"So you are the ship thief!"

When Tasia left the bathroom covered in steam, a figure rushed towards her on the creaking planks of the boat.

The ship's condition could no longer withstand the intense impact. Tasia made a prompt decision and immediately transformed into a little honey badger. She quickly slipped through the space of the angry Straw Hat boy and nimbly climbed up to the navigator. Nami's shoulders.

"Ah? Where's the person?" Luffy looked at the towels scattered on the ground in a daze, looking around for someone.

At this time, Tasia had been smoothly hugged by Nami with the help of her extra smooth hair after taking a shower and her blue eyes filled with moisture.

She was carried back to the bathroom by Nami, huddled up and started making tea, "Sister Nami, your captain is so scary. He rushed into the bathroom and scared people to death. They are so scared."

Before he finished speaking, Luffy reached forward with his arm and easily lifted Tasia, who was half a meter long, to his chest.

"Ah! What a strange dog! So big! It doesn't have ears yet!" He raised and lowered Tasia in a strange way. He had a great time playing, and even wanted to invite friends to visit the rare animals!

Tasia couldn't bear this. The shame and anger in her heart turned into more turbulent anger and burst out. She took advantage of the gap when she was lowered, her blue and black armor stained the white hair on her head, and she aimed at Luffy's chin fiercely. Top it up.

"It hurts! Rubber rubber -" Luffy immediately started to fight back. He held Tasia in front of his eyes, stretched his neck back two meters and then bounced back, trying to retaliate with his head, but Tasia Having read through his thoughts, he covered his entire head with the armed color, ready to wait for the Straw Hat Boy's "retaliation".

"Headbutt——! Ah, it hurts!!!"

Luffy's attack just now made him want to defeat Tasia, but now it hurts. He was rolling on the ground holding his head, but Tasia took advantage of his slackness and walked back to the little sister's arms. Looking at the funny way he rolled, she mocked with disdain,

"Ha! Crocodile was defeated by you?"

"Damn it! Rubber rubber——"

"Ha! Come here! Stupid pirate!"

"You two! Stop it!"

Seeing that the two of them were about to fight, Nami's eyelids twitched again and again, and finally she couldn't hold back anymore, giving each of them a few violent shudders.

So, a few minutes later, on the shore of Wuming Island.


"Coward Anastasia."




"Now a mercenary."

"Where did it come from?"

"Navy G-5 Fortress."

"Why come to this island?"

"I was slapped by a bear."

"What!? Do you think I'm an idiot! What kind of bear can slap you from the second half to the first half of the Grand Line?"

The long nose in front of him twitched in anger, holding something like a conch in his hand towards Tasia.

"I'm warning you! Don't think that just because you saved Luffy, we will forget that you took Merry away!"

"As I said, I am here to save people."

"Then can't you say it nicely! Who would rob someone else's ship casually? Say it!"

"Hmm pirate?"

The long nose bent forward in frustration, "Ah, that's right, hahaha."

"Ah, that's enough. What are you talking about?" Nami stretched out her hand and threw aside Usopp who was awkwardly growing mushrooms.

"Robin, ask."

"So, I want to ask, why did this former navy lady leave the navy?"

"Eh? That's what happened," Tasia hesitated, "Don't worship me when I say it. As for me, because a Celestial Dragon blocked my way, I took his arm and removed him from the middle of the road. I moved him away and accidentally twisted his arm, and then I had a fight with the Shichibukai who was responsible for protecting him." As she spoke, she scratched her ears again, "I'm serious, don't Worship me, I will be burdened, hehe."

"What's there to admire?" The long nose on one side became active again, "You actually defected from the navy just because of this?"

Tasia was unhappy, "That's the Shichibukai. How many Shichibukai have you fought against?"

"We defeated the Sand Crocodile!" Long Nose was extremely proud.

"Hmph! Long-nosed liar," Tasia made a face at him, "If you defeat the Sand Crocodile, then I can destroy one of your ships by myself. Aren't I worth the entire Shichibukai?" ?”

