eyes. Chopper and Luffy were shouting and their eyes were shining with gold. Others were also looking at the sight in front of them in admiration.

In front of the Meri stood a huge fountain. Under the fountain, an exquisite and prosperous island emerged from the sea. The water from the fountain shot straight into the sky, and when it landed, it divided into seven streams, along the slope and along the island's architecture. The direction merges into the sea again,

The "City of Seven Waters" has arrived.

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