"You" had a long nose and was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Seeing that he didn't refute, Tasia was even more proud. She looked around and looked at the only two bounty prisoners on the boat. The three-sword swordsman silently touched the handle of his sword, and the straw hat boy also hid his face under his hat and couldn't see clearly. expression.

So she discussed the terms on her own,

"Although I'm sorry for robbing your boat before, I returned it to you without moving. This is even. But you barely owe me a life. I am a good person. In order not to make you feel guilty, I allow you Use miles to get it. Just send me to the next island where I can buy a boat, and we can go our separate ways!"

"Are you kidding me!" Usopp became excited, "How could I let a dangerous person like you stay on the Merry!" He raised the conch in his left hand and put his right hand on the back of his left hand in an offensive posture.

"If you have the ability, come here and I will fight with you!"

Tasia would not refuse every invitation to fight, so she stood up and approached Long Nose. His whole body was shaking, his feet were firmly stuck to the ground, but his body kept leaning back, not as if he was running away from her, but as if he was Dodge the strange weapon in his own hand.

"That's enough, Usopp," the Straw Hat boy who had been quiet for a long time suddenly said, "You can sail with us."

"But, Luffy! This guy is almost"

"It doesn't matter! That's it. Let's rest on this island for a few days." Straw Hat's tone was extremely firm. He and Long Nose looked at each other from a distance. The latter was defeated after a few seconds and drooped. Shoulders back to the boat.

The others also walked to the ship silently after confirming the captain's choice.

This development is actually much more peaceful than Tasia imagined. To be honest, she was already ready to defeat this group of people.

"Straw Hat Boy," she stopped the person walking in front of her and asked her question, "Are you afraid that you can't defeat me?"

A gust of wind blew by, and the black-haired boy pressed the straw hat on his head. "You did it on purpose," he said, "deliberately avoiding the battle on the boat."

"Huh?! No! Can't you see?" Tasia shouted at him, "I want you to fight among yourself."

He continued to walk forward without stopping at all, his shadow getting longer and longer under the setting sun, "Well, no matter what, I'll thank you on behalf of Meili."

Tasia struggled with this "thank you" for several days. She can't show off her temper towards people who sincerely thank her, nor can she get along with the Straw Hats with a playful smile - after all, it's as if she is really the good person Luffy said (Luffy: When did I say that?)

So she deliberately exaggerated and enlarged her facial expressions while reading the novel - as long as someone was curious about her expression and asked her questions, they would be able to have a conversation naturally! You can even take the opportunity to promote your favorite novels! Although she has several pen pals, it would definitely be more fun to talk about the plot face to face!

However, it is a pity that these pirates have no curiosity at all.

Straw Hat played with his long nose and fished with the boat doctor every day. The swordsman did not only sleep and eat, but also exercised. The navigator and the black-haired elder sister planted oranges and watered flowers. They each read their own books but did not look at her. The only one who was willing The only person who can deal with her is the chef who cooks delicious food, but how can I put it, the last thing she can deal with is this kind of enthusiastic type!

In this way, Tasia spent four days of rest and two days of sailing on the Merry as a translucent person.

In the first few days, she was still happy that she could finally graduate from the endless morning exercises, but later she discovered that her biological clock had conditioned her to open her eyes at five o'clock even if she didn't have to do morning exercises. At first, she could pass the time with novels, but after a few days, her books were almost torn. This book, "The Naughty Pirates of the Sea," has turned from a source of happiness into a collection of flaws, and the author actually broke it at key points. Even!

Tasia was very angry, and the black air on her face was so thick that she couldn't see her face clearly. If she were still in the navy, she would be looking for trouble and fighting with others, but now she does not have such hardware conditions. She could only sit down at Nami's desk, unscrupulously picked a bright red pen, and began to write a reminder letter:

"Dear "I am the little licking hook of Shadian""

After writing a letter of urging (fear) and more (frightening) heartily, Tasia used this energy to write a letter of condolences to one of her pen pals, "Castle Princess☆Pepe-sama~".

Tasia and "Master Pepe" met at an author's phone bug interview session. At that time, Tasia was crazy about the lazy and taciturn middle-aged uncle for some reason, while Pepe thought that kind of character was neither cute nor eye-catching, and there was no need to exist. The two of them continued to argue about this issue until the end of the interview. Didn't stop. So the offline debate started through letters.

This quarrel through carrier pigeons lasted for a full month. Within a month, the two unexpectedly discovered that the other party liked crosses and skulls as much as they did, and they did not have many female friends around them. The quarrel slowly evolved into a fight with The other person talks about their life.

Tasia's letter of condolence was written very concisely. First of all, she was concerned about whether Pepe's sleepy mother had spent more time with her recently, and how the vocal cord surgery of the nanny named Kumasi was going. Then he explained that he had recently resigned from an unscrupulous company that forced people to work overtime and get up early every day. Before resigning, he even beat the son of his immediate boss to vent his anger. Finally, she told Pepe that since she was free, the two of them could finally meet in person, and it would be inconvenient to ask Pepe.

After the two letters were completed, just after nine o'clock, Tasia took the letters and walked to the deck.

Normally, her communication with Pepe is done through a magical patchwork bird. This bird was made by Pepe's father. It does not need to eat, drink or rest. It also has certain attack capabilities. It is absolutely necessary for writing letters and communicating. Prepare everything, but unfortunately this bird was left behind by her in the G-5 Fortress and should have flown back to Pepe by now, so she can only think of another way now.

This time period happened to be the time when the World Economic and Social News released the morning report. A group of news birds were released from nearby islands, and each found an area of ​​​​the sea to fly at low altitude waiting for today's business targets.

At this time, a pirate ship with a citrus scent slowly sailed along the waves into the working area of ​​Newsbirds 37927 and 38324. The two birds swooped down and landed on the side of the ship, using their wings to push open the windshield in front of them, revealing A pair of bright black eyes looked at the human in front of him sincerely.

Learning to win the trust of customers with your eyes is one of the secrets of success listed in President Morgans' new book. Newsbirds regard this book as a grand ceremony.

They clenched the railing with their claws, their small windproof hats were washed yellow, and their bodies became straighter than the other, waiting for the visitor to make a choice.

When Tasia was beaten away, she was carrying 20 1000 beri banknotes. At this time, she took out 6 banknotes, which was enough to buy the newspapers carried by the 6 news birds.

"Listen," she hooked her fingers on the unique red school bag around the news bird's neck, "no need to fight, I want all the newspapers you have, 3000 beli per bird, but you have to send me something."

Morgans explicitly prohibited employees from taking private jobs. 37927 and 38324 blinked their black bean-sized eyes and tilted their heads to the side in unison, their eyes changing from sincerity to confusion.

"I'm just a cute little bird. I don't understand what you're talking about." Tasia perfectly translated their looks.

However, Tasia had seen with her own eyes the pirate group that was retaliated by the Newsbirds for buying newspapers on credit for a long time: the sail of the ship was so damaged that it was impossible to put it together. It was parked in the middle of the sea and could only rely on human power to paddle forward. Later, it was When the navy caught up, the pirates didn't even have enough extra clothes to put together the sails.

Therefore, she didn't waste any time talking to the news bird. She directly held its wings and flew into the air on a moonwalk. She fired at it with her finger gun, and then followed four or five seagulls that fell onto the ship with whining sounds.

"Did you see it?" She patted the heads of the two birds side by side lovingly, waved the mailing address in front of their eyes, and stuffed it into their mouths.

"Send me a letter obediently, and let the dog bi author fill the hole honestly, otherwise" the girl passed her white hands across her neck, and brought up a gust of palm wind, and the two birds shuddered. In the end, the survival instinct took over. They each raised their right wings above their heads and saluted uprightly. They let out a determined cry and flew in a completely different direction from their other returning companions.

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